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Everything posted by dray

  1. now thats Cool!!!
  2. this it??? whoops sorry ment to just stick a pic here and put a link so Poof its gone
  3. is this what your looking for? http://shop.nationalcycle.com/perl/cycle/N21105?mv_session_id=cvA3ai4w&search_model=ym%2d056" this is the one for the 1100 v-star classic and this is there full list for your bike http://shop.nationalcycle.com/perl/cycle/results2.html?search_model=ym-056
  4. firesticks are great antennas. I used to run the firestick II's on a truck with a ranger HR2950 and a sweet sixteen bilinear amp and never had a problem with them at all feed all the power you want to them they love it
  5. was he headed over to see his brother???
  6. there has been a lot of mods done to some bikes but there is not a mod listing as you know but if you search through the site and dig back in the old post you will find a lot of them one thing great about this site if there is something your looking for ask some one will help if they can welcome to the site Dray
  7. back at you all from Carol and Dray
  8. All I need to know I learned from the Easter Bunny! Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Everyone needs a friend who is all ears. There's no such thing as too much candy. All work and no play can make you a basket case. A cute tail attracts a lot of attention. Everyone is entitled to a bad hare day. Let happy thoughts multiply like rabbits. Some body parts should be floppy. Keep your paws off of other people's jelly beans. Good things come in small, sugar coated packages. The grass is always greener in someone else's basket. To show your true colors, you have to come out of the shell. The best things in life are still sweet and gooey. May the joy of the season fill your heart. AND MAY GOD BLESS YOU! Happy Easter!
  9. LOL your always waiting for a opening aint you???
  10. more safety stuff!!! and for the Yamaha too! http://www.ridesafer.com/PhotoGallery.asp?ProductCode=RS0200 you know you all need one or more:mo money: dray
  11. sure hope it all dumps at Bubbers as we dont need any of it here we are in good shape far as snow goes
  12. Congratulations to the both of you. and many more:thumbsup2: so what kind of gift did you get her for the Bike!!!
  13. been looking at mac's what one did you get? dray
  14. let me know when you want to go; I may be interested I'v done that run before; just not planed from gaylord, to Crittenton, fixed a trucks fuel tank and went straight back this could be more fun
  15. road salt so they dont slip on the ICE!!!
  16. every now and again you will find one online just print one they will take printed coupons
  17. Don if you do get one you know HF is one place that will let you use that coupon with a 20% off coupon also i have done it many times at our store
  18. well we sure had more of it today:cold:
  19. we had snow today on the ground everything was white; I agree with you Larry its time for this to end... and You Cupcake I hope ya get a sun burn on your A55 out there:big-grin-emoticon:
  20. dray


    fresh start !!!
  21. .....................| .....................| .....................| .......common | step over the line .....................| .....................| .....................| you know you want to!!! Dray
  22. so now there is 4201:stickpoke: and i didnt tell anyone it was you !
  23. should we start with this one
  24. I know now that this is some one taking credit for the above or first post
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