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Everything posted by HeathersWheels

  1. I like this goldwing forum ... http://www.goldwingfacts.com/forums/ Dont forget about us. You can have more than one forum to chit chat in about your riding adventures.
  2. ha, ha ... that's a good one. good luck fixing the car.
  3. Helloooo! please dont ban me...
  4. We had fun that day. Rode from Modesto to Vacaville. Lots of riders out. Steve says the helmet brings out the real me. I think it this helmet is sold with a bottle of pet shampoo.
  5. Trying on helmets and I think this one suits me. Brings out the animal biker in me! http://helmetspeakers.741.com/images/adventure.2008/100_1601.jpg We went on a ride through the hills to a car show. It was a good ride.
  6. Hey FreeBird that is cool they have them out. You got a look at it?
  7. I found this to be pretty interesting.... helmet with military style lcd display..."the idea is based on "Head Up Display" systems used by fighter pilots..." http://edition.cnn.com/2004/TECH/09/16/piers.tucker/index.html Some of you may have seen it already as it was posted in 2004 on cnn. Funny thing is the article claims within five years (in 2009) the helmet should be accessible to us common folk. I wonder if progress has been made on this?
  8. That's a cute story. It must have been quite awhile since he laid eyes on a motorcycle.
  9. Not fair..... ...
  10. Sounds ike a good ride! Stop and get a few pics for us forum peeps!
  11. It's going to be a hot one. Get your cooling vests out. Triple digits this weekend.
  12. You might be on to something here. It just might be airflow. I ride in the sidecar so I have a completely different shield. hmmm
  13. I kept catching these big juicy ones on my faceshield. Each time I look over at Steve, riding without faceshield, I expect to see bug all over him. I dont see how he escapes this. I get pummeled each time we ride. My faceshield looks like a crime scene. Now Steve is laughing at me cause according to him... he's a chick magnet and I'm a bug magnet... whatev. At least I had my faceshield when I needed it. All in all we had a great little ride. We spent about an hour or so looping through the countryside. I just dont see how anyone can ride with out a faceshield.
  14. I had to knock a few cobbwebbs out of my head and think a minute on the rube goldberg reference... ... ... http://helmetspeakers.741.com/images/forumAds/400px-Rubenvent.jpg
  15. Dont forget the pitch fork... see it on the rear fender.
  16. Just thought I would share some pics. We came across this rusty bike at the Jamestown dealership while out on our countryside ride. If you stare at it long enough you see all sorts of clever things... like the gas can gas tank. http://helmetspeakers.741.com/images/adventure.2008/4.13.2008/100_1517x.jpg http://helmetspeakers.741.com/images/adventure.2008/4.13.2008/100_1520x.jpg
  17. I always understood CA to have a DOT helmet requirement, but never have seen it enforced. People ride with novelty helmets all the time. Any given day you can spot one riding.
  18. New year brings new traffic laws. If you have not already read up on the new traffic laws here is a link to a full article...applies to CA riders... http://cbs2.com/local/new.traffic.laws.2.621080.html Just thought this was worth sharing...especially SB 67 allows police officers to impound a vehicle for 30 days when a person is arrested for street racing, exhibition of speed or reckless driving.
  19. Glad you had a good ride. It's a great way to start the year. I am supposed to go on ride this Saturday. The darn weather man has a big storm scheduled. Hope he's wrong hope we get a clear day.
  20. Oh my goodness, I love reading this thread. Good idea for a thead. Learn something about everyone... Chose my username because my name is Heather and I use wheels to get around on. I use wheelchair to get around or Steve will take me for a ride in the sidecar he built for me. Back in 2005 I started a website and have been putting our motorcycle adventures up ever since. http://www.HeathersWheels.com
  21. I need to see a pic of these fancy tattoos. I just cant imagine.
  22. Thanks, ya it tickled all right... just kidding...hurt a little..but its all good.
  23. I went and did it I got my first tattoo. Steve snapped a few pics of the occassion... http://helmetspeakers.741.com/images/adventure.2007/11.4.07.tattoo/1104071521a1.jpg it doesn't hurt... much... http://helmetspeakers.741.com/images/adventure.2007/11.4.07.tattoo/1104071521b1.jpg ..An hour later...a few tears...and my first tattoo... http://helmetspeakers.741.com/images/adventure.2007/11.4.07.tattoo/11040716041.jpg ... hmmm...where to put the next one....hmmmm
  24. I do like it. Clean and simple look to it. Man we are in the wrong business...if that bike sells for that much.
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