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Everything posted by bluestar99

  1. HI Cowpuc and Tippy. We are glad that the surgury went well for you. Now you have to get those two healed and do the others, then get them all in working order so you are all ready for your eat meat and greet runs. Get better soon.
  2. Yes. I have to agree that Puc's stories are the best. I allways look foreward to reading them and watching the vidios. Good luck with your hand surgury tomorrow. I hope that it goes well. Take care and dowhat the Doc says. I am sure that you are used to that by now. Sent from my SM-T800 using Tapatalk
  3. Nice vidio Puc. You must do a lot of "hack" jobs. I noticed you had 2 hacksaws in that drawer.
  4. Puc. It is a good thing that we have you on this site to keep us all in line. In billmac's difense he didn't say that it was him that did that ride. Hope that everyone had a safe and joyus Christmas. Happy New Year to one and all.
  5. Merry Christmas to all. And a Happy New Year too. Thanks to Mirider and it was also very nice to meet you and all the others also.
  6. Hey Puc. It looks like these guys won't let you forget that soon. I thought that it was better the way it went down. LOL. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.
  7. Wow! We are so glad that you two are doing better after all that you all have been going through. It is good that Tippy finaly found the right Dr. to figure out what was wrong and fix the problem. You both are in our thoughts. Ya it might be a good idea to cut back on the hotdogs.
  8. Thanks Mirider. I think?
  9. As Puc's neighbor I can attest to him treating his neghbors very well.
  10. Hey Mirider What is an "op like Puc mean"? I guess if it means I am a little crazy like Puc then it is an honor:bowdown: Oh by the way I had to come back. It was on reserve. We went and filled up the bikes when I got back. Wowzeewow that was a wild ride at least for Puc on that Crud Rocket.
  11. Thank you Scott for the opertunity to ride that rocket ship. It was something that I wanted to ride for a long time. It brought tears to my eyes. It may have just been the wind at that speed or the shear joy of the ride. You may have named it Crud but I think it went way beyound its name. Vicki and I had a great visit with you two.
  12. Hey Puc. Nice test ride on your new scoot. I always thought that I should have one of those. I don't think my wife would like to ride on the back though. We will have to get over to your house to check it out. It would be such a long ride though we would have to make some time for that:essen_018:
  13. Hey mirider. I guess it is for that reason that I didn't bring my wife. Oh by the way Puc it was great that you are feeling up to doing the greet and eat meat meets. I was worried that it would take longer for your recoperation.
  14. Hey everyone. Had a great time at Puc's get togeather. It was great the way it all worked out. As allways it is good to meet everyone . Thanks Puc and Tippy for the lunch. This one will be talked about for a long time. Glad everyone made it home safe. Ron.
  15. puc and toppy. it was real nice to see you at the channel yesterday and hearing about your sturges venture. i hope that the drs get this sorted out so all is well with you soon. as i said if you are feeling up to another meet and greet eat meat there is one 8 18 on whitehall road in muskegon and i would be happy to drive you. or anything i can do to help you out just let us know. you are in are thoughts . prayers up to you too. ron and vicki
  16. glad that you all three made it back ok
  17. have a safe trip. wish you and tweeks all the best, tippy to.
  18. correction. i just realized it is marcarl not micarl. i don't want him. my bad.
  19. we made it home after a shopping trip to the mall and a run to the beach. sure is a hot day to ride, but getting cowpuc to furnish lunch was worth it. also i think he may have had gas before going to the dentist! it was real nice to meet all you guys and gals. have to keep an eye on micarl though, he likes to hug all the ladies! we could have a new name for dogman after tody. it could be hotdogman. had a great day. thanks puc and tippy. ronand vicki
  20. sorry to hear that jay. glad she isn't any more hurt. thanks to that 1000 dollar helmet. wish her all the best in her recovery.
  21. hi puc, ya post on here when they get to your place. if it is not too late and they want to ride more let us know ron deal we are in the phone book.
  22. ya that tooch seems to fit in around here, i think that puc calls that type loop eared varmits, to use a term from puc. have a safe trip to the US
  23. hey puc i am glad that dogman is staying at your house and not mine. i couldn't afford to lose the silverware. what would i use to eat with? no kidding i am looking foreword to meeting you dogman. see you guys around 10 tuesday morning. ron
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