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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. I hope that 1st ingredient is added after cooking and well away from the stove. Looks interesting.
  2. I do not think that they are touting this thing as an everyday driver for the street. There are not a lot of "real" airplanes that can be bought new for less than $200K. Of course you can get a nice C172, 20-30 years old for around $65K and the rest of that $200K will get a lot of rental car time at your destination airport. But there are some that do not want the service issues that come with a 30 year old aircraft and can afford new toys. A new C172 is around $250K. Yes I still want my very own airplane, but :mo money: It just is not in the budget. I do not know that I could buy something this new AND radical sight unseen even if money was no object. The ad says that the wings are folded and opened electrically, I would sure hate an electrical problem that caused the wings to fold while flying. I do have the plane picked out that I would build someday when I win the lotto.
  3. I can still remember the good old days when it was legal to get a 1lb can of refrigerant and DIY. But WI is the only state where that is no longer legal. You can not even buy the stuff around here without a license anymore. $10,000 fine for each violation. Since AC is supposed to be a sealed system, if it is low on juice there is a leak somewhere, A shop can not legally refill a system unless they have made some kind of repair. The closes thing to a loophole is that adding leak detection dye is concidered legal as a diagnostic aid. So every 3 years when I need a pound added, it gets added with some dye and called close enough. Yes even with all of that dye in there we have looked and the leak is so slow that we can not find it. I was told that the compressor that is in my 96 GMC P/U can have the shaft and seal replaced for around $100, instead of $700 for a new compressor. But it cant be that, it's only 15 years old with a quarter million miles on it.
  4. Maybe a continuous loop around the block.
  5. That is right along the lines that I was thinking of, give them a BIG dose of their own medicine.
  6. OK Yes I want one. Yes I have a drivers license. Yes I have the pilots license. Yes I have access to an airport. No I can't afford one. Dang, one no can trump 4 yeses.
  7. Maybe what it will take is to get a LARGE group of people to protest these bozos. Kind of put the shoe on the other foot. Follow them everywhere and protest their church, after all it is freedom of speech. Burn what ever relic it is that they worship or believe in. It is still freedom of speech. They have set the legal presidents and their own cases should be enough to win any legal battle they may use to try to stop us. Surely there must be some people with enough time and money to turn the tables on these morons. I am sure that enough noise could be made so that these morons are not heard, they have the right to free speech, but do not have the right to be heard. What can we come up with to LEGALLY make their lives miserable, and their demonstrations mute?
  8. Quick, someone call 911 for Dan.
  9. HEY!! I resemble that comment.
  10. I stopped going to the airshow. The last 2 times I went I had my checkbook in hand standing next to an airplane with a for sale sign on it. Both time I escaped with my budget intact but it was close. You think these bikes are expensive............
  11. How about the brake rotors? All 3.
  12. Did someone say mo cupcakes?
  13. Please! Find your pants before entering WI. It depends on which weather you look at. In this case I prefer the weather guess from weather underground. It is only the weather channel that is calling for rain.
  14. Warm and fuzzy inside,,,,,,, would that be mold growing????
  15. In the last 30 years of riding I do not think I have ever had matched tires on a bike. The very few times that I laid down the bike it was never the fault of the tires. This brings up some questions. Did you ride that far on this trip to wear out a tire? Is there some other problem with the bike that caused this tire to wear out? Did you not do a good pretrip inspection to notice that the tire was low on tread?
  16. Jeff I believe that the rear axle nut is 27mm, per the rear tire removal thread in the tech section.
  17. That was my thought also. 4 for 4 on bad tires and or rims from 2 different sources is starting to be a stretch. Just because all of the assembly dimensions are correct does mot mean that the alignment is correct. There can still be a lot of toe in which will still track perfect. A lot of toe out would be squirmy, had one like that once, not fun. Do the simple toe measurement that I posted above and lets go from there.
  18. Meaning extend the center line of the tongue and measure from the C/L out to each hub, should be the same on both sides.
  19. I am not sure on a trailer that small but all of the trailers that I have owned over the years are designed with a little camber in the tires. some get it by putting a slight bend into the axle and some get it by welding the stubs in at an angle. It might be possible that the axle was built 90* out of phase and the camber is now toe in or toe out. It is simple and cheap to check. with the trailer up on jacks, remove both tires. Clamp a straight edge 3 or 4 feet long, centered onto the face of each hub. You can use any thing, a piece of wood, angle iron, what ever is handy, It does not even have to be the same thing on both sides. with your straight edges parallel to the frame, measure across the front and back edges of the straight edges. The front and rear dimensions should be the same. If the dimensions are not the same then the wheels are not both pointed in the same direction. First do the check then we can figure out what to do about it if there is a problem. It took me longer to type this than it would take me to do it. This will help to reduce the amount of guessing we have to do.
  20. Well I guess this decides it, I will have to make my hitch a receiver hitch. Does that tray fit a 1-1/4 receiver?
  21. My local NAPA actually had the filter in stock, so I got 2 to have one on the shelf at a moments notice.
  22. I would love to, but I have to put the stock clutch back in first. Then I have to find one other than the beginner course where I get to ride their Honda 400. My friction zone is so narrow that it is hard to do slow maneuvers and feather the clutch and throttle. Please describe this "hopping over a 2x4" thing. I can not picture 1,000 pounds hopping anywhere.
  23. Is that anything like plugging the TV in before calling the repairman? Just askin.
  24. Some people are just luckier than others. I once burned out a headlight on my bike and got stopped within 1 mile. Burned out a brake light and was stopped within 2 miles. I check the brake and tail lights every time I back into my parking space, so I know it was good when I left the house. I guess I need to live in an area with more real crime so that the LEOs are too busy to mess with my lights. And I'll bet that every one tells them it just burned out.
  25. Every job needs a stuperviser. But I don't know about a pollock stuperviser watching a pollock engineer......... I guess that we will just have to get into a stuper quickly....... Now where is that windshield and 2nd gen gears???????
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