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Lug Nut

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Everything posted by Lug Nut

  1. 18 years old and 40k miles....shined up like a new penny! Even though it's a big touring bike......all stripped down its a GREAT in town cruiser.
  2. Ok...had a burst of energy...washed and dried bike....compounded...polished....hand waxed...polished all chrome...flitz on the freshly polished forks....ready for the Roadstar Clinic meet&greet tomorrow/sat/sun in Celina. http://i429.photobucket.com/albums/qq14/sbojrab/Mobile%20Uploads/20160623_193206_zps9k9rpcwg.jpg[/url http://i429.photobucket.com/albums/qq14/sbojrab/Mobile%20Uploads/20160623_193216_zpszwczlbya.jpg http://i429.photobucket.com/albums/qq14/sbojrab/Mobile%20Uploads/20160623_193231_zpsygmqkwrk.jpg http://i429.photobucket.com/albums/qq14/sbojrab/Mobile%20Uploads/20160623_193244_zpshxfi0x76.jpg http://i429.photobucket.com/albums/qq14/sbojrab/Mobile%20Uploads/20160623_193249_zpstrdh9jug.jpg http://i429.photobucket.com/albums/qq14/sbojrab/Mobile%20Uploads/20160623_193258_zpsbxgurupx.jpg http://i429.photobucket.com/albums/qq14/sbojrab/Mobile%20Uploads/20160623_193317_zpskrxhcebr.jpg
  3. Ahh got it....thanks for the added info. ..in will probably do this next week. Out of curiosity why not flush them with something like MMO or another cleaner?
  4. It would take a really really big case of beer to do those on another bike! Lol. Worst part is cleanup. ....you get DIRTY...and the garahe gets little remnants of the buffing wheel everywhere.
  5. Got them about as good as I can....what a pain in the ass to adjust
  6. Thanks! I was trying unsuccessfully to do this externally!
  7. I a tried to use washers to bring whole ligjt bar downward-angled a bit. Didn't seem to work. My passing lights are angled up to the trees! What is the best way to bring them down?
  8. Sanded/polished my forks today 12 Hours, 23 Minutes ago My 1998 RSTC looks decent except the front forks were like every other clear coated aluminum fork lowers after a couple of years....nasty. clear coat chipping, yellowing, just looking dirty. I painted my Roadstar fork lowers and they still look nice but I wanted to try polishing. Removed fender and wheel....used a spray stripper to get rid of clear coat...from Walmart $10....worked great Started sanding with 320 dry, then 400 dry, then 800 dry, then 1000 wet, 1500 wet, and 2000 wet. I only used one sheet on each leg per grit number. I think it would have been better to use 2-3 pieces of each grit in hindsight. Washed thoroughly and dried. I first used Flitz polish on a high speed Milwaukee rotor tool (cut off/grinder) with a string buffing wheel. Worked surprisingly well. After doing a little spot I realized I would need a lot of Flitz to do both. I went to harbor freight and spent $5 on brown and white polish with 2 wheels. Used brown then white and looks pretty decent. I think when I get more time I will do some flitz by hand to give it more luster. Took a while. Plan on most of a day. I also cleaned up my brake calipers, all hardware from brake and fender, and used POR 15 on inside of front fender (noticed slight surface rust). Also checked everything out, tightened up some bolts and greased things...just all day fricking around in the garage. I also re-installed the luggage rack so I cam at least carry some damn leftovers when I'm out riding... I do like the look better than painted and certainly better than dingy/dirty. http://i429.photobucket.com/albums/qq14/sbojrab/Mobile%20Uploads/20160621_165355_zps0pxhchv9.jpg http://i429.photobucket.com/albums/qq14/sbojrab/Mobile%20Uploads/20160621_165345_zpsw9puisyp.jpg http://i429.photobucket.com/albums/qq14/sbojrab/Mobile%20Uploads/20160621_165317_zps3bsuaoxu.jpg http://i429.photobucket.com/albums/qq14/sbojrab/Mobile%20Uploads/20160621_165331_zpseqontfuk.jpg
  9. Thanks for the clarification. Are the drain bolts located up inside the lower fork tube I assume? I guess I could use my hand pump to blow old oil out. Did you bother with using anything to flush the remnants of old oul out?
  10. Going to be removing front wheel to install fresh wheel bearings, repaint wheels, and sand lower fork legs. I was thinking it wouldn't hurt to drain the old 40k mile fork oil and flush it out and replace with fresh. I read the 2nd gen article about removing the Schrader valve in the top of the forks and then using an air compressor to blow the remaining old oil out after letting it drain. I thought we had to be careful NOT to use an air compressor on front forks due to only running a max of 7psi? So, on my bike in can refill through the air valve at the top of the shock (once Schrader valve is removed)? Any thoughts? Also, what brand/type/viscosity are you all using? I read that 5W was stock....
