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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. Some guys just have all of the luck.
  2. Mine came yesterday toooo. Looks great. Still haven't figured out what that tea thingy is. I'm thinking that it is just another way to make dirty water. I'll have mine filled with hot chocolate while I venture out into the great white death tomorrow. Thanks again Don.
  3. With the exception of the intake manifold gaskets, my entire cooling system is still original, has always had pink AF, and the AF was only changed once when the manifold gasket blew. Thats 15 years old with over 1/4 million miles. The AF in the radiator still looks like new and still tests as protecting to -40. Now you have me thinking, is my '88 venture "supposed" to have other than the green AF in it? Mine came with the green.
  4. I have a '96 5.7 Vortec and it has done the same fluctuating since I bought it new in '95. In the winter I really like the high spike to help get the windshield cleared quick. The temp always settles out in the same place whether I am pulling a 6000 lb trailer in 100 temp or it is -20 in the winter. It is supposed to have the pink antifreeze in it not the green. FWIW I was told the the pink antifreeze avoids some of the galvanic corrosion of all of the dissimilar metals in the system, the green will let it corrode faster. I do not know if this is really true or not.
  5. :sign yeah that: Getting down should be easy, Just take one step to the left...... It is only the last 6 inches that hurt a little.....
  6. Yup, I'll take snow over fire any day. I can dress for snow and be comfortable. I hope they get it under control soon.
  7. I really like my SpringDay snow remover. Here in WI we get a fair amount of snow and seeing as I live just 3 blocks from Lake Michigan we get some lake effect snow thrown in for good measure. I have not had to remove snow from my driveway in over 20 years, not even what the city plows leave at the end of it. I just wait for some "Spring Day" and it is all gone. And I have not missed a single day of work in my life. We are supposed to get our first measurable snow Friday night into Sat. Only 3-6 inches, but at least that is enough to get out and play a little. LET IT SNOW, LET IT SNOW, LET IT SNOW......
  8. Yup, I average about 6-10 checks a year. I do not even bother with the register anymore, other than to record the checks written and who they went to, I watch my account activity online regularly and just know what is supposed to be in my checking at any given moment. I have my accounr set up that I get an email every time there is a deposit or withdrawal, so that I know instantly if something is amiss. There is one place that I have to send a check to once a year and it takes them almost 2 months to deposit it.
  9. FWIW It does not look like there will be enough interest to put together the group buy. HID Country has a 20% off sale on everything going on till midnight Thursday. Just use the code CYBERMON during checkout or over the phone. That gets the cost pretty close to what the group buy would have been.
  10. Not only do I make sure that my lane is clear, but I also try not to merge in next to a vehicle in the passing lane. You never know when they will make a lane change. As for cell phones, WI starts a new law tomorrow that bans texting while driving with a $20 - $400 fine and 4 points for a first offense and up to $800 for a second. Causing an accident while texting can result in jail time. The original bill called for $100 - $800 for a first offence. In reality, I suspect that the only ones that will ever get tagged will be after the crash.
  11. Flyinfool

    E-85 gas

    Your experience with reduced gas mileage is normal. Ethanol contains roughly half the energy per volume as gasoline. Gasoline burns at at 14 : 1 fuel air mix and ethanol burns at a 7 : 1 fuel air mix. Therefore the higher the ethanol content, the more you have to burn to get the same horsepower to the drive wheels. Actually I am surprised that you lost ONLY 3 MPG.
  12. It has ice cream, it must be good....
  13. Who cares about air, Do you have any idea how many drinks that can hold??
  14. It has been a long time since Dan and I have crossed paths. May have to make a point of it one of these days.
  15. The only way that the site gets stations to put on the map is when someone tells that there is a station with real gas. It is up to the users of the site to keep the info up to date.
  16. I am gonna report this post to the moderator for lack of new to you bike pic content. A very serious offense on this site........
  17. I will be leaving for the MI UP on the 17th till the 28th. We are right on the border so we hunt both MI and WI. I can eat 5-6 deer a year so I am hoping to fill my freezer. We have been known to slide the patio door open and make a loud noise in the middle of a football game.......
  18. Not to mention that if the perp gets busted for something else your property will be identified as stolen and can ramp up the charges on the perp.
  19. I get real ornery when there is someone in my deer stand. I would have to kick his but from here to Chris............. Well, but, he is kinda big, maybe a new plan is in order........
  20. I've already been hunting deep in the woods and my buddy asks if I have change for a $5 bill. Someone forgot TP in his pack. When in need one uses what one has to use.......
  21. If he really did buy it from someone at a fair or on a street corner, then that is for him to convince the police. All that matters to you is getting your stolen property back. Unless of course you buy into his story and feel sory for him and decide to donate YOUR GPS to him. I would keep hounding the detective till you get an answer as to weather the serial number matches the one you had stolen.
  22. You mean that you have not yet learned how to farm ideas? You plant the seed for the idea, then over the next few weeks or even months, sprinkle it with BS, and then original idea will grow and flourish as her idea and then it will be good. This works for bosses to. (or is that being redundant?)
  23. You know that the seller will claim that he bought it at a local flea market or something of that nature. But at least you might get it back if the SerNo matches. That is why no matter how small the incident, get the police report done.
  24. HA! Just as the Mayor promised the tree from he11 is now just a stump that still needs to be ground out. It only took them 3 hours to get it down and cleaned up.
  25. They repeatedly say it uses things that they can not mention because of patent issues. The biggest patent issue is the this is by their own admission a perpetual motion machine and therefore the patent office will not accept their application, because it is against the laws of physics as we understand them today, to have perpetual motion. ALL perpetual motion machines are only able to do one thing well, separate money from suckers.
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