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Everything posted by dray

  1. What!!! you missed it! @ the first post try this one! LINK
  2. and what i looking for ??? and watch what???
  3. would love to ride it but would'nt want to drop it:no-no-no:
  4. dang you will do any thing to cool off wont ya !!! you sure that water down ther is saf fer us northerners I see it in movies its not the best lookin stuff:rotf::rotf:
  5. yep! Buys a BOAT then give ya the big brush off Dray
  6. Me! I'd run it!
  7. Ya but your all done when they start the 2nd Gens MOTOR. Happy Birthday!!!
  8. your leg is more than likely bad from trying to kick me all the way to Don's just because i had reverse and you didnt:rasberry: Charlie God bless ya!!! and we will see you soon. Dray
  9. set a live trap and when you get it take him to the POUND!!! long as you have had problems with METH-HEADS dont you think its time to move to a nicer part of town:stickpoke: dray:smile5:
  10. dray

    Hey! E-fishie

    hop in your boat and head strait over here; ill buy ya a beer and let ya kick my no i wont ill make ya chase me LOL:rasberry: hope yer feelin better Lill buddy!!! DRAY
  11. thrown out of the strip club again? buddy ya need to keep your hands to your self:doh: and tip better:mo money:
  12. dray

    Hey! E-fishie

    well come on now!!! what did ya get? 90's to eh! is that like 45 MPH on this side the pond aint it? :rotf:
  13. dray

    Hey! E-fishie

    it sure made me think of our little fishy buddy and it does look like him and his packin job:bang head: dray
  14. Congrat's and happy aniversary to the both of you and dont forget were going to need dray
  15. thats what they charge for "high risk" Same as mine for my 2010 goldwing mine is 440. and change: AARP with Foremost and roadside they even called and asked what size tires on your bike. when i asked why? they told me if you have a flat we can send one on the truck for you; not sure how that would work out but sure was a good feeling when they asked me:thumbsup2: Dray:twing:
  16. Little Buddy have you been out shopping ? have you been looking ? Was you test driving ? A new Scoot ? kind of looked like you !!! all packed up and now where ya headed eh? Dray
  17. now thats a CUT! above a first GEN!!!
  18. dray


    mine is still under warranty as i have not had one last long enough to get out of warranty I'm on # 13 now and still have 5 or 6 months of my two year contract left what a piece of junk droid one after a few they gave me a droid 2 still junk I will never have a droid x I have a friend who has one and theres is no better then what i have now I don't know what ill get when this contract is up but its not going to be an android
  19. better not to have them if the warden gets her hands on em it will take weeks to untie them from his head!!!!
  20. Dan just pile the others on top of it she will never see it then
  21. nice lookin would be great for up north http://mellow.smugmug.com/Misc/Tenere-Stuff/i-tP6kf6r/0/M/IMG0344-M.jpg I stole this pic from another site:big-grin-emoticon:
  22. dray

    nice dealer

    i know were there is a nice little S40 suzuki thats triked looks nice too! white with a bit of chrome
  23. now I under stand why everyone says ya need a longer toughen on the HF trailer there sure aint no room on that one for a cooler is there!
  24. never road a Moose! but i broke a Bison to ride
  25. Tom is in our prayers and his family Dray
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