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Everything posted by dray

  1. better get your self one of them lill pink bicycle helmets to protect yourself when she gets home:buttkick:
  2. dray

    My Nipples ?

    is it cold rolled they look firm enough:big-grin-emoticon:
  3. i dont under stand everyone saying its still in the bike pan were at in the pan if you do a change and every time it keeps a half quart after 10 changes it would still have 5 quarts of oil not a half quart the oil is GONE! more than likely burnt being pumped back through the airbox check in the air box and see if it looks oily in it and yes i under stand it could have some in the pan but after the first time you should get it all back and the first time would be when its preped and drained so it would only be seen one time not everytime:doh:
  4. nice mess of perch there
  5. just frost your lucky you aint snowed in
  6. here is a pic of the one you have i cobbed it from Squidly but we won't tell'em
  7. i tryed a few times a while back and had the same problem; in my case i found i had to be loged into ebay to get it to copy and paste in here
  8. if you are talking about the one i posted it drops the voltage to the proper 5 volt output with 12 volt in so your good to go:thumbsup:
  9. the easy way and one amp too! [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Belkin-Micro-Auto-Charger-5VOLT/dp/B002F0200Q/ref=pd_cp_e_3]Amazon.com: Belkin Micro USB Auto Charger 5VOLT 1A: Electronics@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/21aLOIt2nhL.@@AMEPARAM@@21aLOIt2nhL[/ame] or this if you want really cheap and dont need the charging power of the other one [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Compact-Car-Socket-Power-Adapter/dp/B001HZI2ZC/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=automotive&qid=1284470022&sr=8-2]Amazon.com: Compact Car Socket 12V to USB 5V DC Power Adapter: Automotive@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41NdfoG-pGL.@@AMEPARAM@@41NdfoG-pGL[/ame]
  10. yep! theres that warm FUZZY FEELING ALL OVER AGAIN:thumbsup2:
  11. wow you do get around a bit dont you well now if you get up north when i have some time off ill show you some roads you never seen or see off the beaten path gaylord, petoskey, indian river, cheboygan, alpena, shoot almost anywhere from here in bay city north bring the bike for some meetings:thumbsup:
  12. just grabed this pic from another post but how big ya need em
  13. ill tell ya one thing if you keep hiting critters like that on every trip at least your going to be eating good
  14. sounds like you will be going right by the house stop if you have time for a coffee bay city mi. dray
  15. I could have! and I DON'T
  16. Ya RUB IT IN!!!! and by the way i have riddin my bike every day sence the day i got it only drove the car one time and that was to put gas in for the ol' lady:big-grin-emoticon:
  17. i went with the one in the middle its cheaper as its the shortest and it will do her good to work a bit harder but we wont tell her that
  18. this is the one i donate to if you click on donate/volunteer at the top in the row of hearts you will find info your looking for its a small but great gift http://www.locksoflove.org/ dray
  19. and here are a few pic's to prove it! really just went looking for a new washing machine for the wife so i took along new member ColoRado I had to go slow so he could keep up but i didnt mind waiting at each corner for him:7_6_3[1]: http://www.thumboctagonbarn.org/
  20. dray


    Husband looking for new home! before wife gets home:buttkick:
  21. you may want to look for other mounts when i put my gps on my vstar i didnt have a mount for it that would work so i used a ipod mount and cut it up and used most of it then drilled two holes in my gps mount to screw it to the ipod ram mount and it has worked great for years now i need a new part to mount it to the wing but im sure i can use it just need to make a new piece to hook the ball to the handlebar
  22. when i had my V star 1100 i used to go to there web site a lot. I could not believe the amount of people that were always having problems with the ME880's; they were all doing the same thing throwing chunks and most being close to new tires for me its just not worth the chance as the 1100 was a light bike compared to the venture or my wing I really want something that i can trust i had over 17000 mi. on the Avon venoms on my vstar and I'm going to try the cobra's on the wing and if i could just find a way to back off the throttle a bit I may find another good tire:big-grin-emoticon:
  23. soak em in the bath tub over night see if it will swell up
  24. ULTIMATE ! he said it in his post
  25. Well now are Goffins good eatin
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