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Everything posted by dray

  1. get a noise suppressor they work
  2. dray

    Ray Stevens Spoof

    i have heard this song a lot but never this vidio with it cute:thumbsup2:
  3. its a short deck but look how wide it is
  4. if this is like a simi trucks tranny its going to be the killer for it with the double-clutch transmission unless im reading it wrong most people are not going to like it although if you can speed shift it could be cool:15_8_211[1]:
  5. Mini dont tell him that he can bring a truck or a bus too. we dont care how you get there dray
  6. just a red X if you click on it it will take you to windows live and want a id and password
  7. dray

    Ray Stevens Spoof

    THE SHRINERS:smile5: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRC2fdDVMiI&feature=related]YouTube - Shriners Convention[/ame]
  8. when you go back to your dealer take the bike and just pull up to the door and tap the window hardenough to bust the glass and then tell them the cruise wouldnt release i bet you get it looked at like i said just run the front tire through the glass in the door
  9. cool i made a sand rail out of a olds tornado like that one time was it a fun ride but way to much power for sand / any front wheel drive car would work
  10. you go right ahead and bid if its something id want ill bid to what i feel it's worth to me and stop even if you were biding so go for it bid bid bid good luck
  11. yes i love'em lets get out there and save them all good to know Don ill send it to all my friends 4 of a kind beats a pair right Dray
  12. http://www.amsoil.com/storefront/fgr.aspx this is what i use and its great read the Applications you'll want to see the last sentence of it refers to the GL 4:thumbsup2:
  13. Beer you going to do them all in needle point:stirthepot:
  14. I agree but when you get the judgment you can then put a lean on everything they oun and that way he can not even trade in a car or sell his home or anything else you put a lean against for just a few bucks more and you could also add it into his credit report then it will follow him for ever there are ways to hurt them till they do pay
  15. and not a one will leak a drop of oil till you put oil in it:thumbsup2:
  16. the best way to look at that is Here lies one Dead idot and thank god he didnt take you or some one else with him
  17. dray

    Great Video

    that was one nice vid. thanks for the look see:thumbsup2:
  18. Lyle our prayer's will go out to you and your family were hoping for the best for your mom Dic and Carol
  19. dray

    Gas Cap

    they all lock up at the same time ? snicker
  20. this is just a thought but you may have flooded it the first time and then put more gas in then with the starting fluid all adds up to you most likely washed the cylinders clean and it will not ever start so what you will need to do is pull all 4 spark plugs and add about 2 tablespoons of marvel mystery oil to each one then roll it over for a few minutes without the plugs then reinstall new plugs and give her a try should take right off if that is the problem good luck dray
  21. Happy Anniversary to you both congratulations:thumbsup2:
  22. aint a ship big enough for a bike?
  23. dray

    Ebay link

    683 items works fine here
  24. hey Bull sounds great post it up would love to see pic's and read about it
  25. hey just be carefull not to get a bad sunburn pic's been around in emails for years but still funny
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