  11. Thanks for the info....is the gearing much steeper on th FJ1300?
  12. I know some 99+ Venture owners have swapped to the more aggressive "rear end" gearing of the VMAX....is this swap doable with my 98 RSTC? The thing is geared incredibly high....in only use 2nd and 3rd in town and don't hit 5th until 70 mph orbit feels like I'm lugging the motor. Since this is going to be mainly an around town bike in wouldn't mind deeper gearing for a little better acceleration IF it can be done relatively cheap and easy... Thanks
  13. I removed the floorboards when I stripped the bike down. I have the passenger seat/bracket and may want to take a passenger on occassion. Can I use stock footpegs from another Yamaha bike (i.e. a Roadstar) on the 98 RSTC? would rather have small pegs folded up most of the time rather than large floorboards.
  14. My buddy is 100lbs heavier than me....I assume the bikes are pretty equal weight wise without rider.
  15. True...but unless I could get it super cheap I wouldn't be interested.. would be nice to have to have parts. Only cosmetic damage.....
  16. My RSV ran perfect....synthetic fluids throughout, fresh plugs, clean K&N filters, no leaks anywhere, yamaha tech did the jet kit for me and it woke it up for sure. I am at a loss why my RSTC seems faster.....My RSV killed 103 cube Harleys routinely on the highway Sad news is insurance totalled my RSV and against their policy to sell it back to me for liability issues. Good news is in should eventually get a big check.
  17. Are the carbs a direct swap? I an pretty happy with how it runs now just surprised it runs so hard. My 2002 Roadstar 1600 has Vance and hines pipes Longshots, 1700 CDI (500 rpm higher Rev limit) AIS removed but otherwise stock and in perfect running order with ALL recent maintenance and 16k miles. I pulled him like he was standing still from 2nd gear up...
  18. Those are all proven mods and installed by a very good mechanic why would you think those particular mods slowed down the RSV?
  19. Been riding the 1998 for 2 days now and whipping on it pretty good. It's all stripped down has no windshield no faring et cetera and it feels awfully fast. I thought it was just the lack of windshield. I raced my old Roadstar which was slightly modified and pulled on him even more than I did when I raced him a few weeks ago on my midnight venture. He commented what you have done to that thing? I have no idea how and apparently bone-stock 75 horsepower small carb 1300 can outrun a 98 horsepower bigger carb 1300 hat also had Barons 424 Nasty Boys exhaust, Ivans jet kit, and K &N filters and a lot less miles? I know that since I strip down the 98 it's a little bit lighter than the Venture but there can't be more than a hundred pounds difference I would imagine. And as far as I can tell the 98 is bone stock down to the exhaust and stock air filters. I am very happy with this RSTC but can't figure out why it's so damn fast. Any input?
  20. Bought the bike a couple months ago and got done doing all the maintenance and removing all the touring pieces. ..really digging the solo simple setup look.... http://i429.photobucket.com/albums/qq14/sbojrab/Mobile%20Uploads/20160613_213457_zpsqdqlmns7.jpg http://i429.photobucket.com/albums/qq14/sbojrab/Mobile%20Uploads/20160613_213529_zps96anvuic.jpghttp://i429.photobucket.com/albums/qq14/sbojrab/Mobile%20Uploads/20160613_213518_zpsd1wrsraa.jpg The fender brows and Mustang fender bib are from a Roadstar
  21. Had a slide off and cracked/scuffed saddlebag, fairing, trunk. Some of the pieces are discontinued by Yamaha. I may be buying bike back to fix (dealing with insurance now). I wouldn't mind a color change and will need gas tank dent repaired, and the above parts mentioned. Anyone use an aftermarket fairing, bags, trunk on a venture? I want to retain cruise control but don't want any CB or stereo stuff that was factory. Would love to get a fairing that allows forb6" or 6x9 speakers. I know i would need a different speedo. Any ideas from the members here?
  22. Looking at khrome Werks slip on mufflers that came off of a 99 Plus Royal Star tour Deluxe and was wondering if they would fit my 1998 Royal Star tour classic.
  23. Thinking of using a ride on instead of traditional wheel weights......any personal experiences/input?
  24. I MAY have a low mileage perfect 1300 from a 2002 venture with Ivans jet kit installed...16k miles.... I don't know what these things typically go for though
  25. http://i429.photobucket.com/albums/qq14/sbojrab/Mobile%20Uploads/20160527_102826_zpsp7mkx2jr.jpg[/url Welded nuts on face of bearing, threaded in some long bolts http://i429.photobucket.com/albums/qq14/sbojrab/Mobile%20Uploads/20160527_103042_zpsrdv693p5.jpg Used small puller to gently remove bearing. I did break loose the case bolts BUT this thing came out so easy not sure if you would have to do that http://i429.photobucket.com/albums/qq14/sbojrab/Mobile%20Uploads/20160527_103629_zpsj7ndt1mc.jpg Gently tapped back in with a hammer, used side of bearing puller for this, gently all the way around. Did not freeze the new bearing and no grease applied....went in nice and even. http://i429.photobucket.com/albums/qq14/sbojrab/Mobile%20Uploads/20160527_104532_zps7nexleme.jpg All put in....not a bad job at all of you have a welder and a puller.
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