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Everything posted by kapebretoner

  1. well, i am doing something wrong, cause I can't adjust the headlight at all. is it possible that there is something wrong inside the headlight assembly.
  2. i have turned the adjusting knob about 100 times. After playing with it for over an hour, I decided to adjust my headlight manually
  3. I cannot adjust my headlight vertically. I have tried turning the adjustment knob, but has no effect. Is there another way to adjust the headlight.
  4. is there a brake reservoir for the rear brakes. if so, where is it located?
  5. I broke my plunger case and anti dive unit on my left fork. Bought a used one. i installed it and while I was at it I installed new seals, bushings plus new fork oil. Out and about on my bike and i notice that my forks are starting to bottom out. I adjusted the anti dive switch on the left side of the bike up to number 3 setting. I but 14 psi in the front and 21 psi in the rear. Front does not hold pressure.. I have oil leaks. i put in 400 ml of fork oil. I only did one side because it cost $130 to do one side. Any ideas or suggestions.
  6. got a used anti dive unit. I going to try and install it tomorrow. Is there anyway that I can refill the fork oil with the fork on the bike or does it have to be removed.
  7. i am going to order new seal, dust seal and both bushings and take the fork completely out of the bike this time.
  8. yes, yamaha seals. I did not replace bushings as they were on back order. I am going to try his controller in my bike and vice versa.
  9. replaced left front fork seal. all seemed good. fixed class controller re soldered joints. tested class system up to 14psi in front and rear. tried to decrease the pressure on the front and it would only derease to 7psi. once i added air to front fork the new seal started leaking. any advice would be appreciated. put 370 ml of fork oil in.
  10. has anyone had to bend their side kick stand. Bike will tip over quite easy while on the side stand
  11. Where can i buy a fork seal kit for my 89 bike.
  12. found one on ebay. hope to have it in a couple of weeks
  13. can't post pics as bike is parked at a friends. will be a couple of days before i am mobile again. I will check out ebay and Sky_doc.
  14. hi all. I took my bike (1989) for its maiden run. I crashed the bike and i have damaged the plunger case and anti dive unit. Both are cracked. Lost all my fork oil on left side. Do i need any special tools to take the forks apart. Has anybody had this problem and repaired it. New unit here in Nova Scotia is $500. Since she went down on her maiden voyage I am going to name her "Titanic". 56 year olds don't bounce like the young guys. Is it possible to use a cover plate on the left side - so bike is driveable - until i can get the part. don't want to be without transportation for a couple of weeks.
  15. could somebody tell me how to replace the turn signal bulb in my top box. Bike is an 1989.
  16. thanks yamagrl. ordered some on ebay
  17. Any body know where I can buy glass fuses online for a 89 venture royale. Can't get them in ml local area.
  18. what side of the motorcycle is the oil sight glass on. i just changed my oil and can't find the sight glass. I know that it should be on the right side motorcycle down low but i cannot find it. used some wd 40 and i was able to find the sight glass. my oil level is about 3/4 the way up the sight glass. is that acceptable?
  19. I have a 1989 yamaha venture royale. Can anybody tell me where the bleeder screw for the clutch is located. Where can i find the paint code on my bike.
  20. thanks. In Canada we measure it in kilograms per centimeter squared. I think I will go with 10lbs in the front and 40 lbs in the back.
  21. I have a 1989 yamaha venture royale. what is the maximum amount of air you can put in the front and the back suspension. Secondly what pressure do set there motorcycles to.
  22. finally got plugs out. put 4 new ones in and the bike is running. Now all i need to fix is class system, cb radio, intercom system and possibly a new fuse block.
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