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Lug Nut

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Everything posted by Lug Nut

  1. Dropped at low speed, dinged up both sides, have all parts to replace plastics that were cracked. Would need to repair front fender ripple and dent in gas tank. 2002 RSV Midnight, TONS of mods, everything mechanical is PERFECT...I still ride it often. 19k miles, have a Roadstar project I'm working on and looking at getting a brand new bike (maybe Yamaha??????). I know I can part this thing out and make more $$$ but don't have the time (selling house/buying new house). asking $3500 for bike and all GOOD used plastics to repair. I hope to ride it out to the upcoming June Maintenance day (unless its sold by then) ...email me if interested and want more info/pics..... sbojrab@comcast.net
  2. In ready to buy one IF it has the following... ABS FI 6 speed at least 150 hp liquid cooled Nav, MUCH better stereo/electronics/blutooth etc MUCH easier to handle at low speed/lower seating position better "flat foot" for short legs LED lighting more storage than my RSV options to keep price from 19k to maybe 25k
  3. I broke my left collarbone in 3 pieces LOTS of bruises and contusions, but all healed up now. Guy slammed on his brakes ahead of me, LOTS of sand on the street (in Indiana we use sand instead of salt for the snow and it sits until finally getting washed away usually in May)....I hit the brakes rear and front firm/progressive....textbook panic stop. I have synthetic fresh fluid and EBC HH pads front and rear and like new Dunlops. All of that didn't mean ****! lol. went down hard on my left side at 45 mph. DOT half helmet, Viking textile riding jacket, Joe Rocket boots with steel in heel area did their jobs great. No surgery needed, collarbone re-fused nicely. Only damage to bike was left passing lamp broke off, ground down the ball end of clutch lever (looks it was clipped with a cut off wheel it is so precise), had to bend the shifter a little, bend back the exhaust bracket and respray....ended up just removing the passing lamps all together. NO paint damage or dents....I was amazed at that. Of course, the bike had the advantage of a 6ft 2in 250 lb airbag underneath of it. Actually polishing my Roadstar lowers right now...its gonna be a badass Roadstar when finished I hope....
  4. 1998 RSTC. Did water pump rebuild....git it all buttoned up rode it a couple times...everything fine. Rode a few days ago and could feel motor rpm change at idle agony smelled gas....looked down and saw agony small puddle/dripping from the twinkie area down on the chrome cover on the left side of the motor. Rode to a gas station...wiped dow with paper towels...no leak when not running. Stuffed some paper towels down by the twinkie and rode home fine.... Checked it after a few hours....started bike and no leak.. Before I tear anything apart I will seafoam the tank and see if it frees up anything that might be stuck.... Am I looking at a stuck float or dirty needle? I have no experience with carbs on bikes other than spraying deep creep in them...lol
  5. Shortly after polishing the lowers I removed the upper tins.....really like the stock chrome underneath! http://i429.photobucket.com/albums/qq14/sbojrab/Mobile%20Uploads/20160810_115837_zpsqn56n9uf.jpg http://i429.photobucket.com/albums/qq14/sbojrab/Mobile%20Uploads/20160810_115808_zpsvxy4au9c.jpg Gonna be doing the same treatment to my Roadstar soon
  6. Got it! Thanks....
  7. I lost the contact info of the member who can make duplicates of ignition keys. Any help?
  8. I like my 500ca battery...starts effortlessly compared to a new 270 cca battery I had previously in my Roadstar. Hope it lasts 5 years.....kind of thinking I should have gone with a Yuasa.....
  9. Just checked my battery that cane with my 1998 RSTC....bought the bike May 2016 and been riding it and my 2002 RSV Midnight. When I dropped my RSV I took the good Power Source 500 cca Lightning Start battery out and put it in 98 RSTC (Just bought that battery a few months prior). When I decided to keep the Venture instead of letting insurance total it, I threw in the old Yuasa from the 98 RSTC. Been riding my RSV about daily last couple months. It started a little slow today after work, so I ordered another 500 cca battery from Amazon and swapped the good battery bavk to the RSV (98 RSTC down for water pump seal repair now). THIS YUASA BATTERY WAS INSTALLED IN THE BIKE IN 2002! 14 years old and was working great until just recently. Wow. Pics attached
  10. If you want to try easy and cheap first......here is what indid: EBC HH pads front and rear Complete bleed and flush...refill with Prestone DOT 4 synthetic brake fluid (front and rear MC and Clutch) Much better braking for not much $ or effort
  11. What vmax components can be directly/easily used on a 2nd gen Venture?
  12. Thanks for posting the schematic but I just need a diagram/picture of the components inside of the housing . I may have a lead on another RSV in town I may be able to look at....
