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Everything posted by dray

  1. dray


    I DO! is now being replaced with No Longer Do I ! in the marriage vows
  2. LIE just LIE for GODS SAKE MAN JUST LIE!!!!! its not always good to tell the truth
  3. Chit little buddy! you still look good for 93 Happy Birthday!!! now lets see them fish you must have ice by now:thumbsup2: Dray
  4. yes a new use for fix a flat http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/45361508/ns/local_news-miami_fl/ and just when you thought you knew all there was that it could be good for:sign It wasnt me:
  5. I don't think thats right; its just that no one has broke down to were we needed it yet:stirthepot: but when if we do we'll all just call ECK for the how to:big-grin-emoticon: All kidding aside this site is the best i have been to
  6. dray


    What is Celibacy? Celibacy can be a choice in life, or a condition imposed by circumstances. While attending a Marriage Weekend, Frank and his wife Ann listened to the instructor declare, “It is essential that husbands and wives know the things that are important to each other.” He then addressed the men. “Can you name and describe your wife's favorite flower?” Frank leaned over, touched Ann’s arm gently, and whispered, “Gold Medal-All-Purpose, isn’t it?” And thus began Frank's life of celibacy...
  7. no problem im just happy i got to stick a plug in there before ya fixed it. couldnt help my self ya know:big-grin-emoticon: but now every one will wonder what my post was about LOL
  8. just added this sorry http://social.entertainment.msn.com/music/blogs/headbang-blog.aspx?feat=100db566-01e7-4dfd-9a46-4a744a92c4eb anounced today!!! 11-11-11
  9. dray

    Hands Up!

    I Know it was Charlie just before he got that ticket a while back:buttkick:
  10. HAY's Ok but Straw is cheaper:doh:
  11. our last house was built in the late 1800's with addition's into the 1920's I took the chimney down one brick at a time i started on the top and worked all the way to the ground floor only thing it was hooked to was a lot of tar where it came through the roof hammer chisel and two five gal. buckets once i got it down to the inside
  12. wishing you all the best Happy Birthday!!!
  13. hear our prayers for Hal's sister and family Dray
  14. dray

    Take a Seat

    OR we could have TOPLe.................. oops almost forgot where I was:doh: but could have been big:bang head: dray
  15. dang i remember him fighting and not even that old http://msn.foxsports.com/boxing/story/boxing-legend-joe-frazier-dies-after-battle-with-liver-cancer-110711
  16. think that would be Kohl's store and nope they dont have coal
  17. here is some info for WD-40 http://www.wd40.com/about-us/history/ tells about how it got its name in the beginning
  18. Supprize attack?
  19. used to have something like this years ago for the snowmobile they were fleece lined and so warm http://www.ebay.com/itm/POLAR-HANDS-HAND-CONTROL-PROTECTION-GRIPS-COVER-SNOWMOBILE-MOTORCYCLE-ATV-/300285548014?pt=Apparel_Merchandise&vxp=mtr&hash=item45ea69d5ee
  20. adding seafoam may do more harm to a very good motor as your talking about changing the mix on a specifically premixed fuel even at $20. a gal. if I was not sure I would think it would be cheaper to buy a new Gallon than to replace a motor
  21. your in there before i get home from work stop in around 11: PM
  22. I was up! untill 4:30 but as most nights i didnt come into the site as there is no one on or in chat I get home around 11:00 or a little after and cant sleep most of the time wish I could:draming:
  23. dont take this wrong but if i was you id be happy she owes you money. thats what is keeping her away; you have the kids be thankfull and enjoy your life with the kids. do you have any Idea how many people would love to be in your shoes; meaning just to have the chance to have there kids no matter the cost. Sorry but you have it made in the eyes of a lot of dad's Dray
  24. I have the wiley-x SG1 glasses with my scrip's in them. you will not want to ware them to work in as they will not get enough air through to keep them from foging up unless you try to get the lenses vented I will most likey try the vented lens in my next pair Dray
  25. he could through it on the ground and build a garage around it:thumbsup2:
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