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Everything posted by dray

  1. a while back they had the same problem with that tire puting it on Red Ryders bike after a few phone calls i drove up to the shop that was puting his tires on and did it for them its not hard tell your dealer ya gotta be just a touch smarter than the tool your using and that tire will work great on that rim call me if you like ill tell you how to do it:whistling:
  2. 30 is that all dont ya need to be 70 to join the AARP or is it more W/B Cinderella Dray:15_8_211[1]:
  3. and look at the other side of this trailer there is no need to spend money on unnecessary armrest for the lill lady as she wont have time to use them:thumbsup2:
  4. when we lived up north we would call that "LITE FLURRY'S":snow2:
  5. and where is all the Night Train?
  6. this should do the trick:whistling:
  7. now thats way cool congrats on the new scoot dray
  8. this is a common problem with the 1100 Vstars they break in the same place as your talking about even some of the lill 650s have had the same trouble
  9. now thats good service glad it worked out for you
  10. ill never be a flat lander i hate it here not even a rock sticking up out of the ground it sucks and hes a real killer his name is Max he'll rip your leg off if you don't give him his treats
  11. congrats on your anniversary and hope you will have many more:thumbsup2: here is the real secret to gramps and how he did it you'll have to blow it up a bit to read its a article from May/1955 good house keeping If you have problems reading it send me a message with your email ill send it to you
  12. you know its not the ordinary cabbage its the RED cabbage and that makes it worth a lot more then the rest of all the junk out there:stirthepot:
  13. http://accessories.us.dell.com/sna/products/Wireless_WiFi/productdetail.aspx?c=us&l=en&s=dhs&cs=19&sku=A1295370 http://accessories.us.dell.com/sna/products/Wireless_WiFi/productdetail.aspx?c=us&l=en&s=dhs&cs=19&sku=A0642956 just a couple more for you to look at
  14. sticky side out what ya though i was like charlie and did the sticky side to my face
  15. I'm safe buddy its not the salad bowl its the dogs water dish and a few will placed stripes of electrical tape cool eh dray:15_8_211[1]:
  16. sorry owl dont have them or at least couldnt find them but i you dont get enough let me know ill run up to the salvage yard and get ya some dray
  17. Don sorry for your losses we'll be praying for you and yours can ya say Internet addiction...................
  18. dray

    "Crunching" noise

    so like what is a dry county dont it rain there?
  19. Owl i may have a few cans not sure ill look in storage tomarrow i use to have lots of lifters pushrods and rockers but may have tossed em but ill know tomarrow for ya
  20. they had some flooding to this pic is from US NEWs
  21. i know here in town they been puting on head gaskets and stuff so it would sound like your first dealer is just torking the heads and getting paid for the hole thing less work more pay latter if you have a problem who will cover it ? have it done right
  22. sorry for the loss of your friend & were hoping the best for his family
  23. Ya!!! two minutes on that puppy in the barn and you'd swear you road a week on your venture:stirthepot: Dray
  24. i wasnt very old but i remember him on Rollin & Martin laugh'in never did like him and i dont ever remember hearing him again and that would be a good thing LOL Dray
  25. come on JT think back a bit more how about Tiny Tim's tiptoe through the tulips Dray
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