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Everything posted by yamadawg

  1. More prayers on the way, along with our deepest sympathies for the family.
  2. Thank you for all of the input and photos. It makes the decision much clearer!
  3. For any extension lasting more than four hours you will have to call your mechanic...
  4. yamadawg


    Our thoughts exactly! We do not like to take the time for set up and take down during the trip itself and prefer to use cheap hotels on the way to get more saddle time. I just can't get into that much packing and unpacking. Once at our destination camping is the way to go. BTW... great video, and you can never go wrong with Marshall Tucker! :thumbsup2:Thank you! :clap2::clap2:
  5. IMPRESSIVE! Great looking '88. It is great to see what one looks like without all of the "beauty marks" like I put on mine. Congratulations on landing a great bike!
  6. Pics would be great... Thanks!
  7. Has anyone used the Mirror Frame mount for their Garmin? It looks as if this mount would have the mirror threaded through it and like it would work well on the RSV. Also, if you are using it what length arm did you go with? The item description is: Motorcycle / Bike MIRROR FRAME Mount for GARMIN NUVI 200W 205W 250W 255W 260W 265WT 465T GPS
  8. Like Skid said it sounds like my first experience, too. It took several days before I began to unconsciously put my feet on the boards and such. I would miss the boards, reach under me, kick the shifter into a higher gear, you name it. I was a real fish out of water. Now, I am always thankful for the comfortable position I find myself in with the forward boards and heel / toe shifter. The bike feels so comfortable and natural. I miss the handling characteristics of the 1st Gen but regret that I did not change earlier...
  9. Oh my! Please let your friend know that both he and the other rider will be in our thoughts and prayers for a speedy and complete recovery. We are also very thankful that his injuries were not much worse. It is simply amazing the number of this type of accidents that occur every day. After working as a vendor for many years and knowing how regularly folks drive in to the fronts of convenience stores and regularly hit the gas pumps and the guards around them I try to be very aware and cautious when walking even on the sidewalk, much less riding in the lot. Plus, I once had a lady in a Taco Bell drive-thru after gettinng her order put her car in reverse and cave the bumper in on the van I was driving. I was sitting still with the transmission in Park. She moved her car forward and then came back screaming at me for hitting her! Luckily two employees working the window witnessed the incident and told her so. She pulled around slowly, presumably so we could exchange information, then sped off. My grandfather suffered a grand mal seizure as he pulled up to the local hardware store and drove his pickup through the window and completely inside the store. Thankfully no one was injured. As was said above there are some folks that should not be driving. The unfortunate part is that it often requires a tragedy to reveal that fact...
  10. The anti-dive actually controls/channels the flow of fluid in the forks based on the load or pressure placed on them thus preventing the motorcycle from nosediving upon braking. The anti-dive on the '83 thru '85 models (MkI models, 1198cc engine) was a manual system and adjustable by turning a screw in the bottom of the forks as I recall. The models from '86 to '93, the (MkII models, 1,294 engine) were electronic and not adjustable. That is my simple layman's explanation, I am sure that others can expand on or explain this better. The Progressive Springs that many (myself included) replace the original fork springs with perform this well enough that the anti-dive plays much less of a part in this function.
  11. Just curious... Brake Pad said: I sure hope they take some ideas from the goldwing, on how to make a awesome drive shaft. cause, theirs SUCKS!!!! What is the problem with the drive shaft? I've went through a 750 Maxim and 3 Ventures with no issues with the drive shaft. Am I running on luck? What issues should I expect?
  12. Thanks! I wasn't sure where that was. We have Bount County here close so I always think it must be down this way. Give us a shout the next time you are down this way and maybe we can meet and eat or even ride some...
  13. Wow. I've got one of those '88's in my garage. Except mine has more safety chrome, the Big Bike Parts light on the trunk, passenger armrests, progressive springs in recently rebuilt forks, superbrace, new gaskets and hoses, new Avon Venom X's, and the SUPER HANDY LePac bag between the handlebars. That bag alone is worth it's weight in gold. It has been carefully test-ridden through the 68K mile break-in period. Heck, I'd let them have mine, even with the bag, for $4,499... Plus, I can tell them what the little box thingie is on the forks. I don't think the electric anti-dive on the MkII's was adjustable like the manual units on the MkI's were. They had a screw in the bottom of the forks that adjusted them. When I put the Progressive springs in the forks they made the anti-dive un-necessary anyway. They can do the same with this bike and not worry with the AD system. For $12 they can join this group and learn how to work on Yamaha's...
