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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. How bad you broke?
  2. With fuses the voltage is the maximum voltage that you can use the fuse for. so your 125V fuse gould be used only for up to 125V, the 250 will just fine at 125 because that is well below the MAX rating of 250. Where you have to watch out is if you get a fuse at most auto shops / stores. they are usually rated at 32V, these should NOT be used in a 120V piece of equipment.
  3. Careful, he might just have a truck load of with him..................
  4. Around here 6 more weeks of winter means an early spring. So if the groundhog sees his shadow, getting 6 more weeks of winter is a good thing. But then since he is wrong 60% of the time it means that we have a lot of winter left to go.
  5. In that pic it looks like the pigtails are part of a cap snapped onto a standard fuse. See if they can be pulled off.
  6. Puc the 3,000lb winch can be used for gently lowering the bike down the ramp also. Prevents the issue of the brakes not holding on the slippery metal ramp. I sure am jealous, I would love to head out on a trip like that. Not to mention all the fun you had building / rebuilding the truck for the trip.
  7. OK lets back up a bit. IF I understood correctly, you have; Cracked the speed bleeder and the caliper did not release. Cracked the banjo at the caliper and the caliper did release. Did you try cracking the banjo at the master to see if the caliper would release? For testing purposes take the speed bleeder out and put a standard bleeder back in. Now if you crack the bleeder will the caliper release? A speed bleeder is a check valve, that check valve has a spring. That spring will allow there to be a small amount of pressure left in the caliper and may not fully release it. Once you go thru these steps you will have at least isolated it down to the caliper, the line or the master. Once you know which component has the issue, it is a lot easier to find the real problem with that component. The tiny hole we all are talking about in the master is so small that it is barely visible to the naked eye. It is only around .010 inch Dia.
  8. Woo Hooo! Always love a good party. Will have to rattle @cowpuc cage and see if we can pry him away from Sam for a couple of hours.
  9. Yes do a lot of checking on the back end of your trailer before even considering a bike lift. A co worker just bought a new RV trailer and mounted a rack for 2 mountain bikes for the kids. His warranty for the frame was voided because 2 kids bicycles and the rack (less than 100 lbs) exceeded the 50 lb maximum weight capacity of the trailer and broke both frame rails about a foot in front of the bumper. Even though the dealer assured him it was ok and the dealer installed the bike rack. Not to mention that 1200 lbs (bike + lift) hung off the back end is going to remove a lot of tongue weight.
  10. Sometimes technology beats the heck out of brute force. Did you try unloading with the winch just for practice while you have help handy? Did you go for a spin around the neighborhood and over some good bumps with the bike tied down back there just to verify all is good for a trip?
  11. You know Puc, just because you are the head of the . That does not put you above the law. :worthless: This violation is gonna cost you a good size pile of hot dogs....... It is never to soon to start spoiling the grand kids.
  12. I mounted my relay under the seat on the right hand side of the bike. They relays are small, they can be stuffed almost anywhere. I added 3 terminal blocks on top of the air cleaner. One is a ground block that grounds direct to the battery negative, One is wired hot to the battery with a 40A MAXI fuse. the third is wired hot to the battery thru a 40A MAXI fuse and a relay so that it is only hot when the ignition is on. This gives me a nice convenient place to hook up lights and accessories to, and never have to worry about stressing the 30 year old OEM wiring or switches on the bike. All of my grounds for add ons are hard wired up to that ground block and never to the 30 year old frame that wants to rust all connections.
  13. Mama you literally just missed him by about 10 seconds.............
  14. Looks good. Sounds like you are having fun. I like the voltmeter except it is saying you have an issue. A fully charged battery should read ~12.6V and if the bike is running, it should read ~14V. 11.8 is a bit low. That could be from playing with the lights a lot and the battery is a bit run down, or a bad connection somewhere.
  15. Houses without basements are very rare around here. I often forget that many other parts of the country basements are a rarity. Under the basement steps is the best place to be unless you have an actual storm shelter. If you have no choice but to be above ground, they say the bathtub is the next best place. Hopefully it is a cast iron one and not plastic.
  16. Here is one of the 2K rattle cans. http://www.eastwood.com/eastwood-s-2k-aerospray-high-gloss-clear.html?fee=7&fep=26897&SRCCODE=PLA00020&product_id=14148Z&adpos=1o2&creative=83580265620&device=c&matchtype=&network=g&gclid=CIqhtaf24tECFRi4wAodRRMD8Q There are other brands and the price varies greatly depending on where you buy from, so do your home work. Because this is a true 2K clear coat, you must use the proper respirator, even outdoors. ALL 2K paints are really bad news for your lungs. Every time I try to paint something outdoors, it never fails, a bug will land in the wet paint and walk across the surface making a mess of tracks, and then die and become part of the final finish.
  17. Our local news did a story on an 60 something year old woman that hid in the bathtub and everything was leveled to the floor. When she looked up out of the tub she was in the woods a long way from where the house was. She just had a couple bumps and bruises. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/capital-weather-gang/wp/2017/01/24/a-woman-flew-through-a-tornado-in-a-bathtub-and-survived/
  18. I do not know what is available for 2nd gen hitches, I made my own hitch for my 1st gen. I would not wire the bike until you get your trailer, some trailers are 5 wire and some are 4 wire. You would hate to do all the wiring work and find out it is wrong, OR have to pass up a great deal on a trailer because it has the wire configuration that you did not do. Most 4 wire trailers are for a flat 4 connector, very few use a round 4. 5 wire is more split between a flat 5 and a round 5 connector. Again it is better to get the trailer and then wire the bike to match.
  19. You will have to get in line to show off your wrinkles.................
  20. I have been using the ABS cement and glass cloth for many years and have not had one repair fail. Tell your wife she does good work.
  21. Ouch! Just some thoughts. It is hard for the front brake to hold on a steep hill. Did you pull in the clutch while rolling back? Leaving the clutch engaged may have added just enough friction to hold it on the ramp. it may help to get some of the adhesive backed no slip stuff to put on the ramp so that you have better traction, especially if it is wet or damp. There is a lot of daylight between the center ramp and the left ramp. I can not tell if they slid apart or if it was just the sag of the center ramp. The center ramp sagged a lot while loading, add some bolts to tie all of the ramps together, and keep them from sliding apart. Another option is to get a small 12V winch with remote control mounted in the front to pull the bike up and to slowly lower it back down for unloading. You are going to have the same issue unloading where the bike wants to run away down the hill.
  22. I had that or something very similar also as a kid. It is scary as an adult and even worse as a kid. The docs said it has nothing at all to do with activity. They gave it a big fancy name that I can not remember. I had one in the middle of a race when I was on the swim team, nearly drown, I had a couple while sound asleep. Sometimes the right side sometimes the left. The docs did say that it is something I would out grow, and I did. All of my episodes were between the age of 10 and 15. Never happened again since. Prayers up for the little one.
  23. I keep learning more and more about less and less. Pretty soon I will know everything there is to know about nothing.
  24. I can see that Cowpuc needs a fresh delivery of SNOW! I wonder if Tip is subscribed to Pucs Youtube channel and already saw it? Puc, be sure to let us know if you survived Tippy finding out, and I hope you put fresh hay in the dog house.
  25. I have had brand new bad plugs in the past from several manufacturers.
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