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Everything posted by dray

  1. i was at the dealer yesterday talking to the wrench and a guy stoped to get his VR they had just replaced the controler on the bars it went bad it was replaced under warrenty that small controler is not cheap if you have to pay for it 580. is what Larry told me the price was for it
  2. Larry Best of luck to you hope it all works out in your favor
  3. dray

    State Laws

    you will be ok in mi. i just wouldnt be revin it at the lights like the HD boys do if you dont bring attenion to your self youll be fine:thumbsup2:
  4. i have a uncle hes had land in the land bank for years they pay him to not grow crops on the land and he makes more money not growing crops than he can by growing and harvesting the crops the land would produce. not only that but the fact that he has no fuel or work in to it even works out better for them just not the consumer all he is alowed to do is mow the feilds and leave anything lay and rot they can not remove anything or they will be booted out of the land bank program
  5. a new 2nd gen venture in white paint :stirthepot:
  6. not to be rude but if your going to stick with the fram filter you should go with National oil for less then 65cents a quart and save your money for the new bike your going to get:whistling: Ok so i said it now change to a good filter and use some good oil good luck
  7. not sure if its the same problem but on the 1100 V Stars its a commin problem and a fix for it is to drill and put in a grease zert for the shifter bracket where the shaft goes through the bushing the bushings bind with fine dust and dirt good luck:thumbsup2:
  8. sounds good need some pic's you could also get some quick crete concrete 80LB bags to try towing with some weight it wont take many and you could always use it for somthing when your done
  9. squid im shocked you didnt say the 130 for the front ! a typo maybe?
  10. hope this will help you out http://www.phatperformanceparts.com/images/BasicTireInfo.html
  11. check out this link http://www.google.com/search?q=rust+removal&rls=com.microsoft:en-us:IE-SearchBox&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&sourceid=ie7&rlz=1I7ADBF should be somthing you can use there:thumbsup2:
  12. I belive this is what your looking for http://www.samsonusa.com/
  13. WOW ! just think of the savings if you cut another 10 inches off
  14. dray


    OK the other day i tryed twice i spent the time to take all my links to trailer stuff and put it in the links page and every time i tryed to submit it poof it was gone well sense i am not long on patent's i gave up ill try again in a few days when i dont feel the need to beat on my computer for not letting me do a post
  15. dray


    hey just wanted to add another link some of these may or may not be in the other posted links http://www.tailpullers.org/content/trailer_index.cfm
  16. not sure but you could check out www.westmarine.com www.overtons.com you should find what your looking for from them as price go's .
  17. i use the 75 90 amsoil GL 5 GL 4 good stuff:thumbsup2: been out longer than that i been using it in my boat lower unit for at least 5 years the 75 90 that is it dont foam so its good for boats to wont build perisher in lower units
  18. i use 20x50 amsoil and im staying with it bike shifts better runs quieter and dont use a drop of oil love it
  19. i still like to listen to them but for the scoot id go with a CD or MP3 player less probems with skiping and needles:rotf:
  20. :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf: :banana:now thats funny:banana:
  21. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/motorcycle-camper_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ50064QQihZ007QQitemZ170129095014QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/BUNKHOUSE-MOTORCYCLE-CAMPER-TRAILER_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ50064QQihZ003QQitemZ130131147878QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/NEW-Roadman-Camper-Motorcycle-camper-Small-car_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ50064QQihZ007QQitemZ170129021505QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/teardrop-trailer-motorcycle-trailer-littleguy-camper_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ50063QQihZ004QQitemZ140136610012QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW
  22. GEEEEE! and i was thinking just stop by a truck stop and have one or two of the bikini clad tank and wheel gal's do a good cleaning on it
  23. i have had it with the angle stems im going to put on the stubby straits i dont care if its a bit harder to check or add air
  24. would it help to go to a full synthetic oil instead of the dino
  25. TT it should do the trick for you this is a windows fix so anyone runing windows on there PC it should do it any questions give me a call no problem Dray
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