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Lug Nut

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Everything posted by Lug Nut

  1. Thanks a ton! I will make the attempt now that I know its at least possible.
  2. I believe these are factory and in found a pushbutton next to 12v outlet inside the fairing that controls the driving lights. I bet I pushed it when I was messing with the fairing.
  3. Thanks for the research! Talked to a buddy and he will help. We will take a stab at keeping the case intact and in the bike.
  4. Ordered the bearing /race and getting ready to do this. The manual says to split the case but when I look at it it doesn't seem like it's necessary. Any input is appreciated.....
  5. I think they are passing lights....not the turn signals but the clear big round ones. I rode and they are on. Apparently they don't come on with key-on have to be running! Everything works fine....thanks for the input.
  6. Always use motorcycle specific synthetic oil. Currently using Mobil 1 10w-40 4T in both venture and RSTC
  7. It's rather easy....make sure to clean gasket of both surfaces with a razor....surgical clean....use new OEM gasket.....use 320 grit sandpaper to deglaze the steel plates on both sides (get a nice crosshatch finish), soak the friction. Discs in oul for at least an hour, follow instructions to the letter. Easier to reassemble than a stock setup because you don't have to mess with the wire.
  8. I recently reached my stock running lights with GE Halogen units. Super brite and nice. I split my gaining and installed an internal antenna and put a halogen headlight bulb in, and removed the headligjt visor. Bike sit for a couple weeks and when I rode it a couple days ago I noticed the running lights were not on. I didn't see a fuse for them. Assuming I didn't punch a wire putting the fairing back on what should I look at first? Thanks
  9. I looked on eBay and Craigslist and there are very few that might fit my bike unfortunately my 1998 has an odd way of attaching with a tab that juts out the bottom. I had Rick do modifications to my 02 Royal Star Venture midnight seat and it is very nice
  10. The part is cheap enough...about $45 for the bearing ring....55mm nut and some retaining clips....per the manual you don't need to split the case...guess I have another little project. I did get the exhaust issue figured out at least!
  11. Pics....[ URL=http://s429.photobucket.com/user/sbojrab/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20160503_144540_zpsqwxacpqc.jpg.html]http://i429.photobucket.com/albums/qq14/sbojrab/Mobile%20Uploads/20160503_144540_zpsqwxacpqc.jpg[/url] Pieces that fell out...twisted metal. http://i429.photobucket.com/albums/qq14/sbojrab/Mobile%20Uploads/20160503_144530_zpsm490bbkw.jpg
  12. 1998 RSTC 40k miles. What would cause the middle gear bearing ring to break apart? Rode it 60 miles home and was fibe. Parked it, changed oil and filter added MMO to crankcase. Let idle 30 minutes to get everything hot (did not ride it). Started other maintenance and noticed a brake fluid leak under slave cylinder. So, I removed the middle cover and pieces of the bearing ring fell out. What would cause this?
  13. Lol......my bike feels much more responsive than before. I may take it to a track to see what it can do. I would think a13.20 sounds about right based on how it feels
  14. THAT is a very good idea! I have everything from this bike for sale....all brackets for saddle bags, windshield, saddle bags, floor boards, seats, bavkrest, sissy bar, and ALL the hardware that came stock on it........
  15. Finally got clutch bled and went for first ride with rebuilt master cylinder, new slave cylinder, synthetic brake fluid, and whole upgraded clutch kit/spring. Wow, night and day difference. I could feel it slip under WOT in 3rd-5th....but now with fresh upgraded clutch and heavier spring I must have been slipping in first as well. My bike feels a lot faster and it felt like it was going to wheelie at 10 mph in first! Just hit much harder than before. Clutch lever is a little harder but not bad and will be easy to get used to....and you can come off easy at ligjt like before. Very good kit!
  16. Got the new bike and bougjt a pneumatic brake bleeder...got clutch bled on Venture. New clutch setup is awsome (from skydoc_17). Working on 98 Arstc to make it a solo setup now...
