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Everything posted by dray

  1. just me but id tell who it is so they cant do it to some one else
  2. http://www.repairmanual.com/motorcycles/1997/27
  3. most places that use the cameras have already made it illegal to use the sprays that block them and if caught the fines are not worth the savings of paying the ticket for running the red light in the first place
  4. if you find some you like here look in ebay i found mine for less than 40 but i did put my scrips in them http://www.wileyx.com/MOTORCYCLE/index.aspx
  5. if im reading this right youll be running lean oops sorry carb and air box wont be to bad but you will suck dirt and dust you will still want to fix it
  6. when I had mine done they purged the tires twice and I have not had to put any more in sense this is the second set of tires I have used it in and its great last set I had to put air in every few weeks after installing the Nitrogen I never had to put any in stayed right up till I changed tires and at 8 bucks for both tires and free top offs if needed its worth it to me
  7. I have the Wily-X SG1's sunglasses with the transition lenses and my perscription in them a little pricey with the added cost of the transition and percription but i dont ride with out them ever if i for get them and whear my normal glasses i will know and switch them within a block as the wind drys out my eyes
  8. if its inclosed you could allways through a sleeping bag and air pad in it to get out of a storm or a quick sleep to save on a room toss in your camp stove and goodys cheap camp while out with the scoot:smile5:
  9. and you dont think she will ever come on here and see that? so lets hear about them fish dray
  10. cool now on with living wellcome back:thumbsup2:
  11. way to go thats the news for ya
  12. wow now im home sick i used to live about 45 mi. from the bridge
  13. i thought all the first gens were just trying to blend in and hide with the old honda wings:snow2:
  14. -2 and 43 mph winds I am gettin tired of this weather real fast
  15. just show me the one where he only takes himself out hitting a cement abutment and not risking the lives of others then ill tell you how great he was
  16. now thats one nice rabbit gun and cant ya carry a shot gun in canada:think:
  17. dray

    new tires

    your looking for the MT90 for the front the MT90 is a 130 dray
  18. ok it will not work i cant down load it eather sorry it was a video of the OCC on a African Safari OCC charges up their latest double build - Senior's custom... TLC any ways it wont let me show you all if this dont work ill see if i can download it and post it that way
  19. the only change has been on the classic exhaust brackets on the 06 and up
  20. Come on and show me how big boy we got a foot of snow and there not even trying to open the side roads our street is just a ice two track not bad if you go slow and there is now one coming from the other way you cant turn out of the ruts but its still not to bad I've seen much worst up north but the news here is much better to listen to as they say there were over two hundred accidents in the bay county and that did not include the city the people here are nuts they dint know how to drive in it and there not smart enough to slow down its like a side show all day just sitting in my chair and watching out the window i did get out a few times its almost like home we just need a bit bigger storm id love to see what they would do with a couple feet of the white stuff and you bet i took the pic's from inside never even got out of my rocker
  21. havent road the scoot sence the end of OCT. two weeks i could handle
  22. i ordered my tires from phat performance and i know if you do a search on the site you will find a lot of people order from southwest moto when i ordered my tires i only saved a couple bucks and it took almost two weeks to get my order you may want to keep that in mind as the people that order from Southwest moto only took a few days http://www.phatperformanceparts.com/ http://www.swmototires.com/ good luck
  23. yes i have looked at the Eaglemate trailer enough to know that pic is right off there web site the only thing i was wondering about is how it would work as there is no suspension the wheel is bolted to the frame not a swing arm
  24. to much white rain the second pic is ice hanging off a street light
  25. dray

    Rider Down

    sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. prayers go out to you and your friends family's
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