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Everything posted by 50btripn

  1. replaced first one at about 6000 miles, less than a year old. I am now in need of another replacement, just over 19k miles, and about 8 months left on my warranty. 2007 RSMV.
  2. I installed a center stand on mine, and soon after noticed that I lost considerable lean angle when leaning left. Someone on here recommended these leveling links to rectify that problem. I bought and installed them, and it corrected that problem. well worth the $$$.
  3. Best of luck to you!! I can honestly feel your pain. I have my mediation scheduled for next month. I know I won't be able to hang on to both of my bikes (as well as a retirement account or 2), but I am going to fight like hell to keep my Venture.:mo money:
  4. I moved from New York down here because, being such a motorcycling junkie, I wanted to be able to ride year round, not 6 months a year. I have a Shoei half helmet...bout the only way to get more ventilation out of that is to just cut the top off...:rotfl:
  5. Tried to search for this already, and didn't find any threads on this subject, so forgive me if this topic has already been discussed. Headwraps / doo-rags I am finding in my old-er age, and in this VERY hot southern Alabama summer, that I am sweating a lot more under the helmet. I am typically outdoors 6-8 hours on my ride in the heat of the day (yes, I am drinking plenty of fluids). I have never been one to wear any type of headwrap before, but I am finding I need something to soak up a good portion of sweat. I can literally lean over and it looks like a waterfall of sweat pouring out of my helmet. So my prerequisites are: 1) soak up sweat, and 2) keep head somewhat cooler. So what do you prefer / suggest? Will the basic cotton work? Or would I have to keep 2-3 in my bags to wear each day as one gets "full"? What do you think of the Dupont CoolMax products? Any specific brand, vendor, website you would recommend? Thanks in advance for your inputs.
  6. ok, so here's a stupid question from a stupid person...what are the advantages of the risers?
  7. +1 with Boomer's response. My service Tech said the same, especially after he quoted me $800 for the full 16k service per owners manual. Hence, changed spark plugs, oil/filter, rear final drive gear oil and brake/clutch fluid for under $200.
  8. link no workie workie
  9. Same question I had...advertisement states 55 MPH MAXIMUM towing speed. Nice looking trailer for the price, but has anyone who has/used this particular trailer experienced anything negative with this trailer at speeds around 70?
  10. Thanks all for all the replies. On a side-note, while I am not a certified mechanic, I am also not completely lost around a motorcycle engine. I do stick by specifications stated in the owner's and/or service manual. I am also very meticulous and cautious, as I, like all of you, take great pride in my RSV. When it calls for 31 ft-lbs, I set my torque wrench at 31 ft-lbs and trust that it is working properly. I have used several different H.F tools over the years. Some are worth their weight in gold, while others have been a waste of money. As far as the amount of force I used to tighten the bolt, I finger tighten first, then set my torque wrench at the specification outlined in the service manual. In lieu of forking out several hundred $$$ to a stealership/mechanic, I am going to place the bike on a stand and try to fix it with a heli-coil. I hope to have it fixed by the end of the week. Hope ya'll had a happy 4th.
  11. Just changed my oil/filter, put the drain plug back in and, using my "trusty-dusty" Harbor Freight Torque Wrench, torqued the bolt to specification. The result?? I now have a stripped drain plug bolt/oil pan. After I fork out a pretty penny to fix this, I will NOT be using another Harbor Freight tool on my baby. ANy one else ever have an issue with an H.F. Torque Wrench?
  12. I just changed both front and rear to EBC HH. Motorcycle Superstore had the best pricing, with free shipping.
  13. Brand new (thru South Seattle Sports Plaza prices), front seat is $275, passenger seat is $222. I would probably pay for "like new" rarely used for about $100 each.
  14. I'm good for a couple.
  15. I just put E III's on mine. I agree with earlier post...I believe they are the exact same width, or at least they look to be the same. either way, what a difference they make as compared to the stock Brickstones (crap).
  16. EBC HH pads. I just ordered mine from Motorcycle Superstore, with free shipping. I'm sure you might be able to find them cheaper elsewhere, but I chose M/C Superstore for the free shipping. Mine should be here today, and hope to have them installed this weekend.
  17. the spacer is WELL worth the money!!
  18. Ummmm.... NO unless you count the VentureRider.org sticker I will e placing strategically on my windshield when I receive it.
  19. I just bought the leveling links from Diamond R. I have stock tire size on, but just switched to Dunlop Elite 3's. So far I really like the Dunlop, as compared to the stock Brickstones. I will be installing the leveling links sometime this week, and will try to give you an update on the bikes handling.
  20. I only had a slow leak on mine, with about 5k miles on the bike. My dealer replaced it, no questions asked.
  21. all I can say is..... WOW
  22. Thats what I was wanting...got them ordered...thanks for the reply
  23. I hope this isn't a dumb question: The leveling links sold at Diamond R...do they raise or lower the back end? At 6'1", I definitely don't want it lowered...but I do want better low speed handling.
  24. ummmmmmm...are we missing something here?
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