  13. Took my left handlebar switch housing apart to clean and inspect. This was 2 weeks ago...I took pics of it assembled but accidently deleted them. Got it mostly back together but want to double check. I looked in service manual and couldn't find a diagram. Anyone have a diagram/picture of the left handlebar housing "opened up"? Thanks ....I hit a bump riding home and my horn came on and stayed on....switch felt ok but wouldn't stop it. Pulled over and turned bike off unplugged horn. Checked relay, ordered new horn....did I mention its a Stebel air horn. Try riding for about 5 minutes with that thing blaring nonstop (no good place to stop or turn off). Contact looked bad so I cleaned up the switch real good and ouled/cleaned all internal pieces of housing. Now just need a pic for reference. Boy that horn is loud.
  14. My coils and wires seem fine now but ibwas thinking I have changed out all serviceable tune up parts except coils and wires. Other than spending $500 on OEM parts, what are good options to use when it comes time to replace coils and wires on a 1998 RSTC and a 02 RSV? Anything that is plug n play direct replacement?
  15. I was adjusting sir pressure front and rear. I am 240 lbs and found that 10 lbs in rear and 5 psi in fronts works great for handling and ride quality for me....not bouncy at all. More comfortable than when the rear was atb30-40 psi.
  16. Laid bike down and have bougjt used plastics. Some of my original plastics had scratches but no broke/split. Thinking of vinyl wrap instead of paint. Any tips for preparing plastics to make the scratches/gouges not show through when wrapped? I will bondo fender and tank and then primer prior to wrap. Got some vinyl samples coming to choose color , probably metallic white. I know it's going to be time consuming but I needed a winter project. Thought about selling as is but it rides so damn good and has so many mods to it hate to try to find another one to replace it.
  17. Perfect.....look forward to seeing another seat option.....
  18. Looking to position bars up and back. I do not want to mess with replacing lines/cables now. Are there any mini-ape bars that will keep stock cables? I am afraid that the Barons risers will help bit not give me the height or pull-back I need. Thanks.
  19. I'm out NW by I69 and I 469 exits....but I could drive wherever your at...would love to see the seat. Are you talking this coming weekend October 8-9 or the 15th? My cell is 260-418-5889
  20. Does your Corbin sit you back away from the tank compared to stock? Does it put you lower in the saddle compare the stock for shorter distance to ground?
  21. Have 2002 RSV....did the Butler mod and it helped. I figured out I need at least pull back risers and maybe small ape hangers to get arms comfortable. Seat howe've is a different story. I find myself pushed forward to far and am getting NOTTS (Nuts On The Tank Syndrome). Is there an aftermarket saddle that will put me further away from the tank by 2 inches....would also like to sit even lower if possible. Thanks
  22. Its for sale....obviously tons of mods. I was just wondering if it belonged to a member here or if anyone knew the owner. Thinking of making an offer on it. http://i429.photobucket.com/albums/qq14/sbojrab/Mobile%20Uploads/00R0R_3wALFPSTIdk_600x450_zpsjrzybxsq.jpg http://i429.photobucket.com/albums/qq14/sbojrab/Mobile%20Uploads/00t0t_7uwL3RqRZOL_600x450_zpsweb38c4n.jpg
  23. I took off the master cylinder just now...huge Dent in the Piston when the bike fell over and broke the brake lever.....I'm assuming damage to the spring or rubber inside. . New Yamaha rebuild kit ordered. http://i429.photobucket.com/albums/qq14/sbojrab/Mobile%20Uploads/20160912_200811_zpss00hnecu.jpg
  24. That's kind of what I was originally thinking. Lever hit hard, pushed piston into bore...tore/broke something inside of MC. I'll remove it and break it down when I get a free evening this week. Just a rebuild kit would be nice.
  25. Thaks for the input....I'll try bleeding. Allready bled entire system when I first got the bike back on March....refilled with synthetic DOT 4....installed speedy bleeders....and now have an air compressor powered power brake bleeder. I'll make sure there is no air in the system. If this doesn't do it I'll just get a new master cylinder.
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