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Everything posted by cruiser

  1. That I can put me sunglasses in maybe a cell phone, and oh oh a drink holder, DUDE yeah a drink holder, I need ideas ideas gentleman ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ Sent from my LGL34C using Tapatalk
  2. Okay here is another for y'all what about a windshield bag, like the one that fits on the inside of the windshield? ??? Sent from my LGL34C using Tapatalk
  3. Well been searching for horns, no salvage yard has them or even knows what I'm talking about, I found some online but didn't like those, so now shopping for slip ons, hmmm I wonder, I don't want to have to rejett the carbs, nor do I know how to do that any thoughts on slip ons that will work on a 97 royal star 1300? Sent from my LGL34C using Tapatalk
  4. Well there's no turning back now, lol, flynfool and with no regrets all I can say is thank you is I'm just getting started, ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  5. I didn't know that was there! I know I know us newbies, lol still learning,
  6. I really don't mind some cold air around here, it gets hot down here in Texas, and right now I sure wish someone would turn on that big o fan up north and turn it my way, the past couple of days I'm still sweating even cruising at 70mph, on the highway, all next week it's going to be in the 100 degree mark, but not stopping me from riding lol, and tell all the stories you guys want I'm all ears lol Sent from my LGL34C using Tapatalk
  7. Thanks brother, be safe out there, oh heck yeah I just found my other house shoe under the table where the other one was, I just knew it would show up๐Ÿ˜‚ Sent from my LGL34C using Tapatalk
  8. Thanks brother, that's a nice bike man, kinda makes mine look small lol Sent from my LGL34C using Tapatalk
  9. Man I wish I could be there, I wish the best for y'all be safe out there, I hope they have another rally close to me some day, running two business isn't easy lol, btw what do you ride if I may ask? Sent from my LGL34C using Tapatalk
  10. But I'm still lost here, the tooch, but the ice cream really helped๐Ÿ˜‡ .......whistling Sent from my LGL34C using Tapatalk
  11. I like the way you think GREAT WHITE I bet if that dude tries that again those babies will his shoes off lol, so on that note maybe I'm over reacting,WHERE WOULD I FIND THOSE? ?????? Sent from my LGL34C using Tapatalk
  12. But mainly just thankful no one got hurt. Sent from my LGL34C using Tapatalk
  13. Yeah I like that, is there anyway to put a diesel horn on a bike like maybe 4 of them, I can always were ear plugs, I here it's better for you ears when you do when you are riding, I just don't want to wreck my baby lol, I think that dude was def and blind, ๐Ÿ˜Ž Sent from my LGL34C using Tapatalk
  14. Sorry didn't mean to complain lol, right now I'm thinking on going for a ride to diary queen or Braums for a banana split or just chocolate chip ice cream, hmmmm, yeah I believe I will lol๐Ÿ˜Ž Sent from my LGL34C using Tapatalk
  15. What a day man, almost got ran over, dad called and asked me to sell his bike, I don't know what to think about that one, got home and found a water leak under sink, and lost one of my dang house shoes, so walking around with just one, till I remember where the other ran off too, oh and tripped over the the Brown brake fluid I bleed out of the clutch earlier today, any one got a joke to tell????? Sent from my LGL34C using Tapatalk
  16. I have a 97 royal star, I wanting to make it louder, reason I was ridding home today and this guy ran into me, switching lanes well almost hit me, I kicked his car and blow the horn, we pulled over and etc etc, he said he didn't see me or hear me. So on that note what slip on pipes should I use, or can I just cut out the baffles, with out having to rejett the carbs? Sent from my LGL34C using Tapatalk
  17. Well I think I stand corrected, lol I guess I got a little big headed there, I need to catch up on my home work๐Ÿ˜” Sent from my LGL34C using Tapatalk
  18. Heck with it lol Sent from my LGL34C using Tapatalk
  19. Sent from my LGL34C using Tapatalk
  20. Let me try this, I'm gonna stand on my head this time Sent from my LGL34C using Tapatalk
  21. See See See what the heck man Sent from my LGL34C using Tapatalk
  22. Sent from my LGL34C using Tapatalk
  23. Man it is so hard to post any pics, there all upside down๐Ÿ˜ก Sent from my LGL34C using Tapatalk
  24. I've had no experiences on those muscle tears, but have Ben injured many times before and the older I get the longer it takes for me to heal, take it easy brother, don't do something that can slow the healing process, just saying! Sent from my LGL34C using Tapatalk
  25. Lmao you guys are awesome man, I so look forward to getting to know all of you, so I assume my 97 is the 1 gen ๐Ÿ˜ she sure runs and rides good I have to say and a lot more comfortable than the sportster I traded for her, I hope there is a meeting,rally, etc etc, around here soon, I would like to meet y'all and start adding friends to my list lol, you guys stay cool brothers, any questions about me just ask, and you can call me what you want, just don't call me collect, lol Sent from my LGL34C using Tapatalk
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