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Everything posted by dray

  1. 43. In Michigan, it is illegal to chain an alligator to a fire hydrant. its also Illegal to walk your allagator on the side walk on a sunday. its Illegal to drive your motor vehicle after sunset without some one walking 20 feet ahead of you swinging a lantern; so you dont scare a horse
  2. all most sounds like my old chevy when the pickup coil went it used to do the same thing
  3. Dont you just hate it when the Light Bill sneeks up on ya! Holliday time too!!! and if i dont put my name down he won't know who said it Right?
  4. dray


    Id ask Squid; Freebird; or Goose as i dont know eather but i do know that they would Good luck
  5. Sounds like the makings of a Meet and eat on the sunset side Dray
  6. yes we are going to do this im working on it a bit now from Hell to Paradise with stops inbetween! Dray
  8. Bison does make great Meatloaf dont it; after eating bison for a while and then try to eat a pice of beef is like chewing on a hunk of lard; my favorite though is bison heart few years back i used to shoot two bison every thursday; and the hearts were mine!!! dray
  9. do you think he missed just one cookie Waiting the toughest Job of them all
  10. but yet still faster than a first GEN!!!:rotf::rotf:
  11. so now I know why I had to stay out side in that big RAIN STORM!!!
  12. YES! buy a new wing and go for a ride!!!!!!!!!!! oh sorry that wasnt one of the choices MY BAD!
  13. This is a wish for all Merry Christmas to all! http://ak.imgag.com/imgag/product/preview/flash/pdShell.swf?ihost=http://ak.imgag.com/imgag&brandldrPath=/product/full/el/&cardNum=/product/full/ap/3173936/graphic1 :santa:Dray
  14. it keeps him from tripin on the emptys
  15. I never used oil on any of them and never had a problem did your paperwork tell you to grease or oil anything none of the ones i have ever had never took oil and I never had a problem with any of them did have one a power supply went but it was covered under warranty from sears
  16. this is what i found on it http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/40662731/ns/us_news-crime_and_courts/
  17. just like you I bought my new ride on 6/5 and she gets powerwashed every week and i dont baby her everything gets blasted buttons switches speaker all of it and i have not had a problem one blast the speakers clean and blast the vol. leaving the carwash dont worry about it just drive it mine loves the rain:big-grin-emoticon:
  18. i give 8.50 a QT. for amsoil here in town and today i went up and bought two bottles of there twostroke oil and mixed it to 5gal. of gas for a 100 to one mix and i use it in everything lawnmower snowblower ice auger weedwhip and chainsaw no mater what mix they call for they all get the same stuff and it works just like they say it only runs me 2.41 a bottle
  19. i never had one that called for lube or grease of any kind if you would use it all your doing if anything is making a paste that the dirt and dust will collect in and would cause more problems than good if your door dont work or is binding something is out of adjustment find the problem and fix it
  20. this is what I used to use for the horses and just reduced the dose for the dogs the vet said it was fine but you may want to check with yours you just dial it to the dose you need for the weight of the animal http://www.statelinetack.com/item/zimecterin-gold-paste-single-dose/SLT151412/
  21. Welcome to the family venture and Merry Christmas Dray
  22. nothin to be skeered of way back there is there guys if somethin bad happens some one from the front of the pack will give ya a big heads up on the radio before ya get there:rotf::rotf:
  23. going out to blow a path to the beer store???
  24. dray


    well if it make ya feel better i did toss a coat in the car today for work just in case it would get cold It did'nt:big-grin-emoticon:
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