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Everything posted by dray

  1. dray


    MINIMUM AMOUNT! :rotfl:
  2. thats great to hear. wouldnt it be nice if all co. were like this:thumbsup2:
  3. wouldnt it require a double filter :stirthepot:
  4. not a bad looking setup wonder if it would work on my 1100:thumbsup2:
  5. looks sharp nice job:thumbsup2:
  6. buddy you not realy doing alot to help your self here bud:sign funny post: for ya buddy :rotf:
  7. always looking for a way to put somthing else on the bike been looking for a good cup holder and i found this:thumbsup2:
  8. if you have the fuel pump working spark and compreson then it is most likey the center seals are shot and they will not show in a comp test it will just push air back and forth in the crankcase this will cause the vacum that is needed to pull the mixture in the cylinder! you could pull one plug and see if it will run on the one with the plug in it if it dont switch and put the plug in the open cyl. and pull the first one if it will run on eather one the center seal is good unless you are running a triple this would give you one good cyl. it could also be a end seal. if you ran without oil it could be a hole in the piston or a scored jug. I would check simple things first change fuel lines for cracks pickup in tank filters:080402gudl_prv:
  9. go to a junkyard you should get it all for less than 2bucks:080402gudl_prv:
  10. ok I guess but what good are stripers if you cant see them im not asking for me but others might want to know:smile5:
  11. if your worryed about it why cant you bolt on a sacrfishal lamb just like you would on a boat or boat motor you can get them at any marina or will this not work? if i remember right dont they use zink for this
  12. go to raidio shack and get a antana take the load and use it on your less than 40 bucks
  13. yes plasti dip it works great for lots of stuff i have a can setting right here on the desk im going to use it to coat the ends of my bungies so they dont scratch the bike. plasti dip is a multi-purpose rubber coating it comes in 6 colors yellow red clear green white and black:thumbsup2:
  14. dray

    Trailers Push You

    JJ sorry to hear but glad your ok. every thing else is replacable good luck:080402gudl_prv:
  15. if its been setting for a couple years id make sure you change all the crank seals you dont want to burn a piston change all seals and boots fuel lines oil lines that way you know that there are no cracks I had a new 79 kh500 what a ride:thumbsup2:
  16. I use the Magellan its the meridian platinum with a ram mount this works great and with the snap of a button its off for hand use it floats if droped in the water. its waterproof witch is great for the bike iv had it for over 5 years now with no problems it will work on batter or 12v adapter with batters you will eat them up fast but if you spend some money for good rechargable batters they will last a lot longer the best ones i can get in a store last about 4hours with out using the light but the rechargable ones last a good 6hours with the light on low i got a 10 pack at sam's for about 20bucks and they have lasted allmost 2 years now and still going i dont think they are still making the platinum but they make a great product. http://www.magellangps.com/products/
  17. these are some real nice leather mud flaps. hope this will help. http://www.chilhowee.net/yamaha-mud-flaps/MF021.html
  18. pounds to kilograms x.4536 kilograms to pounds x2.2046 u.s. tons to metric tonnes x.9071 metric tonnes to u.s. tons x1.1023 gallons to litres x4.5461 litres to gallons x.22 miles to kilometres x1.6093 kilometres to miles x.6214 fahrenheit to celcius > to convert a fahrenheit temp to celsius, first subtract 32 from the fahrenheit temperature, then multiply the number by five-ninths x.555 to get celsius. celcius to fahrenheit > to convert celsius temp in fahrenheit, first multiply the celsius temperature reading by nine-fiths x1.8 then add 32 to get fahrenheit. hope this helps. was not sure where to post it. if its in the wrong place please move to the right spot!
  19. 100% dang i am good:cool10:
  20. 1100 V-STAR classic using amsoil 20/50 (mvc) runs great also use 75/90 amsoil in the rear end
  21. well now if i did it would be my own:thumbsup2:
  22. well i dont wear used helmets or hats its just one of those things. to me it would be like using some ones used underware. did they shower wash there hair every day did they have lice or other bugs or what ever mabe im just parinoid but if i need one ill go get a new one.
  23. dray


    Links to Trailer Venders and Misc. MCHITCH Trailer Hitches Freedom Custom Trailers American Motorcyclist Association Motorcylcle Riders Foundation East Coast Trailer Worx ALS Trailers Piggyback Trailers Rolla-Home Trekker Trailers Dauntless Trailers and hitches Bushtec Cyclemate Timeout Country Neosho American Legend California Sidecars and Trailers Quicksilver N-Line Scooter Schooner Champion Less Expensive MBT1 and UCT1 Trailers Bunk House Dart and Campers Kompact Kamp Motorvation Hitch Doc Hitches Lee-sure Lite Campers Ardee's and Denray Bushtec Forum Aero For Bro Honky Donky's Amazing Products Rick Andrews Burro Products Freedom Dutchman's Boot Strap - Tow or be Towed R&W Hannigan Muskies (Cargo & Camper) Zanes Magenta Kaase JS Customs CLASSIC Camp Dyers Trailer Accessories Fred Burger Trailer Sales Kromeworks Hitches For Harleys Tiny Mite Fibro Concept EZE FLOAT TRAILERS Aerobourne's Index of Trailer Manufacturers
  24. dray


    What can i say Im fast. lol not!
  25. dray


    http://www.shoptricitycycle.com/productdetail.htm?productId=69838&browse=6191&shopBy=914 I have been dealing with this place for a while and there good people. they have a nice shop too!
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