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Everything posted by yamadawg

  1. :doh:I apologize for resurrecting this old post. It was on the subject so I just linked off of it. I never thought about how confusing it could be... Thank you for the info BOO! I'll head the the HD store tomorrow morning.
  2. Has anyone added visors to the brake / running lights on the Harley license plate lights? If so, where can I get those? Preferably NOT H-D identified, Star if possible, but plain would be OK. I would like to put those on to match the others on the bike...
  3. AWSOME job!!! I am drooling... I miss my '83 and you just reminded me why. The early machines were the sportiest and best looking in my opinion and you just improved on that. Enjoy, and thanks for sharing!
  4. Add more prayers coming that way. We'll be praying for your full and speedy recovery!
  5. :icon_smile_questionDo you turn off the fuel petcock on your bike when you are not riding? I got accustomed to not worrying about this with the 1st gen but see the manual says to turn it off when the bike is stopped. Is there a danger of fuel flowing down thru the carbs and into the cylinders and to the crankcase? Thanks! Don
  6. I just went out and checked. My fuel light does not come on. I have nearly a full tank, only 4 miles since fill up...
  7. We have belonged to the AMA for several years for the same reasons already stated above. The representation and fights for biker's rights are enough reason alone, but the Roadside Assistance, discounts, and magazine are icing on the cake. It is amazing the number of challenges that are raised each year to our rights to ride, or rights as riders. It is great to have a united organization that fights these challenges.
  8. More prayers are coming from east Tennessee, too. May God bless and protect you and your family. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your life.
  9. Congratulations! Great find. I am SO envious. :sign green with envI just want to ride one of those one of these days before old age makes me too frail...
  10. Still looking. Does anyone out there have a right saddlebag assembly for an '88VR in the tan color that they want to get rid of? I will be selling this bike and don't want to send it off maimed. It has been much too good to us...
  11. :clap2:Thanks everyone for sharing their bike names and stories! It was so cool hearing the reasons some of the bikes have their names. It inspired us so much that my wife has now decided that we must name ours as well. :lightbulb:With apologies to Old Hippy she chose Maggie as its' name. (She decided on the name without reading his post, but I felt it better to apologize up front.) It'll be "Midnight Maggie" for obvious reasons and we'll leave Maggie Mae to Old Hippy so that we don't be stealing your bike's name...
  12. I picked my '03 up last Thursday and since then have ridden over 800 miles and none of them were dry. (Well maybe 50 or so, but I was soaked the whole time.) There was no way that I was going to wait to ride. :Venture:I am anxious to see what the bike feels like on a dry road for a change. I do feel your pain... maybe we should of bought submarines...
  13. I had completely forgotten about Merv's since we rarely came to Red Bank, but I agree they have a great burger. Chattanooga's best burger was at a place called Leonard's on Brainerd Road by the tunnels. Leonard's was a favorite watering hole after sporting events but closed many years back. I seem to remember that someone from from Leonard's carried on that tradition at a new restaurant. Maybe it was Merv's?
  14. I took ownership of my '03 on Thursday. Rode 190 miles in a lovely rain / sun mix to Chattanooga on Friday afternoon after meeting some friends half way. Then, Saturday morning left out on the Trail of Tears ride from Chattanooga TN to Florence Alabama, almost 200 miles, most of which was in heavy rain. The turn out was much lower than years past, probably due to the terrible weather. Returned to Knoxville, shriveled but satisfied after riding over 300 more miles in often heavy but mainly constant rainfall. I saw several 1st gens and many nice 2nd gens on the ride. And, of course, one of the HD's riding with us had mechanical issues. Imagine that... The RSV handled like a dream and was very comfortable despite the horrid weather. Another great ride! Don
  15. You did warn him that it would ruin him for other bikes I hope? That should be a standard disclaimer, right there on the sticker beside the tire pressure and weight listings... "Warning: Studies have proven that once you ride a Yamaha Venture for any period of time no other bike will feel quite the same or satisfy the standards set by the Venture." Don
  16. Great photos! I know you must be proud. She is a darling! The only improvement I could see would be if the outfit were red with a big 'ol "G" on it... But, that's just me... All kidding aside she is a beautiful young lady. Thanks for sharing! Don
  17. Ditto on all of the above. May God bless him and your family and watch over you all. He will be in our thoughts and prayers constantly as he performs this noble duty. Please extend our deepest gratitude to him for his service. Don
  18. Wow! Some really great names for your bikes. Some humourous, some touching, but all thoughtful. I hope to hear more! Well, it's almost time to finish packing and paddle the bike to Chattanooga for the Trail of Tears. :250:Nothing like a flood watch to make the ride exciting, huh? Please keep the names coming... Don
  19. :biker:Do you name your bike(s)? If so.... what is its / their name? I've never came up with a name to stick mine with, but many of my friends have named theirs...
  20. Great lookin' ride!!! Welcome back from the dark side... Don
  21. We'll just miss you. Mrs. Yamadawg and I will be there to ride out on the Trail of Tears ride Saturday the 19th. Hey, by the way Armando's Restaurant(s) in Chattanooga make a mean burger. I don't know if they are who you are talking about, but they will give just about any other place a run for their money... If you stop by Knoxville Tennessee on your way look for Litton's Restaurant, located on Broadway north of I-640. They have killer burgers there, too. Travel safe, and enjoy Chatta-Vegas. It is a really cool town with good riding all around. Don
  22. Ditto on Dave W's suggestion. Priced that way he can probably keep it on the market for years. "But honey, I'm trying to sell it. Honest I am." Of course, he'll need to ride it regularly to keep it lubricated and working properly. :moped:Sounds like a plan...
  23. Great looking ride! Congratulations!
  24. I'm still tryin' to figure out the refrigerator light thing... I couldn't resist.
  25. Thank you for sharing with us! The photos of Rock City bring back fond memories as we used to live in the valley you see just below it. We are now close to the Dragon, and finished our vacation this year riding Skyline Drive and the BRP. You helped us relive those memories, too. Thanks! I am very glad you and the family had a great time!
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