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Everything posted by dray

  1. cant belive they gave ya part of the UP theres not anything up there but when ya head up that way or this way give a shout ill buy ya a coffee or meal what ever your up for Dray
  2. yep you seen it here first what is the world coming to ? cant beleive it no cassette player next thing ya know they will stop making LP's
  3. SILVER? thought it was LIME GREEN!!!
  4. the bird is so when the bike breaks down they can get a text message out
  5. the droid is ok but dont get one if what you want is a phone i had the Razor V3c and it was ten times the phone the droid is i never had a droped call before and now my phone signal is about half what it was with the razor the droid has lots of gimmics but it really fails as a phone at least as im concerned would i get another droid it will have to have some major upgrades or i would most likley go back to just a basic good working phone like the V3c
  6. seat heater:moon:
  7. they still make that coffee maker you will find one on ebay every now and again even new in the box
  8. are ya that OLD! its #4 on your list WOW!!! I still remember mine and it was a pussycat compared to some today she was fast and nimble you thought it and you were there if it was just a lane change or a five mile stretch now i find im happy doing just a bit over the limit
  9. yep know what ya mean must be somethin in the air this year i found mine in my wallet last week so long before the new bike it had expired i did have one just not on the bike and it was raining so it was a couple days before i did get it on but good now:doh:
  10. Gene the new update last week they had fixed the pic problem i had and i have 32bit vista so i downloaded the right one for the pdanet verison told me when i got my droid that as long as i keep my alltel contract they will never take it away but they will not tell people that you have to ask or they will just try to wright you a new contract with verison and yes i get a verison bill but i still have my old alltel contract that i will keep forever unless i find i can get a better deal and service by the way service was better before verison took it over
  11. no its FREE!!! just plug in my phone to laptop or pc and go its not as fast as my DSL but its fast I have an unlimited Alltel plan same as Gene
  12. this is cool thanks Gene:thumbsup: using it now with my Droid its fast too! lots faster than i thought it would be:thumbsup2: so now i got a backup for trips or when my net collapses keep-em coming dray
  13. wow! thought i was the only one still with alltel dont ya love it and unlimited too!!! do i want the one with SMS agent or Easytether lite dray
  14. the little Cupcake don't have time for us no more! He's out ridding:stirthepot:
  15. snuck out for a ride good for you
  16. I run less than others have stated but works for me:thumbsup2:
  17. here ya go http://www.everythingy.com/ebay.php http://www.everythingy.com/ebay.php well that didnt work did it:doh: ok now for the FIX i think try this one http://cgi.ebay.com/RoadPro-10-Cup-Portable-Coffee-Maker-12-Volt-RPCM-1012-/280555047166?pt=Small_Kitchen_Appliances_US&hash=item41526248fe
  18. dray

    A Friends Grandson!!!

    ya he did win sorry:bang head:
  19. He is the one with the helmet cam and the blue bike Him and his Brother were both good enough that last year they were invited to the Loretta Lynn Invitational the boys live with there grandparents and Gramps is the entire pit-crue he races again tomarrow:fingers-crossed-emo [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55pZZJ-B-HU]YouTube- Alpena 8-22-10[/ame]
  20. next time just sit across the road were he cant see ya and wait when he leaves call the police and report a drunk that allmost hit ya coming out of a bar parking lot and tell them where he is going maybe that way he will get more Fines as people like that need to spend more on tickets and jail time for DRUNK DRIVING
  21. WOW! I got a lot more than that for my 1100 V STAR here in MI. for trade in but i didnt go to the HD dealer but did go to two honda dealers and both gave me the same tradein but the one i bought from gave me a much better deal:mo money:
  22. just a good set of swamp pads and drive it right out nothing to it; its just all the trying playin and swearing before ya get the pads there:sign It wasnt me:
  23. good to hear but how's about we just keep sending them prayer's for you and were hoping tomarrows a better day for ya
  24. i ran Avon Venoms on my old bike and i plan in running the Avon COBRA's on my new bike
  25. been there but not a case i had a 325B cat had a heck of a time getting her out
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