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Everything posted by HeathersWheels

  1. OMG those guys had no clothes!!!
  2. Watching movies with Steve. Getting an early start bringing in the new year. Twenty ten here I come! Have a few drinks for me FreeBird.
  3. Good website. Thanks for sharing.
  4. My new favorite ride... This is my new favorite ride. I've rode to Mount Diablo and to Yosemite but Big Trees is now my favorite. Diablo has a lot of bicyclists which makes me nervous. Yosemite has a lot of traffic and pedestrians on the road. Even on a holiday traffic is light up on the way to Big Trees. http://helmetspeakers.741.com/images/forumAds/Clipboard02.jpg Below are the pictures Steve took and he wrote the comments: July 4th 2009 Calaveras Big Trees... This July 4th 2009 we rode to Calaveras Big Trees in CA. We meet in Stockton CA, and ride east on HWY 4. The riders where Mike (HD), Lucy (HD) , Rachel (HD), Debra (HD), Kyle and Brooke(Gold Wing), Kenny (Valkyrie), Jerry (V-star 1300), Myself and Heather (Gold Wing) and a friend of Rachel’s (HD) my bad I did not get his name. From Stockton to the Big Trees Park it is about a 1 hour and half ride, once in the park we headed to the lookout over view to check things out and stretch out a little before heading to the visitor center and a short hike. http://helmetspeakers.741.com/images/forumAds/101_1129.jpg http://helmetspeakers.741.com/images/forumAds/101_1130.jpg http://helmetspeakers.741.com/images/forumAds/101_1126.jpg http://helmetspeakers.741.com/images/forumAds/101_1128.jpg After a little break we headed down the hill, the trail we did was the 1.5 mile North Grove, the trail is flat and an easy walk for people not in great shape (myself). At the beginning of the trail there is a very large tree stump. http://helmetspeakers.741.com/images/forumAds/101_1137.jpg Kyle is acting like he is the tree. http://helmetspeakers.741.com/images/forumAds/101_1134.jpg Kenny is pointing at the age ring on the tree for the year he was born, can you say old! http://helmetspeakers.741.com/images/forumAds/101_1135.jpg Jerry is taking a break in the shade of the large tree. http://helmetspeakers.741.com/images/forumAds/101_1138.jpg I see Heather looking at me, I think she is telling me to jump! http://helmetspeakers.741.com/images/forumAds/101_1136.jpg The paths in the park are great, makes for easy walking. http://helmetspeakers.741.com/images/forumAds/101_1144.jpg Kinda look like a lava flow. http://helmetspeakers.741.com/images/forumAds/101_1149.jpg http://helmetspeakers.741.com/images/forumAds/101_1148.jpg http://helmetspeakers.741.com/images/forumAds/101_1163.jpg After the hike and a short rest we headed home.
  5. There was some crowding. Had to watch out for pedestrians as they like to park on side of road and stroll across.
  6. I feel so small here. http://helmetspeakers.741.com/images/forumAds/view-18.jpg I know its hard to see, this person is tight rope walking way up there. http://helmetspeakers.741.com/images/forumAds/view-19.jpg On the way out we see a alot of people standing on the side of the road, so I thought I shoud join them, as I am looking into the field I ask what is everone looking at, and the nice Ranger tells me its a momma bear and 2 cubs, I only have a 12x voom on my camera, all I can make out is momma. http://helmetspeakers.741.com/images/forumAds/view-23.jpg http://helmetspeakers.741.com/images/forumAds/view-24.jpg
  7. Steve took these pictures. This is his ride report. I would have written one, but I was so tired after the long ride I slept (a lot). It was a great day though. I kicked back in my side car and watched the road and looked out over the valleys. Father's Day Yosemite Natonal Park Ride 2009 Thanks all for coming, we had a small group of of 8 bikes for our Father's day ride. The weather was great in the 70's all day and clear sky's. When we got to the park we were told it was a FREE day and they let us roll in. At the Half Dome Photo spot we stop for a photo or 3...Left to right, Mike JR, Mike, Lucy, Jerry and Kenny the Helmet head. http://helmetspeakers.741.com/images/forumAds/Gang.jpg Heather sitting in the shade telling me she is cold. http://helmetspeakers.741.com/images/forumAds/Heather.jpg Mary letting us know she is number 1. http://helmetspeakers.741.com/images/forumAds/Mary.jpg On the way to the valley floor of the park we stop a number of times to take photos. http://helmetspeakers.741.com/images/forumAds/view-1.jpg The roads in the park are great! http://helmetspeakers.741.com/images/forumAds/view-2.jpg
  8. Dang that's crazy.
  9. The rig is holding up great. The weather here is perfect for riding. But I"M NOT GETTING OUT like I want to. Steve rides every day to work. He takes the sidecar off Monday through Friday for his commute. These last couple of weekends Steve has been obsessed with his new project. I will soon have to "put my foot down" and get some time out on the road. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7lRvWE24r80]YouTube - Steve's Baja[/ame]
  10. You'll be stiff and sore after being laid up... keep stretching. Good to see you climbed back into the saddle. Life is too short to stay laid up.
  11. It is an '07. Funny officer would search. Steve is a 40 year old riding a goldwing. What did he think he would find?
  12. Steve will fight it. Was on the goldwing and had his cruise control set to 55. Every time the officer slowed down to 40 it forced him back into the big truck. When he pulled over the officer searched the bike. Weird.
  13. My poor baby got a ticket! Riding to work this morning Steve was in front of a big rig and behind a cop. The cop slowed down to 40 mph on the freeway then pulled Steve over. He wrote my baby a ticket for following too close. He will be fighting this one. I believe Steve's words were "You put my life in danger pinning me in front of that big truck just to write me a ticket!"
  14. Hmmm let me think... ok, you're going on a six day trip. So fill er up ride three days out then have your friend on the goldwing turn on the gps to navigate you home. You'll have a blast.
  15. what a great weekend you two have planned.
  16. How many of you motorcycle riding love birds have plans for Valentine's Day? I so wanted to go for a country ride. Mother nature has other plans, supposed to get thunder storms Saturday and Sunday. Maybe he will take me to the movies.
  17. careful you might be next
  18. nice, nice. I think he needs oprah size crack spackle
  19. no, it was casino ride. had a great time
  20. Look full moon today. Took this pic at a bike rally. Having a little fun watching people. Couldn't resist snapping a shot. http://helmetspeakers.741.com/myimages/forums/moon.jpg
  21. Pebbles is two years old but she still acts like a puppy.
  22. No, no its not another motorcycle. It's Pebbles, she is boxer and pit bull mix. Fell in love with her. She sleeps next to our bed at night. She's too big and smelly to sleep on the bed. Hmmm...maybe Steve could sleep next to the bed too. Steve built a dog run for her and our Jack Russell. It didn't work out to well. Pebbles took her big head and used it like a hammer. She broke off a piece of the house that was holding the fence. Pebbles is more of an inside dog. Photo Gallery Link http://helmetspeakers.741.com/myimages/forums/100_1931.jpg
  23. Yeah Robert if you ride naked, nakedgoldwings.com is great place to hang out.
  24. Great share! I'll be passing this along to some of my bored, tubby, mild friends... he he he.
  25. Oh yes, and I forgot to mention... errr ... I have a wing.
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