  17. After trying my usual methods....with no luck....I broke down and spent $34.99 on a Harbor Freight pneumatic brake bleeder. Hooked it up to air compressor, and I used Teflon tape on the threads of the speedy bleeder for good seal....and voila! Solid lever, and finally got to try out the new SkyDocs clutch upgrade kit and rebuilt master cylinder and new clutch slave cylinder. My bike was slipping often because it feels like a rocket now....no slip at all. Clutch lever is a little firmer but not bad. I HIGHLY recommend this kit from skydoc_17. ...for $170 total it is well worth the money. I can't believe all the time in wasted trying to get the clutch lever back.....geez....should have bought this bleeder a long time ago!
  18. I was afraid of that....guess I will fabricate some brackets...
  19. 1998 RSTC. Pulled the middle gear cover to look at clutch slave cylinder (leak)...found pieces of the bearing in the cover and cam see where chunks of the bearing are missing. I can order the shim, bearing, thrust washer, spring retail ers and middle drive gear nut for less than $100 so that's not too bad. Is this a hard job? Will I need any special tools?
  20. I removed all the saddlebag/brackets....now the factory exhaust just hangs there (not riding and have them supported while in garage). If in removed the mufflers and just ran the open pipes how loud would it be? Having a hard time figuring out a bracket for the stock system.
  21. Mine needs recovered and in figured it would be easier/cheaper to buy a nice take off. This has the tab that sticks out of the bottom that goes in the seat latch (different from my Roadstar and Venture). If you have one you want to sell please email me at sbojrab@comcast.net Also, I removed ALL the saddlebags/bracketry, passenger floor boards, and windshield and passenger seat and backrest w/pad etc from my bike. All in very good shape. I am making this an in town cruiser bike. If anyone needs these parts email me and I'll send some pics.
  22. Thank you for the input! I also am considering tan leather for the seat (stock seat has rip, maybe just have it recovered locally). I didn't think about exhaust needing the bag brackets...I'll have to look into that.....
  23. Bought a 1998 RSTC abd need to chat with people about a couple things.... What seats will fit this bike (rider seat)? Anything like fender stays/eyebrows for these bikes (will be removing bags and all brackets/mounts for a solo setup) Will 1600 ROADSTAR FRONT BRAKE PADS Work On THE FRONT Of This bike? Will grips and end weights from an 02 RSV work on this bike? The plastic manifold covers are cracked and I read this is only cosmetic and not an issue....is this true and how much to replace them? I have the stock 4-2 exhaust and I want more low rumble...am I better off to modify the stock pipes or get Harley slip ons (and if so what would give me the lowest tone/rumble of the stock Harley take off exhaust)? I'm gonna do all the basic maintenance on it at home (just hit 40k riding home). Oil and filter, final drive fluid, spark plugs, flush coolant, flush brake and clutch lines, check pads, set idle to 850 (lower end of factory spec), tighten all bolts, set front and rear shock pressure (3-5 front 20-30 rear), air filter, fuel filter. Gonna run cheap oil and filter with 1 qt MMO in oil and a bottle of MMO in gas tank for 150 miles then switch to Mobil 1 synthetic 4t and K&N filter. Runs fine now but I like to start from scratch. Anything else I should replace/look at? I know the valves are due to be checked/adjusted and I MAY have a local yamaha mechanic do that. Thanks!
  24. Rode my 1998 RSTC home today. Allready picked up/ordered oil, filter, plugs, air filter, fuel filter, final drive fluid, synthetic brake fluid, etc Gonna change out every fluid and filter, flush coolant, flush brake and clutch lines, check pads, maybe rebuild front brake master cylinder. I need a new rider seat and will have stock windshield, leatjer saddle bags and brackets, passenger seat, sissy bar and pad to sell.....gonna make it a solo setup.
  25. Well took master cylinder apart....found small rubber piece floating free. It was a tiny nipple that was on a rubber stopper that fits at end of spring. I installed rebuild kit and it didn't seem right. Sure enough....the rebuild kit was different than the parts that were in the MC to begin with. I think I can reuse what I need to have. ****ing Amazon....of couse they listed this rebuild as the right one...not even close. Spring was much bigger and piston was taller/different design. Should have it done today after I look at and possibly get the 98 tour classic I'm looking at out of town.
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