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About jjj7s

  • Birthday 07/25/1960

Personal Information

  • Name
    Joe S


  • Location
    Cortlandt Manor, Wes, United States


  • City
    Cortlandt Manor, Wes


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Ridding, Tennis, Skiing, Guitars
  • Bike Year and Model
    2002 Midnight Venture
  1. GeorgeS, Sounds like a good place to start and I will give it a try tomorrow. Keep you fingers crossed I find something!!!!. Thanks...enjoy the weekend!!!!
  2. Hi all: Any chance anyone has had a problem with the passenger intercom. The radio/CB work fine and can be heard in the drivers headset fine. However, the passenger hears nothing. The two shops I use were of no help, didn't want to try to figure it out and pretty much sai I was on my own. Anyone have any thought where I might begin in trying to resolve this issue? Thanks
  3. Hey Freebird....I'm actually going to be in Geneseo on Sat. with my daughter visiting some colleges. I should think about taking my bike so you can take a look at. Though I don't think my daughter would go fro it. LOL:080402gudl_prv:
  4. The 410 was the total including luggage and stuff. I'm not sure about the part of the tire the maybe hitting the fender. I just put new tires on last month plus I ride solo 90 % of the time so I'm not so sure how much the tire will show at this point. Thankfully, the rubber smell dosen't happen all the time and it tends to happen more freuquently with simple road depressions at higher speeds.
  5. Hey Goose....I like your idea and will post those measurements over the weekend since I don't get bike till Sat. I have never ridden any other RSV and given the 100 I really doubt the bike was lowered or in some kind of accident. Also, wouldn't the dealer have noticed if the bike was lowered? Any chance there could be a problem with frame (cracked???) Like you I feel it must be something other than the shock plus this has been going since day one. Anyway, I'll give those measurements a try.
  6. I'm agraid so...thankfully not all the times but there were times when you could smell the rubber. With both rider we total about 410lbs. I tried the dealer to ride two up....but they wouldn't.
  7. I wanted thank everyone for their input regarding my rear suspension and shock problem. I also wanted to update you on the latest? I bought my bike to a third Yamaha dealer to have it check out yet again. Well, the dealer tested the new shock and not surmising found it to be fine. Other than putting more air in the shock they came up with nothing. They did say that this has been is an issue with Venture which I was surprised to hear because most of the problems I've heard about has to do with the shock failing, leaking but never bottoming out. Worse than that the dealer had no real fix. Needless to say, this has to be most frustrating thing I've ever had to deal with. Unbelievable!!!!!!
  8. I purchased the bike with only 100 miles so I really don't think that the bike was lowered. The bottoming out seem to happen more with simple road depressions. It also happen with larger/deep bumps but the more with road depressions. Very Odd.........
  9. Thanks for checking out my post. Both the new and the old were up to 45-50 psi. I just had the new put in last week and the dealer let me know that he the shock pumped to 45 psi. So, I was floored when we bottomed out.
  10. ANy Advise Out There!!!! I purchased my 02 Midnight Venture about 3 years ago with 100 miles. Basically, new but had been sitting for a 2 plus years. From day one the biike has been bottoming out. I had the rear shock checked by two dealer and both said the shock was fine and not leaking. Well afetr two years of fighting with Yamaha I finally got them to replace the shock. Had the shock installed and wouldn't you know it ....my first time out with two up we bottom out. I must admit that the bike didnt bottom out as much but it did and I couldn't believe it. When ridding two up our total weight does not exceed 380 pounds. Can it be something else? Is there any other setting that can be adjusted to get the tire more clearance from the rear fender? What I have read so far seems to suggest that most rsv shock problems have to do with oil leakage ....that hasn't been the case here.......any suggestions? Thanks
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