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Everything posted by dray

  1. any electronics store or radio shack will carry contact cleaner just ask for it
  2. just takes ya to AT&T web email addy and wants a login and password
  3. this is not that hard to do there are a few ways of doing this
  4. ya just where is the pic i didnt see it
  5. Now thats sharp! Larry thats one sweet ride I love it! Great job Dray
  6. it was nice getting out today even though it was nicer the day before i recived a PM that Jack and Jess was going to be at Rockys so i took off and headed down there to see them thats who is in the forground of the pic with their Midnight venture its a very nice bike too Jacks Dad was riding with them on his HD also a very nice bike but ill never tell him I liked it LOL i had to give him a bit of a hard time and he took it well and was great about it a short visit outside as rockys closed up soon after i got there we road back to the freeway where i headed back north for home and to Jack and jess it was nice meeting you all thanks for the shout as it was nice to have a reason to get out and go for a ride thanks Dray
  7. ya i put off some school papers and went riding today it was sweet first time this year for me now im ready to go camping Dray
  8. What happened i told the wife i was staying home to do my paper's that need to get done and guess what hap pended. Ya nice weather and a message poof i was off did a little over a 115 miles what a great day and i found these two bikes one old clunker and a nice 2nd Gen. I'm not sure but the one looks alot like a pre first Gen.:rotf: any one know who they are as i was a bit worried about the old bike making it back home on its own with all its parts falling off and rattling had a good time and nice meeting you all Dray
  9. about craigs list scheme http://abclocal.go.com/wjrt/story?section=news/national_world&id=6058857 Dray
  10. I would have thought the Purple would be easyier to change to pink than the black ones:stirthepot:
  11. wow its hard to belive this and he has been a good man for the NRA for a lot of years he will be missed
  12. i have to be honest its the first time ever on ebay i received my feedback before my order thanks Don:thumbsup2: Dray
  13. you could go to the members profile and some have there email listed
  14. Benny Welcome to the site :15_8_211[1]:and we wont even hold it against you for knowing Ruff:whistling: Dray
  15. for the most part i liked the way this thread started now i hate to even come and look i for one would like to know how the ones who have them like the tires and for the ones who just put them on what they think after running them for a few weeks i have read the I like them and the I'm thinking about it and also the it should not be done why spend all day every day in here telling every one their wrong or stupid make your point and drop it why argue no one is going to change anyones mind and your only bringing your selfs down to the others level of bickering if i don't like a thread i just don't go back and read it as i have better things to do then spend all day worrying if some one See's things my way if this was the case we would all be driving a Chevy short-box truck painted black its just not going to happen ok so now i have said my peace maybe its time to start a new thread about how do you like your car tire on the scoot I would like to know ! Dray:15_8_211[1]:
  16. try to keep an eye on ebay they will pop up there every once in a while and right now they only show 3 sets with a quick search
  17. been a long time coming
  18. i took a peek but dont look like much can be made to fit my V* so ill pass LOL goodluck:thumbsup2: Dray
  19. good for you Gary its great news
  20. many years ago i had some older friends who would tour all over the US. they towed a trailer behind their wing and would put their dirty clothes in a bucket each night with some water around 3/4 full and soap the next day they would drive all day and then take out the clothes rinse and hang them to dry they always said they came out nice and clean its just a thought if your towing a trailer and have room for a bucket with a lid Dray
  21. I think your in luck Yama Mama as i been reading all the fine print and i see nothin stating you default to a limited acount user in Venture rider . ORG thus making you and Ron Life members LOL CONGRATS!!! on the new bike although there is a rule you have broken that could become a problem:stirthepot: and just where are them new pic's:stirthepot: Dray
  22. i went and looked all i see is very little like the site was started as advertisement for the other two sites their promoting there is no info that you cant find here as far as campers and trailers go infact i would bet you will find a lot more here on both OH ya and this would be the site on delphi to check out anyways as there is a ton of info on M/C camping and tent camping http://forums.delphiforums.com/MCcamping/start Dray
  23. ok here is what i take most of the time 7x9 tent, sleeping bag, small camp pillow, air pad, small led flashlight, wet wipes, chair collapsible, 4 pair pants, 7 shirts, 7 pair socks, shampoo, conditioner, soft soap, wet wipes, brush, hair ties,toothbrush & paste, gloves, two pair glasses, rain gear, small container of laundry soap, cell & chargers, GPS, Battery's, mp3 player, Camera, ziplock bags, two lighters one zippo one cheap bic, can of pledge and wipes for cleaning bike, snack foods, leather jacket, T-Bags, I'm sure i take more but would have to get everything out to pack it and see what is missing. this will all fit on the back of my Vstar 1100 with no problems here is a list that may also help you get yours ready. http://micapeak.com/checklists/mclist.html Dray
  24. you mean I'm not the only one who has that feature DARN!
  25. id say a ferris wheel is a ferris wheel even if its going down the road on a truck disassembled it dont take away from what it is unless its stated it must be assembled and in running order
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