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Everything posted by dray

  1. dont worry! your secret is safe with me. even if they torture me with neked wemem and feathers:rotf: I wont tell;
  2. in time the truth will set them free guess we will just have to wait a bit more:7_6_3[1]::rotf:
  3. what a shine on that thing and there is Gary taking the pic just left of the bike
  4. this link dont work for me and i tryed puting in the ad. # and that didnt do it eather?
  5. no problems doing the triple digit's last summer coming home from Don's M/D towing the trailer
  6. 235:no-no-no: 253 KPH. Now thats the TICKET!!!
  7. dray

    HF Axle ?

    it will sit on the flats and the pins will line up just set it on top
  8. Way Cool!!! would love to go for a ride:thumbsup2:
  9. nice:thumbsup2: NOW!!! just how FAST IS IT????
  10. Beer 30 caught on video at home just tryin to help ya out lill buddy:banana:
  11. I have an old Razor VC3 its is a great phone been thinking of reactivating it Eck were proud of you little buddy:thumbsup2: wife not letting you do the laundry yet? my wife has the same first droid we got them the same time and all i can say is if mine worked half as good as hers id be a happy camper she has MS and has dropped her phone on the floor more then I'd care to count and it still works great I take good care of my phone not one of them has ever been dropped or wet i even carry it in a plastic bag to protect it from dirt and dust at work; on the bike i put it in the left hand pocket and wrap it in a soft cloth to protect them this is only a phone problem not a service problem or a connection problem I'm still on my old Alltel plan through Verison
  12. He may leave what you say and remove YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Just today I have activated my 9Th. yes thats right #9 as of today; I had the first droid when they came out. had problems till they replaced it 4 times. they then upgraded me to the droid 2 for free. nice of them I know. and today they just gave me my 5 th. Droid 2 had everything from dropped calls, screen with white band wouldn't go away, cant answer till calling party hangs up then you have to look and see who called then call them back, speakers quit working, screen goes black and locks up, phone gets quieter as you talk till you cant hear your party talk, weekly calls to phone co. to try to fix problems. most having a temp fix of pull the battery and then put it back and restart. several fixes of wipe it out and reboot to factory settings. in most cases this was another temp fix if at all; but one they seem to like doing in store today at the store there were three other people there with droids all with similar complaints anyways was wondering if anyone else has had this much trouble with there phones ..... OK I feel better now.
  14. yea! ain't it nice knowing we can depend on E- -C
  15. Three old Venture Members are out walking. Freebird says, 'Windy, isn't it?' Squidly says, 'No, it's Thursday!' E-Fishin-C says, 'So am I. Let's go get a beer..'
  16. A doctor in Duluth Minnesota wanted to get off work and go hunting, so he approached his assistant. 'Ole, I am goin' huntin' tomorrow and don't want to close the clinic. I want you to take care of the clinic and take care of all my patients.' 'Yes, sir!' answers Ole. The doctor goes hunting and returns the following day and asks: 'So, Ole, How was your day?' Ole told him that he took care of three patients. 'The first one had a headache so I gave him TYLENOL.' 'Bravo, mate, and the second one?' asks the doctor. 'The second one had stomach burning and I gave him MAALOX, sir,' says Ole. 'Bravo, bravo! You're good at this, and what about the third one?' asks the doctor. 'Sir, I was sitting here and suddenly the door opens and a woman enters. Like a flame, she undresses herself, taking off everything including her panties and lies down on the table and shouts: 'HELP ME - I haven't seen a man in over two years!!' 'Tunderin' Lard Yeezus, Ole, what did you do?' asks the doctor. J 'I put drops in her eyes!!
  17. but honey i never opened my tackle box i used my bosses box:big-grin-emoticon:
  18. Wow! I'm lucky mine only holds 6.6 gallons
  19. Happy Birthday!!!
  20. I wouldnt do that
  21. goodys for your scooter to make it look kind of like a big bike http://www.streetline-usa.com/Store/1595/Parts-Accessories-for-Yamaha-FJR-1300
  22. dray

    Valk Pics

    they quit selling them to sell more wing's nice bike ya done good:thumbsup2:
  23. Prayers sent. for you and your family Good luck Bob Dray
  24. I agree that'll teach her a lesson; just sleep with yer good eye open!!!
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