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About aknoblich

  • Birthday 05/03/1953

Personal Information

  • Name
    Arnie Knoblich


  • Location
    Burbank, WA, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
  • Bike Year and Model
    Yamaha Venture xvz 1200 1983
  1. After my 83 Yamaha Venture 1200 warms up into the operating range it won't run at an idle or under 2000 rpms. I can rev it up to all the way to the red line and it runs great, but at a low idle (below 2000 rpms) the tach drops to zero and it kind of chugs along wanting to die. I tried changing out the plugs and wires but that made no difference. I also located and changed the fuel filter. Open to suggestions.
  2. I recently converted my 1978 Suzuki GS 750 to electronic ignition. Was working fine. Then it quit charging. I ordered a regulator rectifier. The old one had one black wire-ground one solid red wire one solid yellow wire one white with a red stripe and one white with a blue stripe.the new one they sent me has the black and red wires and three yellow wires. So question is how do I hook this up? Is it that way cause the yellow wires don't matter how they are hooked up? Anyone have an answer?
  3. I just went out and did a little test by cracking the bleeder and pushing in the rod. got some clutch back, looks like it will work. I am waiting on a used clutch basket from eBay should be here today and am soaking the new clutch plates in oil right now. By the way I am using Castrol 20/50 oil, is that okay or what would you suggest?
  4. Thanks, I will give that a try and let you know if it works for me.
  5. I just replaced mine on my 83 Yamaha venture 1200. It is regular right hand thread and a good easy out should do the trick. My pin that fell out was laying right there on the bottom of the case, my guess is yours probably fell down the hole and into the pan. Probably more work to take off the pan than it is worth. I don't think it can cause any problems in the pan.
  6. I replaced the stop plate and the shift pins and the clutch plates on my 1983 Yamaha Venture 1200 XVZ. the problem I am having is I can't squeeze the clutch in. Now I don't have it all back together yet cause I am waiting on a used clutch basket from eBay motorcycle parts that should be here tomorrow. I did stick the old clutch assembly in there temporarily and still could not squeeze the clutch in. Is there something I need to do to make it work?
  7. I had to change out the clutch reservoir with one I purchased on e-bay. I am wishing I had taken a picture of it before I took it apart. There has got to be a special way the cables are routed in order to get them to fit in there so that plate which has a screw at each end will pull up into place and hold them in place. Right now I am considering just using a few zip ties to do the job. Thanks for your post.
  8. I need a picture of how to route the left handlebar cables ie clutch, horn, choke and electrical so that the plate will be able to screw back in place. can someone please help me?
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