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Personal Information

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  • Location
    Bradenton, FL, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1990 Yamaha Venture Royale
  1. Okay great, I'll start here. And now that you say that the idle is for air, I do remember seeing that in one of the circuit diagrams. Also, do I need to replace these brass plugs or they're just there to protect the screw from dirt and can stay out?
  2. Finally starting to pick up the project again after putting it on hold for 2 months for a trip to Zambia, Africa! I have rebuilt the carbs according to the service manual, and remounted them back on the bike. Now I have several problems that need to be addressed. 1. It starts, but idles high, backfires lots, and blows lots of smoke. Also, the longer it idles, the higher it starts to rev 2. The throttle doesn't snap back when released (maybe this is part of the high idle problem?) 3. I'm wanting to try adjusting the pilot screw. (Its under the brass plug in the attached picture correct?) How do I get this plug out? Once I have these items figured out, I'm wanting to move on to syncing. Finally got the paid version of the forum. I'm ready to get this machine back on the road! Thanks in advance for everyones help. 1991 Venture Royale
  3. I originally posted this in the introduction post, but was told to put it here. Have a 1990 Royale that a buddy just gave me. Is in many pieces and needs lots of time and a little $$. The biggest problem right now is that I hooked the battery up to the charger and turned the key on. The only response from the bike is that the cb+suspension control unit to the right lights up, and the stereo works. Headlight doesn't come on, horn doesn't honk, nothing from the dash board (no lights, etc). I have been poking around with my multimeter and there is power going to some parts of the bike (just random connectors I have test for voltage) and to other parts, they get power for about 1 second, then it cuts off. After about 4 seconds, it comes back for a second then cuts off. Does this consistently. Have checked all the fuses that I could find and they all seem to be good. Where do I even start? Have found several wiring diagrams on here (very good from what I've seen so far), and just downloaded a service manual. Am looking at getting a service manual on ebay. Where does one even start with a mess like this??? Update: Since I posted this originally, I hooked the battery up from my 2000 Shadow ACE, and the dashboard lit up, the horn honks, and I tapped the starter very briefly and it made noise as well. I'm planning on ordering a Yuasa YUAM6250H YTX24HL-BS Battery from Amazon for $99. Called the local cycle dealer and they had one for $160 so decided to go the amazon route to save the $60. I look forward to any input from anyone! Some pictures. Anyone know what the warning light is in the upper left hand corner? (others are self explanatory)
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