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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. Ouch!!! That looks a lot like one of my stocks that I had to repair. I sure hope you are able to get the apes to pay for it. Their favorite line is "Insufficient Packaging, damage not covered" MANY years ago I special ordered a rifle from Remington, it was delivered with about a 15° bend in the barrel and tire tracks on the outside of the box. Fortunately I did not have to deal with UPS, that was between the gun shop and Remington to sort out. At work all of our machines are shipped UPS. We paid UPS over $10K to design our packaging to safely use their shipping, When they destroy a machine they still try the "Insufficient Packaging, damage not covered". IF you end up getting to keep that stock and get made whole in the deal, I would be interested in the remains of that stock. I have one Mauser that I built from a broken stock almost like that one that turned out well, I am in the process of building another one and still need a stock for it.
  2. It is only 100° cooler here right now. But since I am still laid up, it is a nice balmy 64° in the house.
  3. Awesome! Looking forward to it.
  4. I wonder if since I had to BUY those lights to put on my trailer if I can get a refund on what I paid????
  5. Then you went right past me, I am on the scenic route along the lake. You should have stopped.......
  6. If common sense were so common, how come so few people have it? I have always been a fan of letting Darwin do his job. What we really need is legal reform to a system where if you sue someone and lose, you must pay all of the defendants legal expenses. This will at least slow down the flood of frivolous lawsuits.
  7. I can understand it...................
  8. Not a lot here Front and rear brake pads. Fork seals. come spring oil change. IF I get really ambitious, I still need to paint left saddlebag lid.
  9. Who needs an excuse...................
  10. Dan you have to try a lot harder than anything you have been doing to ruffle my feathers, let alone actually get me upset. Keep being our Yammer Dan.
  11. It has been snowing continuously for the last 24 hours and should continue for about another 5 or so. Temps have been hovering in the 20s. It is like a giant snow globe outside. What a lovely day it has been.
  12. It is always so very dangerous to have amateurs playing with highly technical toys. Now that you messed with things, poor ol @cowpuc is getting buried, and I am not yet up to going out to fix things.
  13. Some one must have messed with the nozzles, I wonder if someone might have shot themselves in the foot. Well it will be while before I can get out there to do a new calibration procedure. I had 2 separate incisions. The one that had not been bothering me at all has suddenly woke up and is now trying to make up for lost time. All I can say is OUCH!!!!!
  14. Snow terrorist huh???? Bob, aren't there enough of us hurting ourselves, there is no need for you to get in on the action. It can not hurt to at least get a xray to be sure there is nuttin broken. Erika and I have you on our prayer list........
  15. Or do you get snow that will not melt at high temperatures?? Just what ol @cowpuc has been looking for.
  16. Don't know about you but I have decided to not get any older. Well I suppose my body might still get older, but I refuse to grow up...........2
  17. It is snowing here now.
  18. Well I made it through the night. I should be leaving for home at around 10am. The doc said that both if my hernias were a bigger than expected. So he ended up making the insions much bigger than planned. Dang that smarts.
  19. So all nurses an assistants are prety
  20. Still alive...... sort of They both were much biggerb than theu thought. Kepping me ov r nite
  21. Cant blame the doe, I might have tried to get those pecan pies from you to. Good move to out duck her takeout attempt. Had you not hit the brakes she might have got the trailer full of goodies.
  22. Thanks all for the well wishes and prayers. We all know I need all the help I can get............ I leave in a few minutes to head to the hospital. If at all possible I will try to pop into the chat room tonight from the recovery room. I was told that I was rather interesting the last time I did that while still half in the bag , even though I remember nothing of it. The trick is to s\be able to get my hands on a phone or tablet from my bed.....................Again.................. I will try to refrain from posting pics of the fresh incisions..................... :fingers-crossed-emo
  23. Sometimes if it does not fit their specialty they really do not want anything to do with you. When I had my ankle problem last year I had to get a referral from my regular Dr, he sent me to an orthopedic surgeon. He took and xray as said that i have a mild sprain and gave me a cordizone shot in the ankle. well a month went by and I still could not walk on it well and got my regular doc to refer me to a podiatrist. She took one look at it and wiggled it around and said there is something really not right in there, she did an MRI and it was obvious that two of the 3 ligaments that hold the foot bone to the leg bone were torn. Doc was amazed that I could walk on it at all. She did surgery to put it all back together and I now have a functional foot again. Bottom line is the ortho guy fixed bones, because it was not a bone problem, he really was not interested. You hear all the time of people that have to go to many Drs before they find the one that specializes in what your real problem is. the rest just try to fit your symptoms into their specialty and if they can not make you fit they are not interested in your problems, but will still try something to get the paycheck. OK my rant off too now.............
  24. I ran into one place where the Fine print was concealed on another page. the link to that other page was just the period at the end of the sentence about how cheap it was. It is really tough to notice that just the period is blue instead of black to tell you it is a link. I had to search that page a very long time to find it.
  25. Yup, just when saddlebum opened the flood gates to send down a blast of cold air tomorrow. I was so looking forward to really cranking up cowpuc most favorite machine and painting his world a lovely shade of white. But then here I am, foiled again. just about the time that the cold should be getting here I will be going under the knife again to make yet one more attempt at putting Humpty Dumpty back together again. It seems that old Humpty Dumpty has found a way to get a pair of hernias that NEED to get fixed. And they are not even a matching pair. Not even sure what I did to "earn" them. So the cold is supposed to arrive here Wednesday night. It is Wednesday Morning at 8:00am that the nurses get to start messing with me and then at 10:00am the doc comes in with the heavy guns. the cold will get here about the same time as I will be walking (SLOWLY) out of the hospital in my PJs and likely in too much discomfort to do anything substantial with that cold air. Hey, On second thought was this a conspiracy against me. Was there a master plan to have me sitting in a recliner trying to recover and just be able to look out the window and wish I could be out in the shed playing with my Snowpercharger and my new 1.21 gigiwatt flux capacitor? :snow:
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