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Everything posted by HALRSV99

  1. I can still run faster than you even if I have an arrow sticking out of me. its going to be an ad-VENTURE.
  2. Its a 48hr drive from Vernon BC so count me out this week. Suppose to be home for next week so I should make that one. At least I got to borrow a bike from a friend near Banff, and road through the mountains last weekend. That made being away a little easier.
  3. It's to much Apple Pie or the Blueberry Shine, it makes you do strange things. Have fun with what ever you get. Hal and Gayle
  4. I'm just sitting in my corner over hear drinking my apple pie. Staying out of trouble.
  5. That's my truck and trailer, and I remember Don taking pics, and we did talk about photo shopping, and you know how good he is with a computer,
  6. HALRSV99


    My apple pie is 151 proof. Light and refreshing and tastes just like apple pie. Haha
  7. HALRSV99


    Shhhhhhhhh! I'm not supposed to know:Im not listening to:
  8. We were trying to join in the fun but I still have some work in the morning to finish up so it's a no for us. :crying: may get out for a ride in the afternoon. Have fun.
  9. Well if their going through Waterloo they can stay with us. Haha. It's been a while. Hope they have a good trip. And we'll see you at the rally.
  10. Always had that smile and a big hug everytime our paths crossed. Don, you will be missed. Our thoughts go out to Sarah, family and friends.
  11. Scott, Gayle and myself have our figures crossed and hope it turns out ok. Hal
  12. There goes the neighbor hood.
  13. This luxo BMW rider has had massage and is doing better. Thanks for asking. Haha. But work is getting in the way this week. Have fun. Swifty I know which bike will be your next one.
  14. That one is not mine but if he is interested in a comparison mine is for sale and a 99 also. So give me a PM and we can chat. Got the new bike Friday. Even though I'm not on here much I'm still a member Carl.
  15. Gayle and myself sent our best wishes for a speedy recovery and will keep both you and Joyce in our thoughts. Hal
  16. You are goofy and it's to far. Hahaha
  17. North of border
  18. well thanks all. Had a great day. Maybe some day I'll get back into the riding aspect of life. Just very busy. Hopefully soon.
  19. I've had the 06 LT for four years now and still love it. I use it every day for work, use it for hunting. Drive it 10k into the bush for hunting and I don't worry about the brush scratching the truck because of the cladding. Fold the back seats down, drop the mid gate and you have a covered work truck, close mid gate and lift the back seats you have a comfortable SUV for 4-6 adults.
  20. Hey Don, I have an '06 and love it. It's my work truck, hunting truck and all around everything else truck. Drop the mid-gate, take out the rear Window, open the sun roof and enjoy the drive. Hal
  21. I'd bet that is Brad and Rhonda's new place to park their rides.
  22. I had it for years from constantly being on my feet on ceramic floors and up and down ladders. Last spring I walked a golf course and the next three days could not walk. Heard and advert on the radio for pain management and called. 2 month of shock wave therapy- which is a hand held piston like tool, the chiro doc has, that pounds on the heal spurs to break up the calcium build up. It is not without some discomfort. Then they use lazer therapy to help the healing process. I had been in pain for years and did the man-up thing and toughed it out till I could not walk. It took longer for the recovery because of that, but I still remember the day I stopped and realized I did not think of my feet the whole day. It is hard to go through a day when your in constant pain. Interesting thing is they have been doing this in Europe of decades now and is as simple as going to the doc for a tune up. AND IT WORKS without surgery or medication. Strange how that is not covered here but the meds and surgery are. Good luck, I use to know what you are feeling
  23. Carl and Marca, we will keep Dorothea, her family and both of you in our prayers. Hopefully her spirit will help her to rise above what she will go through. A true reflection of how she was raised. Hal and Gayle
  24. Hey Bob I was there. I made a phone call and talked to Marca at supper even though I was working 300 miles away. So in spirit I was present. haha
  25. I thought some one used the hot tub while I was out hunting. Could have found you a bow to smack your arm again with haha. We have a few empty tree stands to fill. Climbed in the stand on the weekend and I guess some buttons got push on the phone and it called Alex's phone at 5:30am your time. I called her later to appologize. She thought it was funny and then talked my ear off.haha
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