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Everything posted by dray

  1. they won't let me use it here!
  2. lets look at it in order first fix the starting problem check your battery if its good check the wires at the starter there is a small wire thats a fuseable link its made to burn in half to protect the wiring or it could just be the starter or starterbendix also make sure the wires are all making a good contact at the starter as everything runs through it to test your charging system get it running and unhook one of the battery post cables if it keeps running turn everything on in the car still running its charging in good shape if you unhook the cable and it stalls you need a new/rebuit altnater as for the lights you had this problem before the starting isue so like some one said change the dimer switch on the floor as they would get dirt and mosture in them and go bad dray
  3. dray

    Santa Baby!

    Santa Baby did fine shoping this year for me the elf's told me what she Ordered http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=94813
  4. I have this one and its great http://www.monsterpowersports.com/atv_eng/emgo-cigarette-lighter-clamp-on-design.html
  5. So your tellin us you could have put the SQUID to work but he turned down your offer and dont really want a JOB! HEHEHEHEHE!
  6. that great to hear could'nt happen to better people (Brad & Lonna) just one ? now if we go for a ride instead of a icecream run will it be a parts Hunt? Jusk kiddin good on ya bud! Dray:15_8_211[1]:
  7. heck your lucky it wasnt me i would have had to push ya over anyways for not letting me know you were so close to me and not calling as i live in BayCity LOL I know what you mean though as there are a lot of people here that would be happy to run any bike over just because there bigger in a car or truck and the cops around here are a joke as to do anything as far as traffic as im sure you seen you coulld run 50 to 60 MPH in any of our 25MPH zones and never get pulled over next time give me a call we will have coffee Dray
  8. Well now if you find you need help in packing up just let me know ill help all i can even been sending a good word for ya in our prayers that you get a really good snow storm as soon as you get there so ya dont get home sick Brad and Lonna best wishes to the both of you Dic and Carol
  9. there were a couple on ebay the other day and very good price's too. and there was a time out to may still be worth a look see. dray
  10. in CANADA!:stirthepot:
  11. i wish we could have stayed longer but we had to take off early; sure looks as though you all had a great time that spent the night Dray
  12. congrat's to you both thats a great ride all by its self Wayne and Robin Happy 25th.
  13. and i was thinkin it was in I-DA-HOE!
  14. if you dont step on a cockroach its going to keep crapin on your slice of pie! stomp it really good hire that lawer! dray
  15. does busty cops count if not i would say rockford and magnum PI
  16. yes there are a lot of the Vstar riders that had the same problems with the ME880's i would never buy a set myself but good luck to the ones who do dray
  17. some one trying to mask the smell:stirthepot: There is it in a rider of Yamaha growling at the photograph of the spy of the speculation of a noble star of new Yamaha with excitement buzzingly. While I keep that I make the classic style of the current model speculation, the new model is over on the motorcycle which slightly does a little heavily more than a model as of the interval that probably it is ground pound of VMAX to be a revision version and freed you recently, or incorporates what kind of seeing in the few of the same V4 power station and seems to use the part of the alloy frame of much light weight. A lot of little knows it at present; there is it, but, from the first impression, Yamaha seems to hear a customer at all all the time. _ even in english i have a bit of trouble with it LOL
  18. I dont understand what your complaning about as i had a C50 and they all sound like a very loud SEWINGMACHINE so the small chirp or winning from the Venture is very miner in comparison i would rate the VR as being quiet compaired to the C50 I flat hated my C50 for all 3 months that i had it /// well i cant say that i did like the color silver of the 06 Dray
  19. dray

    Mobile Garage

    Yep it is looking good but your going to need a lot more tools if your going to try to keep that old Antique a running At least in the trailer it should be able to keep up to the rest of the Pack nice pic's Dray
  20. ya just run it through the brush a bit it'll be gone :rotf:
  21. they will know your a local if your packin a pair of 45 walker's Good luck Brad and Lonna Hope you find what your looking for:080402gudl_prv: Dray
  22. works great at anyspeed on the freeway! http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h269/drayco58/IMG_0010.jpg?t=1249607911
  23. dray

    got it today!

    truth i just wanted a tad more room for the wife:whistling: thats the plan now that mini brought it up / of course that would be when the wife aint with me:thumbsup2: good cover right? sure but you may want to bring a heater as it get cold up here in the summer; id hate to see you freeze up in the northern heat wave Dray
  24. dray

    got it today!

    would you belive i thought it said sleeps 1 or 2
  25. this may be what your looking for [ame=http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=512]Emergency Ignition Switch Repair - VentureRider.Org[/ame]
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