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Everything posted by bugfish69

  1. I have a brand new gxm 30 and a 2 - 3 month old zumo. I am having the same issue wiht mine. I thought maybe is was power thing with the cord or cradle since the xm will not work when zumo is on battery. It is frustrating. Most of the time I can get mine to work again by tuning the bike off and back on. If a start the bike the the xm is not recognized usually turning the bike off and back on will fix it. Sometimes just powering the zumo down and back up is enogh to do it.
  2. Skipped too much for me as well and took up space in trunk. I uninstalled mine and went with sattelite radio. Now I have both satellite radio and MP3 palyer on my Zumo. I have my CD changer free to a good home if anyone wants one.
  3. I ordered wendy a leather covered one just today. I think that is a barefoot willies. http://www.barefootwillies.com I ordered the leather covered from Ross at http://www.clocks4bikes.com He does not have the leather covered ones on the site. I just sent and email and he gave me the price and paypal information. Bug
  4. I believe the main fuse in on the left side of the bike behind the cover for the passenger floorboards. At least that's the way i remember it from when Riderduke ingnition switch went out on 95 this past winter. We opened that up to check the main before taking the tank off to bypass the ignition.
  5. I have one. Just sent you a PM.
  6. Buy.com has one for $199.99. I bought mine from them but I had a coupon (first time buyer) that brought it down $15. Sometimes you can reduce price by using google checkout or other deals. http://www.buy.com/prod/garmin-gxm-30-smart-antenna1-x-usb/q/loc/111/203087134.html
  7. Thanks for the great pics Nickle. I will probably have to go that route. Do you have any problems getting the side covers off with the bracket extended up there?
  8. Thanks craig I was considering that. Right back at you!
  9. My wife has a short inseam and would be more comfortable with the flooboars raised. I searched and mostly found people looking to lower the boards. Has anyone sucessfuly raised the stock passenger floorboards. I don't think I want to mount aftermarket boards such as the barons.
  10. 1. When do you expect to arrive? Wendy & I will be arriving Friday afternoon with Riderduke. Staying at the Microtel 2. How many to expect for the picnic Thursday evening? 0 for Thursday's picnic. Unfortunately I too have to work.
  11. I may have a cord for you. I have several radios I am no longer using. Send me a PM. Glad everyone was safe!
  12. :big-grin-emoticon:Looks pretty Cool! Good Work.
  13. Nothing against the RAM mount. I just wanted something different so I made a mount for my GPS to mount on the speaker grill. I used two thin strips of starboard (boat deck material) as backing plates and mounted to a swivel mount. My XM I mounted the same way on the other side. I am preparing to do the same thing with my new zumo. I just have to decide if I am getting the garmin recieiver or keeping seperate XM. Just thought I would throw out another option. I'm sure you can't go wrong with the RAM mount.
  14. and have a few questions for those that have done it. 1. Option one is the Harbor Freight. With prices coming close to $500 has anyone considered the attached trailer from the same company? $429 complete; Pros and cons? http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/gifs/clear.gif http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/gifs/clear.gif 2. Option 2 is using an aluminum truck box. I really like the look better but don't know if I can justify the price? Are there benefits other than looks that make it worth it? 3. Are there any sites that help with figuring out axle placement? How far from front or back etc... Also, tounge length and other dimension questions. 4. I see everyone mounting their cooler on the tounge in front of the trailer. Doesn't that add directly to the toungh weight? I believe I read tounge weight should be under 25 pounds. Doesnt a full cooler take up at least half of that? Thanks!
  15. What an awesome looking trailer! I am considering building a trailer can you post some dimensions or say which boxes you used for the trailer? Great Job!
  16. Are all of these work together? I have just purchased the Zumo and ordered the buddyrich cable to use with te cell phone. I was considering the mic-mutes before going to the rally this year, but I want to make sure the I can still use the Mic-Mutes with the buddy rich cable.
  17. I sent you a PM.
  18. Got mine from venturedad last year. Very pleased so far. http://www.venturedad.com/
  19. Wendy and I are planning to make it to this one.
  20. I have been using it since July 07 and it is in great shape. It packs very small and is great for travel. I also use it daily when commuting to work. In addition to keeping the seats dry in a rain storm, it is great for keeping the pollen off in the spring, the sun and heat off in the summer, and the leaves off in the fall.
  21. I switched in late summer and don't regret it at all. The difference on the highway (wind, trucks, etc..) is noticble but not bad. I would much rather have the quicker handling. bug
  22. The starmate 5 is an a la carte radio that is available now. I have not spend a lot of time looking at the a la carte pricing but the a la carte gold package on the sirius site seems like a pretty good deal @ $14.99 per month. They have play by play from both xm and sirius sports coverage. Looks like live sports would take up about 35 channels altogether leaving about 65 for music, talk, etc... By comparison, I pay about $17 for xm plus best of sirius. I am hoping that by the time I break these two new xm radios I just purchased there will be more options on the a la carte radios. http://store.xmfanstore.com/sirius-starmate-5-with-vehicle-kit-st5tk1.html
  23. I had been riding with my first line drawn for about a week when I got caught in a nasty cold rain. Someone said it earlier; the fog on both sides of the shield were way worse than the water. I use plexus also on my shield and it did not help; especially at night. I have moved my line down another half inch as I always want to look just over the shield, but it's definately being cut off soon. I wear a modular helmet so I can usually keep the water off my glasses and it is much easier to wipe my helmet visor than the windshield while moving. I used a crayon to mark my line. I guess a grease pencil would work well too.
  24. bugfish69

    Nc ink video

    Thanks for sharing the video. Wish we could have been there.
  25. Like you I was a fan of the sirius programming but their equipment was junk. I went through 3 or 4 radios and each time was charged an activation fee even though they were not new subscriptions. Now that the merger is over I have switched to XM, but I do pay extra for the best of sirius package (NFL, NASCAR, & Stern). I switched to a roady xt which you can find cheap on Ebay. I paid $14 for a brand new one and I am happy with it. I mounted my Sat Raiod to the speaker grill. I used a cheap swivel mount screwed on with some backing plates.
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