  14. It wasn't us, but we did ride the Dragon and the Cherohala the last Sunday on our Midnight Venture. We are still pretty new to Knoxville. Where is Blountville?
  15. Welcome home, and THANK YOU!!!!
  16. After riding a mixture of mini-bikes, scooters, go-karts and etc., including a little Benelli 2-stroke that looked as if you were spraying for mosquitos I finally got my first "real bike", a Honda CL100 Scrambler... the 11hp model! in 1971. :cool18:We had some real adventures, that bike and I, and grew up together. Tucked in real tight and laying on the tank we could get up over 65 mph going down the big hill on the highway if I started wide open then free wheeled... After a few junkers here and there I bought a totally remarkable new cruiser, a 1978 Yamaha 650 Special. :cool17:Dark blue with alloy wheels and padded sissy bar. I loved that bike, and maybe it was just me but as well as being very stylish it was very fast, too. Marriage and kids changed that bike into a 1975 Lime Green Vega station wagon. :Avatars_Gee_George:Where is the justice? Fast Forward: The kids are mostly grown and the marriage has made it through the bike drought... Then, after a near 20 year hiatus we started right back where we had left off with a pristeen '83 750 Maxim, then '83 Venture Standard, '88 Venture Royale, and finally made it home to the '03 RS Midnight Venture.
  17. Bongobobny said "Some People Are Post Whores..." So, what is better, Post- or Pre- ?
  18. Fifty-two off the bike. Age-neutral in the saddle... The better half is a year younger and has put up with me for thirty of those years...
  19. Sounds good! Keep us in mind. If we plan another ride over there we'll reach out to you beforehand... We rode up to Cumberland Gap TN on Saturday and ate at Webb's Country Kitchen. It was a good ride and great food, too. The only problem is that a H-D riding with us developed a gas leak at the "pressure regulator" below the tank and was dripping fuel onto the motor. That took over three hours to remedy enough to go further. We had planned to go throught the tunnel into Middlesboro KY and up to the Pinnacle Overlook but had to get the H-D back home for more repairs. But, all in all, a great meal and great ride Saturday, too!
  20. Wow! We had a beautiful day and a wonderful ride today here in East Tennessee! We left Knoxville up in the morning and rode down to Tellico then across the Cherohala Skyway to NC. Most of the leaves are gone but there are still some pretty colorful scenes, and plenty of sunshine and 70 degree weather. Left Robbinsville NC and rode the Dragon back to Tennessee and then back home. Just a wonderful day to ride! We saw a black cherry RSV while on the Dragon. Anyone here? Also, we saw a new Vmax. Awesome! Our two riding buddies, both motorcycle officers with exceptional skill sets got to see the bike take off from a dead stop as it was spinning the tire, working up a little sideways, then hooked up and was off like a shot. They were both extremely impressed with the performance and the sound of the bike. Just another great day that I am thankful for the opportunity to ride...
  21. Good deal! With my travel schedule I would have had the opportunity to go by there personally this week to handle that for you if needed. I am glad to hear that they worked things out, though. As I said before they are great folks to work with...
  22. Wow. Those can be very painful. I hope you heal quickly and feel much better very soon.
  23. There is enough room in there for a cassette AND an 8 track player. We may be moving up...
  24. :Bunny2:That was just cruel and inhuman. :hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:And pretty doggone funny, too!:hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:
  25. Congratulations on quitting smoking! I too, gave up a 3 pack a day habit in 1999 cold turkey. It IS TOUGH, but well worth it. What kept me going was prayer, a LOT of Tootsie Roll Midgees and drinking water when I had the urge. I read somewhere that it helps to cleanse the system of nicotine quicker. I think the most helpful thing for me was coming to the realization and seeing myself as a non-smoker. Just as before I started the nasty habit. That was the real me, and I went back there. I hope that makes sense. Plus, I became really PO'd that the tobacco companies had juiced up the nicotine to more thoroughly hook us. The drug has a powerful hold on the body, but the mind will make the difference. You can do it!
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