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Saddle tramp

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Everything posted by Saddle tramp

  1. There is a ride to Seaba station motorcycle museum tomorrow.We are meeting at Quik Trip by K&N Yamaha at 9 AM.Looks like a neat old gas station on Route 66,nice collection of bikes.Also there is a swap meet going on.Only have about 5 bikes going so far.Sorry for short notice.
  2. To be honest,if I can help anybody I would do it.My seat is collecting dust.
  3. That was a sad sight,that was once a fantastic new bike.I wish it could be saved.
  4. I admire his thinking,but it was a wasted effort.
  5. It was inside of the two outer cover bolts.I saved it at least,will hang on to it.No way to get a nut on it I am sure of that.
  6. That is fantastic,I hope to meet you.That ride is so awesome I do not know why it is not more well known.Like the tail of the dragon is.Lot's of turns but there is traffic.As a native Okie I am so proud of this wonderful area.If you stop,you can see many miles away.On a weekday I am sure there is a lot less traffic.Heaven knows how many bikes were there,I did get tired of waving.I really think this ride is worth considering.I hope I can get away one day in the next few week's to make it again.I did it in 12 hours in 08,only stopped for gas.Did not ever get hungry.Ft. Smith Ark. is near,a town with a lot to see.
  7. If it would help anyone I have a stock seat like new I would sell.I wanted a back rest is the only reason I replaced it.My bike and seat have less than 19,000 miles on them.Would love to help anybody.I'm old and wanted something to lean on.
  8. Dang,now I am confused LOL.Which member sells this kind of thing.It would be nice to be able to communicate for sure.Thank you for all answers.
  9. That is what I want,push button talk. Radio in between?That is my desire,without my singing.
  10. It is awesome,never ever saw so many bikes.I got tired of waving.If you live in the southwest this is worthy of consideration.It is a fantastic ride between Tahlahina ok. and Mena Ark. Just search it,I did it in 2008 and loved it.Fantastic scenery it is breathtaking.October is best,I hope I can make it this year.The highway is fantastic,but the traffic screwed things up.So much awesome views I missed,I had to steer.Plenty of places to stay,Ft. Smith is not far off.I did Tulsa to Tulsa in 08 in 12 hours.Best ride ever in 39 years at that time.Still have not surpassed it.It is worth going on I promise,I will never forget my pass.If you can make it,you will not regret it.But like I said October is best by far.
  11. Bought a couple flag poles from Pro Pad this month,the half inch one is perfect for the rail on top our trunk.I got the Pink ribbon one first,getting late Wife's name put on it now.Also got one for Oklahoma flag.They are first rate quality,and Amazon sells them at a discount.Mine were all I could ask for,have 2 U.S. flags if anyone needs one.They fit perfect and were very high quality.As good as custom made.Only thing is pink ribbon does not show up like I wanted,but they make a donation for each flag.For what I honestly question,my Wife never heard from them.Just a sore spot for me even after 5 years.I hope no one else has this crap with their wife,keep on the lookout.This is getting too common.
  12. Wow,you can get $300 for a stock seat?Where do I sign up?
  13. What goes behind it,some clip that goes on something under side cover?I had one just poked in a hole.Miracle I did not lose it.I am thinking it is probably something like I saw on aircraft for years.Anyone on here gonna ride route 66,I live so close to it.In Ok.we have probably 80% still intact.People come from Europe to ride it.I have seen little of it,no excuse.Would like to see those Cars buried nose down out in west Texas someday.I have seen many T.V. shows about the Mother road,there is still much to see.It would be great to all meet up on it someplace someday.
  14. Dang,both too far for me.I have to drive Daughter around,can't be gone that long.Would love to go before I get too old.
  15. I know I have seen them someplace,my girlfriend wants a little choice in where to put her feet.I have never been on back of my bike,so I must take her word for it lol.She rode with me last night,first passenger since around 1994,it was a bit different with a passenger but it is sure worth it.My late Wife hated bikes and hardly ever rode with me,maybe 10 miles total.She watched too many Marlow Brando movies I guess.She held bikes in low opinion,it was always a problem.Thanks for any help,anyone else have a spouse who does not like bikes?
  16. How well can you hear outside sounds with an intercom?We are thinking of getting them,but I have no knowledge of them.My girlfriend wears a full face I wear a modular helmet.Can anyone suggest a brand?Thanks for any input.
  17. Mine are same,repacked baffles.At any cruising speed they are silent.I only hear them taking off from a stop sign,your's may need to be re-packed.Just pull the baffles out and re-rap them.It is easy.
