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Everything posted by Rhybsky

  1. Thanks Mike. After a lengthy conversation with the dealer yesterday they are replacing it on Monday. The beauty of the Venture is there is not much to them so he said that is really the only thing it can be. I will look into doing the gravity feed just in case. Thanks for all the help guys. Rob
  2. Thanks Dave for the advice of calling Yamaha. I called them and I was on the phone for 20 min. I explained everything that I have done to test it. I explained everything that the dealer has performed and they still won't replace the fuel pump. The Yamaha rep was telling me that it is a relay but then when I explained it couldn't be then he agreed, but still said that it is not the pump. I am going to see if the vent is clear this afternoon and if does happen again I will see how much fuel drains out with the petcock off. I will say that there is a ton of info on this site and you all have been very helpful!!
  3. So here is an update. I just picked the bike and talked to the dealer about replacing the fuel pump. They won't replace it unless it fails because they don't want to be stuck with the bill if Yamaha tests it and it comes back ok. When I got it home I ran it with the petcock off and the engine stop. I turned the petcock back on and then I heard the fuel pump working just fine. I will do this a couple of more times. I may also call Performance Cycle to see if they will cover it as they have seen this issue before. I am planning on doing a week long trip and don't want to be stuck at the side of the road.
  4. Thanks for all the info. So to answer some questions. Yes the bike is under warranty. I bought the bike in Canada at Inglis Cycle in London and have taken it there for all service. When issued happened I was at the side of the road and really couldn't hear any clicking. I was trying to start it with the choke on and hitting the start button. The reason is, is because I thought there was no fuel left in the bowls. Inglis did a fuel flush, carb clean and checked all the hoses. Everything is fine as there was no dirt or water to be found. They looked at the fuel pumpand the points looked like they were new so that is why they think it is not the fuel pump. They also checked the wiring to the pump. I am on my way to get it and to tell them I want the pump replaced. Thanks again for all the info.
  5. It was fully warm when it died. Rode about 400km the second time it happened. The first time I was sitting waiting for a tow for 20 min then it fired up after choking it. The second time I just choked it for 15 min and it started up. I never smelled fuel like it was flooded when I had the choke on and trying to start it. Not sure if this matters but I also run 91 octane because I am not a fan of ethanol added in the fuel.
  6. No. I haven't washed the bike lately and I haven't ridden in the rain for sometime. The dealer mentioned possibly having water in the fuel but they thought it was odd it would act up a week later and several tanks of fuel later.
  7. Hi Everyone. I am new to the forum and need some advice. I have a 2013 Royal Star and had an issue about 2 weeks where the engine died. It was like it ran out of fuel but I had 1/4 tank left. Last week it happened again. This time it was 3/4 full. Both times it started up after choking the bike for about 10-15 min. I dropped it off at the dealer and when I told them issue they had no idea what it could be. I told them to look at the fuel pump and fuel pump points. They checked it today and said it tested fine and the points look new. I have had the carbs cleaned and synced. I have on 31000km on the bike and the dealer has performed all the services except the odd oil change. They are having the mechanic take it home for night as he lives out of town and of course the bike is running fine for them now. Any thoughts on what else it can be? Thanks in advance for the help.
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