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    bucyrus, OH, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1987 xvz1300

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  1. I apologies firstly for not have a pic to add to this post at this time.... I will update later with one. But I have a cracks reflector on the trunk of my 1987 xvz1300, just under the latches.. Where can I find replacements for this? I have been looking on ebay with no luck, and maybe Im not googling the right thing, but I found nothing that way either.
  2. Thats sweet! Thuse far, I have tried a short rubbery one that I got at autozone, tucked it into the faring... And I hate it... Ill swap it out for one of those.. When you say "powered", doe it actually require power?
  3. Very true... Im still a "trial" member... But I think Ill be sticking around...
  4. Great news... Just in the small amount of time I had to tinker with it on my lunch hour, I found that the cutting out issue was 100% on the phone I was using... Paired a different phone, no more cutting out... Win!
  5. Awesome!... You guys are awesome!... I swear... Just a couple of posts in this thread has more info than I could dig up in 2 days of digging through google searches lol.
  6. Well... Had a bit of time last night to put the pyle in... Went well, easier than a lot of car stereos I have done... Havent had much time to mess with it after though... The FM radio is not working at all without an antenna... This is the main thing I want working, any suggestions on an antenna to use? The bluetooth connection works well. Pairing is easy, it doesnt require repairing or anything like that after being turned off and on. But I was trying to use it this morning and I was getting a lot of cutting out... I dont know if I have a wiring issue (kind of doubt it, I used wire nuts everywhere), or its the bluetooth connection... Would be nice if I could tune in an FM station and see if it cuts out as well... I disconnected my phone, and later at lunch when I get another minute Ill re-pair it and see if its still doing it. Still need to put in the rear speakers... Was talking with the fiance last night, she would rather I put them in the trunk lid than the saddlebag lids... So, that may be where they are going now... Wont have time to mess with that until thursday or friday. This is how the unit looks atm though.
  7. Yeah... That looks like whats in my mind as far as install goes... Except my bike doesnt have a stereo there, its just a blank door.... That looks very similar to the pyle I bought... Pyle just came in the mail today... Fingers crossed I have time to mess with it tonight.
  8. Sounds like a reasonable point... But brings to mind other things I had thoughts of adding/modding... Would this low output also be effected by additional lighting?... Is there a way to create more output?
  9. Oops... Probably an important detail... First post updated... Thank you This sounds really cool... Not big on music directly in my ear personally... Would rather have speakers.
  10. Niiice!.... Totally doing that.
  11. Been looking around the forum, and cant seem to find any crazy stereo replacements or mods of any kind... Im looking, because the previous owner of my 87 xvz1300 has a kinter ma-120 installed in the truck as a stereo. Its barely a band-aid if you want a stereo.. Fm reception is useless, and there is no way of connecting an automotive type antennae, also its in the trunk, so there is no interface with the driver. So I bought a pyle plmr91ub, and Im planning on installing it in the lid door thing (what do you call those? lol) to the left of the handlebars.... Also planning on adding speakers to the saddlebag lids... Whats your thoughts on such things? Alternate suggestions?... Anything? lol
  12. Awesome... This forum is more helpful than I thought it might be. The fan does kick on when the temp goes up, and I shall look into those other tips posted, thank you so much... As for pics, I only have one at this moment... And its not actually that great of one, but here ya go.
  13. Hello! New to the forum, looking for some help. Just bought a 1987 xvz1300 about a month ago, and I have noticed after riding a while, at slow speeds going through town with a lot of stops it gets pretty hot.... Temp gauge gets up real close to the red area (have not seen it actually get into the red though). Once moving and getting air flow it goes back down, into a range I would assume is much more normal... So Im wondering, what am I looking at here? New thermostat? Maybe water pump?.... Im rather new to bikes in general, so Im sorta taking stabs in the dark here. Any ideas would be awesome! Thanks!
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