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Everything posted by dray

  1. what you need a mower that fast LOL faster then a 1st gen
  2. Dan didnt you use them to try and put out the fire next door
  3. just what kind of packin you doing LOL heavy jackets and stuff rain gear maybe:whistling:
  4. http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h269/drayco58/birdshallowween.jpg http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h269/drayco58/spydie.jpg http://www.jacquielawson.com/viewcard.asp?code=1270309255075&source=jl999 http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h269/drayco58/saftypinghost.jpg FROM "DIC & CAROL" WISHING YOU ALL A HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!
  5. WOW! nice and thanks for sharing with us ya gotta love them little ones all though i was a bit scared to open and read MY BUNDLE OF JOY> thought it might be a pic of Gene's beer gut and thats not something I was ready for:rotf:
  6. :15_8_211[1]:nice thanks Don
  7. heck i posted my own pic LOL just kiddin she's got my vote:thumbsup2: goodluck Dray
  8. yes its a great site and a lot of great people all of them very helpfull as you said and its hard not to feel something at a time like this. Now just where was this forum with the JAB!!! i must have missed that one. Wellcome to the family:thumbsup2: Dray
  9. dray

    Free Beer

    you smelled the booze in here didn't ya LOL:no-no-no::no-no-no:
  10. dray

    Free Beer

    here it is and its real this is from the BBC NEWS in NZ http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7051496.stm Beer30 you best hurry and get in on this one! you to Charlie!!!
  11. Very sorry to here this and our prayers go out to you and may god watch over you
  12. I have had my share of bike accidents some real bad too. I did not ride for years and had no plans of it then a couple years ago the wife of all people put the bug in my ear again about a bike. I bought a new 06 boulevard loved it and 3 months latter i was hit broadside but i will not quiet and go back to not doing something i enjoy ever again i went and bought a new V* soon as i got my insurance check and went back to riding I used to do a lot of fishing to TT and i know no matter what you do there is all ways the chance of a accident even just going to the bathroom in your own home I guess what I'm saying is know matter what you do in life you can live it or wish you had what ever you decide good luck dray
  13. I like the new stuff i upgraded to the carbide lamps and just add water and light the gas all so good for fishing looking for a pic Carbide Lamp Carbide lamps were developed in the 1890's. They were first used for carriage lamps, and were quickly adapted for mining. The lamp has a removable base which would be unscrewed and filled with marble-sized pellets of calcium carbide. A small amount of water was poured into a reservoir in the top part of the lamp. A tap controlled the amount of water which would slowly flow from the reservoir into the carbide chamber below. The water reacted with the carbide to form acetylene gas, which rose to the top of the carbide chamber into a small tube, which led out of the chamber to a burner tip. This could be lit with a flint, and the flame produced was focused by a shiny reflector to give a bright white light, between four and six times brighter than an oil lamp or flame safety lamp. The rate of water flow could be adjusted with the tap to vary the amount of gas produced and hence the amount of light, which would last for several hours. A miner would carry spare water and carbide pellets so that he could refuel the lamp whilst underground. Carbide lamps were easy to use and to maintain, and were very popular in mines, such as iron-ore mines, where there was minimal risk of explosion
  14. had a 6 chanel in the car in the 70's and used to change crystals to get other chanels Bigfoot KHG6860 and ya i used to run lots of power moonraker 6's with a mohawk 10 and in the mobil i went to a ranger 2950 with a sweet 16 ya thats 1600 watt's out and you just do the math on the moonrakers and the mohawk LOL did i have fun:thumbsup2:
  15. dray

    nothing to it!

    its a HD Heritage if I'm not mistaken and i had a chance to ride one this summer its very quick to steer even much faster than my Vstar 1100 all most like riding my Buddy's wifes little 250 rebel i personally didn't like it and told the owner so when he asked why i didn't like it i said it just feels like a little girls bike to me did not mean to offend any one its just the way i felt on it it's so small and I'm good fairly big if you look its short coupled and very little rake makes for fast steering
  16. http://www.charter.net/news/read.php?ps=1011&id=14087734&_LT=HOME_LARSDCCLM_UNEWS will the real Willey Hayes rest in peace? this is in the news today some of you may have seen it
  17. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99KKx7cB-Ok]YouTube - Police Motorcycle Competiton Good Solo Run[/ame] i know some have posted something like this but this is a good one:15_8_211[1]:
  18. nice and i agree there is enough problems in the world with out the doom and gloom
  19. i don't use a jack i leave my bike setting on the ground and change my oil i use a plastic garbage can lid it catches all the oil with no problem havent had a spill yet and lots of room in it for the oil:smile5:
  20. I know where you found it LOL i seen it earlyer today
  21. charlie how much did ya give him to drink before he appraised it i could get a new VTX for 8500. out the door you sure you didnt fall down and bump your head maybe have a dream about it:whistling:
  22. I could tell ya but i have to be good in here but when i was a kid i had a teeshirt that explaned the whole thing in print send me a IM if you realy want to know what it said oh heck let the old guy feel like someone may steal it:stirthepot:
  23. once last year maybe once next year
  24. WOW and i thought i found something good LOL so you didnt need a laxitive this morning did ya so i did ok just kiddin i dont blame you for not wanting to give em more money
  25. dray

    I got it

    so like do we get one free get out of trouble card for being a VR member:banana: just a thought:15_8_211[1]: congrat's very happy for you:thumbsup2:
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