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Everything posted by dray

  1. joined in 2005 and I am Proud to be a member
  2. bring me a Dollar's worth! and make it Grape!!! Ill feed ya for the delivery fee:thumbsup2:
  3. you going through a lot of duct tape are ya:stirthepot:
  4. ill bet it makes people think twice about pushing one out of there lane
  5. prayers sent for you and your family
  6. Hey Squidly Comon over here i want to show ya something:thumbsup2:
  7. how tall are them pole's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  8. you could also come through the Sault Ste. Marie area and cross the International Bridge. coming or going this way would also give you a look at the soo. locks and the Mackinac Bridge there is a lot to see in both Ontario and Michigan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sault_Ste._Marie_International_Bridge http://www.mackinacbridge.org/bridge-cam-20/
  9. or your pusher Now there is a word I have not heard in a while\\\ showing your age now!!!
  10. try the Brownies, Cookies, or even the Tootie Rolls, or just the butter but remember there stronger then what ya smoke and last a lot longer too! anyways thats what I hear:big-grin-emoticon: so dont start out eating a whole cookie or brownie:big-grin-emoticon:
  11. Ok can you read it now?
  12. well now i have two of them oh well at least you can see it:bang head:
  13. http://f1106.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f241053%5fAMENw0MAAKiqTXL4CQs4rDuhC90&pid=2&fid=Inbox&inline=1
  14. well it worked for a second ill have to give it another shot.
  15. This From A................. CUPCAKE!
  16. get ready to set the HOOK:fishin:
  17. Why is that ? Shorty
  18. Ok George your old enough now!!! For that White Wing Happy Birthday Dray
  19. I Dislike the way so many of them ride right in your lane instead of off to the side; I have seen Kids do it to block traffic and in this case should be Fined for obstruction of traffic which is a good ticket for them and yes they should pay if there going to be on the road; why dont they just stay on the shoulder away from traffic OH! there not happy there!!!!
  20. George That white one is YOU!!!! I could see you on it sharp too! Dray
  21. OOH! Thats why you bought the FJR. The VENTURE was to BIG for you:stickpoke:
  22. Gary i see you made squid stay in the back seat
  23. Now thats FUNNY!!!
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