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Everything posted by dray

  1. nice did it come with snow tire's:thumbsup2:
  2. try a gun shop they sell a cloth for gunscopes 100% silicone on a rag just wipe it on it will stop the fog good for your glasses too
  3. i been using a hand held on a bike snowmobile boat in the car and for hunting and fishing with no problems for over 5 years now and i see no reason i cant get a few more years out of it
  4. im not sure but others would know try squid or go to the chat room some one in there may know
  5. i think this is what your looking for read this post:thumbsup2: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=5619&highlight=pegs
  6. dray

    Break in

    bull put it in! and drive it drive it hard
  7. i have the 8750 and 8751 in silver and black had them for over 6 years used all the time horseback and on the boat and bike and not one leak anywhere https://www.stearnsinc.com/Recreation/NC_ProductCategories.aspx?CategoryID=7968389&selection=&selection2=0
  8. nice work ya did there:thumbsup2:
  9. if you drive it right in to auto zone they will let you try it to make sure its what you want:thumbsup2:
  10. his email is posted in the post you may email him and ask
  11. looking good !!! its going to be nice when you get all your good stuff back on
  12. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=1075&highlight=toll+roads i think this is the link you were looking for:080402gudl_prv:
  13. sounds like you just need to run from the plug down to the battery id put a fuse in line
  14. take it off and have it threaded to the next size
  15. think ill stick to the old style plugs and glue they always worked for me
  16. years ago i went and looked at new bikes and they had a real nice bike in the show room they let me set there when the bike was preped the started it up came in and got me so i could take it for a test ride i went around the parking lot a few times the sale man come out with a dealer plate for me and said see you in a hour or so pulling out of the lot the motor blew a rod out the front of the case and locked up the rear layed her down turning onto the road that was the end of that one didnt even get a 1/4 mile on it LOL sure glad i had'nt signed the paper work first:rotf:
  17. so ya ll tell about it and no pic's come on you know the rule's:banana:
  18. if you ran into one you could get stuck in a crack when on the road:think:
  19. hey good to hear ya got it going:thumbsup2:
  20. what he said watch for ped-xing drive slow
  21. there not going to have a price drop till the people stop paying the high prices as long as every one is buying new there smiling form ear to ear
  22. what files do you use?
  23. it takes at least 8 you were only half ready
  24. i have a tube of red llythium grease i picked up at carquest dont know if its soap based but i know you can not wash it off with soap and water i used oil to wash it off my hands i used it to grease my boats lower unit and after a summer of running it was still there
  25. a few more pic's I think that all he emailed to me he was very good about emailing me back with info and pics
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