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Everything posted by dray

  1. hey only change i see so far i Like doing great BOSS Dray
  2. dang stopie ate it stood her to far up on the nose didnt he sounds like your both in the Med. BOTTLE"S have fun guys and take care but not to much fun ya know what could happen:mugshot: dray
  3. check this out FIshie http://www.lssu.edu/arl/fishcam.php its a live feed but may take a sec. to run but your going to love it Dray
  4. this one comes in chrome blackchrome and leather http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h269/drayco58/IMG_0010.jpg?t=1219717664
  5. hey nice looking fish! and not so bad your self good to see your out and about Dray
  6. nice pics and you got to go muddin to!
  7. is this in windows XP or Vista ?
  8. i have a 25 dollar cover from bubba's and i use a storage shed in the winter works out great for me i stuff oily rags in the pipes to keep out moisture and put in a bit of seafoam and stabil in the gas i leave the battery in the bike and put it on the tender change the oil too
  9. heck just think of all the times you got away with it and smile now go pay your fine and be done with it its going to cost more to fight than its worth you plead not guilty and then you get a new court date you will most likly need a lawer another day off work fines cost and now two days no work judgement fee and a grand to the lawer not much of a deal is it you know you were speeding so now go put on your big girl pantys and pay up :fiddle:
  10. ya and mine goes as fast as yours with half an engine just think what she could do with the other half HA HA HA:15_8_211[1]: OH YA! AND I SHOWED UP!!!! with a runnin bike:stirthepot::stirthepot: what ya got to say now Dudette:rotf::rotf:
  11. send me your money ill send ya a rock to throw at them it will work better
  12. yep tow em up the hill and let em roll down
  13. HEY! what about this one ? see squid if i would'nt had washed it then they would had remembered it Dray
  14. what? where they were! was that when they were runnin way back when!:rotf: you talk my boss into giving me a pay check without having to go to work and ill be at every event there is ( if i can remember where i was going ) LOL:smile5: cool so crow is a better deal than BEEF! as you get more for your money WOW! your lucky its all down hill from Michigan to Louisiana or you would have had to push it:banana: Hey Guys your all great its what makes it so much fun to be a member of this group and every one is good about taking a joke and having fun with it Dray:15_8_211[1]:
  15. Sorry not a one of you could get a bike running to show up at squids ride this weekend maybe next time you could trailer them up there and we could all work on getting one running for a ride as I would love to see one some time thats not just in a Pic in the gerage or sittin on the side of the road anyways we all had a good ride without working on a scoot Dray
  16. cool what one did you get? Dray
  17. Hey i had a horse like that at one time Carl but after her beating me for a few days i was able to stay on Dray
  18. Jack sorry to hear this best of luck im sure things will work out and if you need a hand with anything give a shout be glad to help or talk as others have said been there my self things will get better Dray
  19. just lookin at your pic it looks like they come in a grade 5 and 8 or is i wrong and need to read more
  20. the Big E-fishin-C is allways talking how nice it is at his place and i here not much traffic Dray
  21. YOU were gone?
  22. I knew it was still close to the forth of July as the bottle rocket was lit and headed north scraping and bouncing along the road and out of site. we were a bit worryed but got a message he made it to Newberry Paul it was great having you here for the nite and visting. your welcome to stop back anytime as the couch is always open. now that your not here i got my computer back but what did you do to the poor dog he still wont come out from under the chair? LOL http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h269/drayco58/IMG_0238-1.jpgtook over the parking spot http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h269/drayco58/IMG_0235.jpgtaking over the computer http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h269/drayco58/IMG_0236.jpghigh speed typing with one finger had to blow on it to cool it down. http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h269/drayco58/IMG_0237.jpg http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h269/drayco58/IMG_0239.jpgenjoying more IceCream http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h269/drayco58/IMG_0240.jpgupset he couldnt have my icecream too! I was to fast for him http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h269/drayco58/IMG_0241.jpgjust look at that belly and tell me the icecream was not good http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h269/drayco58/IMG_0242.jpgsitting on the bottle rocket http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h269/drayco58/IMG_0243.jpgyep dont know what he was using for gas but havnt seen a bug in 3 days now that he layed down the smoke screen Dray
  23. thats right find out where He or She is for free just put in the phone # and see for your self http://www.themobiletracker.com/english/index.html im goning to keep mine off unless im useing it dray:15_8_211[1]:
  24. whats the boys holdin hands have to do with bikes BEER?
  25. you did say to feel free so im sending this one to ya http://ironhorsehelmets.com/all_motorcycle_helmets.htm
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