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About mecasonic

  • Birthday 04/19/1970

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  • Location
    Mutzig, AL, France


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  • Bike Year and Model
    XVZ12 VENTURE 1983
  1. Hi all, Any suggestions on how to improve the braking system on my 83 Venture XVZ12? I've heard R1 Brakes could fit....not so sure. Thx
  2. Got a question about the coolant drain plug: mine is set upside down I mean the writings are really upside down, so do I have to unscrew the plug, will that come easy, is there a risk of braking? What's the correct position if I'd like to cool down that bike? Thanks
  3. Thx Earl for these précisions, it is in fact clearer now Great White, thx for the links. I will follow your advice and go for a manual switch. I'd like to replace the radiator too, as it really looks old and might have been nibbled by the successive coolants during its long life. Any tips to get it for a good price? I've got so many questions about the ineficient braking system : how to upgrade it properly, rear tire sizes options, XVZ13 fairings and luggage conversion etc...I might annoy you guys again in a few other posts. Thx in advance It is quite diificult to get parts and infos here in France for that bike.
  4. Thank you very much to all of you guys for all the tips ! I'd like to trick the "computer" with that resistor. Any wiring diagram and type of resistor I could use? Earl, where is exactly situated the bypass plug? In which pos. should it be? I will certailly drain the coolant very soon ad clean the radiator too. About the "lower temp fan switch" any part number ? Anyone on here to send me a link where I can download a service manual please? I will also have to replace the speedo cable as it was not with the bike .... Found one on EBay in Germany but not sure the 104cm long cable fits ?...
  5. Hi there, I'm new on here. I've just purchased an XVZ12 Venture 1983 US specs in Britanny last week. After a few yards during the test drive , I've noticed that the warning light and the symbol battery on lcd were both on. Bike started ok and still does . Previous owner told me it has always been like that....of course... Second probleme is tha temp rising up quickly and especially when driving in town or when on standby at a toll or at a traffic light. The needle reaches the red limit and even if the fan turns on it seems like the temp won't really go down , it will eventualy if I drive it on a motorway but not a lot... I've read a few posts and comments about louvers .... but can't see mine and could it only be those louvers that causes the overheating? I've done more than 800 miles with the bike , no smoke, no start probs but I am a bit fed up of that sensation of having constantly both legs barbecued. Any help or ideas would be welcome. Thank you guys
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