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Everything posted by dray

  1. not sure if this is a good price or if you can make them work but as i see people looking all the time i was sent this tonight and thought id post it up for all to look http://store.valueaccessories.net/passengerarmrestsstandardorlowprofile.aspx
  2. OK here is the link to EBAY and the trailer i seen and a buy it now price is higher than i thought but still less than a lot of others http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/motorcycle-trailer_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ80768QQihZ017QQitemZ270349714631QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW Dray
  3. check out there little trailer they had one on ebay two days ago for a buy it now and it was about the same as the piggybacker http://fibertechservicesinc.com/
  4. that gage on the right aint square to the rest of the world ( LOL ) but it sure looks good OOPS i should have keep on lookin i see you have it fixed in the last pic dang and i thought i had ya
  5. that gage on the right aint square to the rest of the world ( LOL ) but it sure looks good OOPS i should have keep on lookin i see you have it fixed in the last pic dang and i thought i had ya
  6. and dont forget dump some in your oil just before a change cleans up really good if you have a stuck valve or just some sluge you want to get rid off first time i used it i put it in the oil of a 120 hp I/O and it did wonders in just 11 miles boat ran like new and not even a tic could be heard now i use it in everything from the car to the weedeater
  7. yes that has been around for quit a while
  8. dray


    just a few new parts i picked up ordered the shock last night and the bushings are on a swaybar control arm im going to split it and use it for the swingarm attachment to the trailer also i picked up the steel now i need to get parts to make the hitch receiver for it i still have the swingarm to go too! but im getting there OH YA almost forgot i ordered a MCHITCH for the V star should be here any day now and just incase you see it it has been brought to my attention about the staple on the carpet in the pic
  9. i use foremost from through AARP gave me a good deal http://www.foremost.com/ good luck
  10. try looking in delphi forums , com and then search for V Star 1100 Riders you should find anything you may need if you post what you need im sure some one will have it:thumbsup2:
  11. not a bad lookin Freightshaker its good to here you at least found some work to keep the hounds at bay good luck Joe Dray
  12. i just seen one for a 83 in ebay http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/83-Yamaha-Venture-XVZ1200-1200-Trailer-Hitch-Complete_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ35580QQihZ006QQitemZ160317097214QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW yep i was right it was an 83 hitch dang im good Dray
  13. I have done this for years and it will work just fine
  14. this is cheaper then the uni go http://www.thirdwheeltrailers.com/index.php/trailers Dray
  15. dray

    2004 4 Sale

    so its a can of 2004 anti monkey buttt or you sent the wrong link?
  16. thanks for the update ill give him a call in a little while
  17. I had Sirius Radio on my bike for less than one week it quit working and then it quit working on my computer after a few days of calls and nothing i that i can repeat on a PG site when it was all done I told them not so politely to shut it off and where they could put everything
  18. best of luck to you we will talk as soon as your up to it Dray
  19. dray


    no problem ill take pics of each step as it comes togeather:thumbsup2: and keep ya all posted of a parts list when its done
  20. dray


    ill give you a shout It is its a double bag hard case im going to make a single wheel trailer out of it:think: I think:cool10:
  21. dray


    Trailer! here she is its a very small start but I have a couple of the parts now in a week or two ill have the rest of my order then ill be able to figure out what i need for metal to get the frame and swing arm made
  22. used to raise App's and walker's the farrier was cheap only cost was my tools gave it up going on 4 years now but will some day have the horses back miss them dray
  23. V-Star 1100
  24. dray


    [ame]http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=568_1233111054[/ame] 1926 snow motor it takes 11 minutes to watch the video but its cool dray
  25. have you tryed Mozilla firefox its works good you may find it will fix your problems
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