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Everything posted by dray

  1. we cant have sat. where were at but i am just thinking id like to get away from the cable co. and there prices i would be happy to pay the same to someone else the reason i was thinking about going that way was i have had Alltel for 2 years and not had one problem with them and they offered that to me it was just a thought but im going to keep looking there has to be something that is close to what i have for the same bucks. thanks
  2. Ok i just went and looked at mine and its conected at 100.0 mbps right now so i guess i dont want that LOL ill have to keep looking Im using cable right now and id like to get away from them there must be a better way so something close to it thanks guys dray
  3. Prayers Yes we got ya covered prayers sent
  4. as nice as the new sleds handle today it still helps to LEAN in them corners:thumbsup2: still fun aint it:snow2:
  5. so when you do this and your eyes go to the right you just adjust the carbs to the left till you see strait ahead ?
  6. there are a lot of them in ebay right now just as parts as they no longer run as a complete unit
  7. dray


    MORE TURKEY! im alway tired after eating a meal of turkey as it has tirptafain is a natural sleep aid that is in the TURKEY thats why your always ready for a nap after a big thanksgiving dinner
  8. do we have anyone using this and if so how do you like it? http://www.letstalk.com/product/product.htm?prId=33703 thanks Dray
  9. any good auto parts store will carry them and they will have the coating on them so they dont shatter if they do break
  10. sounds like a good idea even 3months
  11. My puter dont even make some of them letters but looks like my spellin:15_8_211[1]:
  12. ya but you should have went with a heater instead of pavers
  13. MT 90 is the smaller one:thumbsup2:
  14. scared the heck out of me to see this but good to hear your both alright other than bumps and bruises Gods speed on healing if you two need anything id be more then happy to help just give me a call Dray
  15. nope im lazy i didnt even get out of my chair just pulled a pic off the ol internet if we had wall paper like that some one would be in trouble anyways shed most likey put a woopen on me till i got it changed
  16. one GFI for ya http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h269/drayco58/th_gfci.gif
  17. dont want to mention any names but seems to me some one in the photos allways has a arm around some one else:whistling:
  18. you may want to get in touch with squidly before getting the stator as i think he tryed it and had problems I know a lot of them on the 1100's never did work out
  19. Hey hes welcome any time id show em around the northern parts of michigan
  20. the cheap gfi's are noted for being bad even new you may want to try installing a new GFI just to make sure thats not it as they will go bad and not reset
  21. hey were glad you made it to chat and had a great time now dont forget to stop back often:thumbsup2:
  22. ok burn it i have burnt some that was over 10 years old its yellow a bit thicker but it burns good lite it out side let it heat up real hot then when you take it inside you will not get a oder from it if your worryed about it mix it with a gal or two of fresh it will be fine as your heater will also burn fueloil to Dray
  23. Happy New year to to you and Lonna to but as far as Michigan thawing out im not so sure as the bikes been in the shed sence Oct. its starting to make for a long winter and thinking back to last year James AKA (Red Ryder) and myself was riding on the second of Jan we went to Sterling and met for a bite to eat and coffee So id have to say your all in a good spot to enjoy the winter you may want to think about staying there till Aug. when it thaws out here Be safe and we'll see you soon Dray
  24. for me its the foot long chilly dogs
  25. hey beer guy you sure you just didnt want to post this one Trailer Queen Trailer queens don't ride their scooters. They just drag them around on a trailer and unload them like they rode there. They enjoy talking about bikes but don't like actually riding their bikes. The image is more important than the ride. If you don't like riding, give your bike to someone who will actually use it! just tryin to help ya out bud:thumbsup2:
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