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Everything posted by dray

  1. as a kid i just loved the silent hour he did every week and yes in black and white
  2. here is a list of all yamaha stock handle bar sizes Dray
  3. i have not tryed it but was told by a few folks around here that oven cleaner would work good for cleaning a motor to they said it gets all the nooks and cranny's spotless and wont hurt the chrome
  4. I love the color of that bike I think its the best color they came out with yet nice ride Gary Dray:15_8_211[1]:
  5. this was done in 1969 how many of you used to love watching him I know i sure did [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kfz2XDXaeqc[/ame] dray
  6. when we were kids we used to sneek a few friends into the Drive INN in the TRUNK but would never had thought of trying to do a 5 mile trip let alone a 5000 mile trip in one:thumbsup2:
  7. dray


    hey i just ran across this thought some one may be interested http://www.goldwinggl.com/Bushtec.html looked like a good deal
  8. the ones like this id like to send most of the time i copy and paste them to a new email then edit them so it dont have the send to 10 people in ten minutes or the and send it back to me on it I send a lot of emails on but i delete 90% of what i get too
  9. may the wind at your back be not from the corned beef and cabbage Happy St. Patrick's Day
  10. hows this and its water proof this is what i have and i payed 3X this a few years back http://cgi.ebay.com/Magellan-Meridian-Platinum-Handheld-GPS-BONUSES-NEW_W0QQitemZ330219200458QQihZ014QQcategoryZ94875QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem here is a Gold unit its basicly the same as above and it comes with the maping software i just purchesed a disk a few months back and its over 100. for one disk http://cgi.ebay.com/Magellan-Meridian-Gold-Handheld-GPS-MANY-EXTRAS-NEW_W0QQitemZ230232687234QQihZ013QQcategoryZ94875QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem just some thoughts for you good luck
  11. i use a hand held and a bike mount to hook it to the bike, so there are a lot of ways to go with out spending an arm and a leg i like the fact that i can use it as a hand held to for hunting and fishing i also use it for geocaching with the grandkids very handy and much cheaper you should check ebay for a deal a few years ago i gave over 400 for mine and right now you can get the same one on ebay for less then a hundred its a good unit just discontinued by the manufacture the one i use is Magellan's Meridian series platinum goodluck Dray
  12. Mark now rides with us all in our hearts as this place has brought us together he will never be forgotten our prayers go out to Marks family and friends in there time of grief Dic & Carol
  13. if you take a close look at the way that bike is straped down in there what i see is the front tire is in a cradle but the straps hook behind the forks to the frame of the bike so when you corner your puting a lot of stress on the straps sooner or later its going to snap at least thats what i see you may get away with it for a while but it only takes one time and your scoot is a gonner
  14. thats what i heard yesterday my self
  15. cool a dozen SLIDERS:thumbsup2:
  16. hey ill take one now DOES IT COME WITH A HEATER:smile5:
  17. if ya dont hurry up and it posted could end up being to late for what ever it is I have noticed most people here on this site are aging faster than me:rotf::rotf:
  18. you did a nice job on it looks SWEET!!!!
  19. :smile5:wow glad i read the post after seeing the heading and then that center pic i was worried about you going out on the boat with that experimental drive unit http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h269/drayco58/Edisto20Three.jpg
  20. wow! thats all, and i thought maybe the fish had quit biting or the ice was to thin to get out on
  21. yes your right no employee will be out of work they are going to be moved to Honda auto plants this was in the news a month or two back
  22. you cant see it i can see the red X
  23. this is off the 1100 Vstar its the nut that held the ujoint
  24. i have a dell m1530 and only came with the draft N it will work with the others though there was not an option for B or G
  25. yes starting fluid and a match will work too
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