  18. I think we all have one certain bike that captivated our soul.I have several,a Honda 50,a Suzuki 120 or a Yamaha Trail 100.A friends family won the Suzuki with a Pepsi bottle cap in 68,at first they did not know what a Suzuki even was.I learned to ride on that gift.The first bike that held me spell bound was the Kawasaki 100 Trail Boss.I remember us sitting and staring at it.It said 10 speeds,of course it had a high and low gear.Then it was a 1971 Yamaha 125 Enduro,I was hooked like a tuna.I wish I could trail ride again,most of all I wish my body would allow me to find a vintage over 50 moto cross.I could never do that now,my body will not allow it dag nab it.Watching you tube video's just kill me,I think I could blow by you!It is fun to watch vintage moto-cross you tube videos,I want to smoke them putting around protecting the old bikes.Getting old suck's,I am faster than these bums.
  19. Great stories,I am so thankful to have found bike's in the 60's.kevin-vic-bc you are so lucky,enjoy life.I love the memories of the time when a Yamaha Twin 100 was the bike to have.Still the smoothest bike I ever rode.At first I called Yamaha's Yamah-has and Kawasakis were Kawaski's.The Samuri 250 I really butchered,it was Sam,your I.The best times ever.
  20. I bought some T-Handle allen wrenches from Jegs a few day's ago,it said "free shipping".Today I get invoice and see $4.99 for "handling". What was a good buy became average fast,I will never buy from them again.As far as I am concerned they lied to me.Handling my ass.
  21. When did you get your first bike?What bikes inspired you?I remember when a Yamaha twin 100 was the bike to want,anyone else remember the late 60's of bikes?I miss the wonder of that era.
  22. This got me thinking of my riding history,brought back some funny memories.Like using part of my Mom's vacuum cleaner,a metal part as a straight pipe on my 69 Honda 70.I made a lot of noise,sure thought I was cool.Or in 72 when bell bottoms were the rage and getting my leg hung up on my DT-2 kick starter and falling at a red light.Those were fun times,when a 450 was a "big" bike.A 750 Four Honda was beyond our belief.When a Mach III Kawasaki 500 was downright scary,(it was)plus it had electronic ignition,wow.Tried moto-cross,got one 3rd place trophy,means the world to me still.Best memories a guy could ask for.Seems impossible that it started before we landed on the moon.One sad thing,back in those day's Harley was just another bike,it is sad how it has become a crazy war in the last 20 years.We have all had some crackpot make some stupid remark because we rode an "import" it is just nut's to be that way,it help's nobody.I would consider a Harley,never rode one,but now on my income now on disability I could not afford the upkeep on one.Maybe I will win the lottery and try one out.Just can not think of a bad memory of any bike.
  23. I gave it up for a while when my wife passed away on 8-30-10,yep 5 years ago tomorrow,have not put many miles in since buying another bike in January.But the one's I did,meant so much.i wanted a bike when I was in grade school,had the most fun of my life riding trails or just hanging out with my riding buddies.I dread the day when I know I could never ever ride again.After 5 neck spinal fusions I may be nut's to still go on.I developed a drinking problem after my wife died,in V.A. re-hab they told me to get a hobby,best advice ever.Just polishing chrome or wiping dust has worked wonders for me.Nothing smells better than your garage after returning from a ride.Well,maybe Castrol bean oil in a two stroke if anyone remembers that wonderful smell.Since June of 1969 my life has been changed forever.I wish I could give back what riding has given me,nothing much compares.Enjoy as long as you can,I guess when it is not fun anymore there is no reason to carry on.I just don't want that day to come for me.GOD Bless,whatever you decide is right.
  24. I have been riding a long time and I think a loud horn is gonna do a lot more for you than loud pipes.Today's cars are so insulated from noise and people have super sound systems playing,they would only hear dynamite going off beside them.Straight pipes are not the answer,they only make people call their Congressman and demand they make bikes tone it down.If a rider just likes straight pipes I think they should be allowed to have them.I feel we as a whole we should try to not bring undue attention to ourselves,too many people have a poor opinion of bikes already.We do control how people see us.I hope I never get killed on my bike because it might make somebody say "look another guy killed on a bike". And I sure don't want anybody saying "he died doing what he loved". Bikes are for fun to me,always have been.Just my opinion,we all know what they say about that.
  25. I have been riding a long time and I think a loud horn is gonna do a lot more for you than loud pipes.Today's cars are so insulated from noise and people have super sound systems playing,they would only hear dynamite going off beside them.Straight pipes are not the answer,they only make people call their Congressman and demand they make bikes tone it down.If a rider just likes straight pipes I think they should be allowed to have them.I feel we as a whole we should try to not bring undue attention to ourselves,too many people have a poor opinion of bikes already.We do control how people see us.I hope I never get killed on my bike because it might make somebody say "look another guy killed on a bike". And I sure don't want anybody saying "he died doing what he loved". Bikes are for fun to me,always have been.Just my opinion,we all know what they say about that.
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