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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. My '88 does the same thing. I have tried riding on the otherside of the road to see if it was the crown, it was not. I have tried adding 20 lbs of weight to one saddle bag or the other, not that either. I have tried intentionally leaning to offset the pull and I have to lean so far that I am almost falling off the bike. It has been like this since I bought it 4 years ago, no unusual tire wear or other issues have showed up. Thinking back, every bike I have owned for the last 20 years has pulled to the left. I just learned to ignore it and not ride no hands.
  2. He doesn't have to catch one, he just lures them into the ditch.
  3. First be sure that something is actually drawing the battery down. If you have a test light, remove the negative battery cable and connect the test light between the cable and the battery terminal. If the light comes on then you have a significant draw on the battery. If the light comes on start pulling fuses one at a time till you find the one that makes the light go out. That is the circuit that has the problem. Don't forget the fuses that you added for extra toys. If the test light does not light up, then replace it with an ammeter to see what if any the draw actually is. It is possible to have a draw that is to small to light the light. If there is no draw on the battery, you either have a bad battery or a charging problem. Dang, Typed to slow again..........
  4. Even though I have not met him yet, I dont think he is that cute...........
  5. No, The Viqueens have not won the SuperBowl yet.........
  6. What kind and diameter solder are you using? For electronics you MUST use only rosin core solder and rosin flux. The acid core stuff from most hardware stores will cause corrosion to the board over time. You want to be using .032 Dia or smaller solder, do NOT try to use the lead free crap, unless you really know what you are doing the lead free is hard to get a good joint. To clean things up get some solder removal braid.
  7. The Tach is triggered off of the #2 cylinder, So if you drop the #2 cylinder it will also drop the tach. It is possible that you have made a bad solder joint and/or damaged the solder pads on the board. It is very hard to get the old diodes out an not do some damage to the board. Look at each of the joints that you soldered with a good magnifying glass (10X) to be sure that the diode is soldered to any circuitry on both sides of the board. Normally there is a connection thru the board from one side to the other if there is a circuit run on both sides of the board, it is very easy to damage that thru hole connection while pulling the old diode out. If the thru hole connection is good and you did your soldering correctly you will be able to see some solder on the component side of the hole. If you can not see that a tiny amount of solder made it thru then you can carefully resolder that connection on both sides of the board. When I did my TCI I found a puddle of water in the inside of the case. Mine is now sealed up water tight and moved to inside of the left faring. where there is a lot less heat and moisture.
  8. Well of course not, it has been thundering and lightening and pouring rain here all morning. Everyone knows you can not lay block if it is pouring rain......somewhere.......
  9. First of all some of the rules here. If there are no pics, it didn't happen. We like to look at pictures on this site. 15 in the front is right near the MAX limit of 17psi, allowable range is 11-17psi. 15 in the rear is right at the bottom limit of 14psi, allowable range is 14-71psi. I am running 15 front since my springs are old and worn, as Dan mentioned, when you convert to progressive springs many people find that zero in the front works best. I run 40 in the rear with the damper set at 2 or 3 (depending on how much junk is in the trunk) and I only ride 1 up. If I run less than that I tend to bottom out a lot. As for getting it up on the center stand, I thought it was impossible, until a 120lb woman showed me the proper technique. Now it just jumps up there when I throw my big fat carcass at it. Welcome to the loony bin.
  10. Hey Earl Very glad your not hurt. It is probably best for the bike that you were on it. Had you already been off and walking away it would have surely fell over on its side and had a lot more damage. Had you already been in the store you may have never known who hit it.
  11. Just how early do you expect him to sober up enough to get there and be able to work. On some days it may be a good thing that he gets there later or not at all.
  12. I'm still trying to figure out where to mount these horns on my bike.
  13. PS If you want to mess around there is a testing area just for that. Go to the forum tab upper left of the tool bar and then scroll to the bottom of the page and the third forum up from the bottom is Testing Area. You can play to your hearts content there, that is what it is for.
  14. Could you upload the pic to your profile here and then link to it in your post to have a big pic in the post? At least this way you do not havve to sign up for some photo hosting site. I am not sure what doing this will do to Freebirds storage system and/or bandwidth. But then from the other hand, in most cases, I prefer when people use the manage attachments for adding pics. I am usually on a fairly slow connection and every time I open a thread with big pics in the thread, I have to sit for a while to wait for all of the big pics to load even if the pics belong to early posts that I no longer need to see. If you used the manage attachments I only have to wait for the thumbnails to load. The one place where big pics in the thread is good is in a step by step how to where you can then have a pic, some describing text, then the next step with pic and text, etc.
  15. Yup, he pretty much sucks. I'll bet I could have got a lot of those cones and got a much higher score...........
  16. Erika finally made it home with her bum foot yesterday. We are hoping to roll thru Caddott on the Friday before and the Tuesday after Labor day on the way to and from Ladysmith.
  17. That is almost as bad as a hornet up the shots leg of a male passenger at 80mph on the interstate. Not my passenger but someone I know personally. He got stung 17 times in places best not mentioned on a PG site, before he could get the driver to stop so he could rip off his shorts right on the side of the road, and then head for the nearest ER.
  18. They run two classes of FLH Harleys, with wind screen as Class I or with fairing as class II, all other bikes are lumped together in class III. Hmmmmmm........... So I guess that you do not need to put the cones closer, you wont get to compete against the Harleys with your 86.
  19. My butt hurts just reading this. At least a couple of those days will be spent doing maintenance, several oil changes, possibly several sets of tires, and who knows what else will jump in there.
  20. That was my thought. The bulbs can be put in bassackwards or not aligned correctly (aka, loose).
  21. Well...... how much would be made could depend on whether they serve Mexican Fried Ice Cream.......
  22. I don't think any bike could pull my P/U truck...... I even had stuff packed in the front and back seats of the cab cuz the 8' box was full to the top.
  23. At least Dan is closer to vertical than the last time I saw him....... That looks like way to much food on the grill. You may need help with that.
  24. I had the same issue with mine. I wet sanded it with 2000 to get rid of all of the scratches and peeling coating and the used several grades of polishing compound to make it clear again. The final polish was with the Honda windshield polish and it is just as clear as new. BUT That coating that you removed is what gave it some scratch resistance, from this day forward you will have to keep some clean soft rags and a bottle of the polish on the bike to use every time you clean the wind shield. With the coating removed I have not found a way to get bugs off without scratching the unprotected plastic. I finally broke down and bought a new windscreen. I am thinking about trying to use a 2 part clear coat, followed by block sanding and polishing, on the old screen. If the clear eats the plastic, no loss. If it works, I think the clear will be more scratch resistant than the bare plastic.
  25. He's just teasing you......... With the heat that we have been having, all I can think is "COME ON SNOW"
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