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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. Your math is off. She had summer over there then came here for summer and got home just in time for summer......... That makes 3 summers in a row with no winter thrown in. Hope you have fun down there. Don't "moose" to many locals, they might not understand.
  2. Hmmmm..... I wonder if that "safe experience" could translate into moving a 3400 lb milling machine out of my basement and into another basement........
  3. This has always been my dream machine to build and fly. http://www.safarihelicopter.com/
  4. But then since you have a 1st gen you do not need chrome. Cuz we all know that if it don't go, chrome it........ ....... someone had to say it.......
  5. I didn't know that Robinson ever sold a kit. Or are you thinking of Rotorway?
  6. You know what happens when you ass u me.......
  7. I have also found out that the seat still can be removed or installed while the backrest is still on the bike.
  8. And here I thought I was being conservative with 15 seconds and allowing time to put it away after it was off.......
  9. If that is what is landing there, it is nowhere near an ultralight. That is a model of a Robinson R22, The real one sells for around a 1/4 million:mo money: before optional add-ons. The R22 weighs about the same as a Venture at 885 lbs. The max weight for an ultralight is 254 lbs. Yes I want one of those also.
  10. Since you did check for power at the generator and tried the reset switches, the other possibility is that after 15 years the age got it instead of the hours. It is possible that there are some corroded connections inside of the generator. Try all of the outlets on the generator to see if there is any sign of life in any of them. If all is dead you can try to take whatever covers you can get off of the generator and check for anything that is obviously broken or corroded. You can check the circuit breakers with an ohm meter to be sure that they are really working. You can check the coils for continuity to see if there is an open. Depending on the design you may be able to diagnose it as fatal or repairable just by poking around with an ohm meter. Beyond that it might just be time for a trip to a repair facility or even an upgrade.
  11. Just toss your oily clothes in the wash with her favorite underthings and I can bet she will stop laughing at you....... :duck: :duck: But then I'll bet it was pretty funny to watch..........
  12. The one that is on my 88 comes on or off in about 15 seconds. I would call that easily.
  13. Thank you for not including a pic of your arse planted on that thing..........
  14. Along this same lines. It was reported on the local news last night where a woman had her purse stolen while out shopping. The theif used the cell phone to text "Hubby" with "I forgot our PIN number for the ATM" Hubby texted the pin back without a thought. By the time the wife got home and told hubby what had happened the bank accounts were empty. Do not use names like Hubby, wifey sweety etc. The same story talked about someone at a football game that had the GPS and garage door opener stolen from the car. The GPS had an entry of "Home" and the garage door opener the door to let them into the house. because the car was at a game they knew exactly how much time they had till the owners came home. The house was nearly empty. Just some more to think about. I have changed the entries in my phone and GPS so that it is not an easy guess as to what they are.
  15. My weekend with the missis just turned out great, the hotdogs were great, the bologna sandwiches were great, I did splurge on a bottle of Mudslide that went into the all gone machine. The time alone together with no sources of outside interruption possible, made for a very romantic weekend regardless of the food served. It is you that supplies the romance, not the food or drink served. If you don't have a friend with a secluded cabin in the woods you can always take all of the batteries out of the cell phones and turn off the main breaker in the house, get a few candles and show her your best charm. At that point the food should not matter.
  16. Sure, and I just spent a long weekend in the UP of MI (which is way up north to me) and I did go out every night to look for lights, except for the night that it was pouring rain, and only saw LOTS of stars and a few meteors.
  17. To heck with aerodynamics, Ifin ya gots enough power anything can fly.
  18. SHOULD being the key word. Should did not work for me, the magnets did.
  19. Do you have the stock seat? My Venture line backrest does not touch the seat. I do not use the pins to hold mine on. It aint going anywhere on its own.
  20. It is quite amazing what a helicopter can legally do as far as where they can land and takeoff. Even if within the controlled airspace of a major airport, they just have to radio in for clearance.
  21. Just hook up a generator to the treadmill so that you have to be walking to generate the power to play computer. As a bonus it will save on the electric bill.
  22. While we are just coming up on 5 years together, this weekend I am going to hide us away in a friends cabin buried deep in the woods of the UP where there is no phone, no cell service, no TV signals, no computers, No cable. But at least there is water, electric and indoor plumbing including a hot tub. Yes there will be some hot dogs served due to it having been a rough year. That is how I plan to make the Hot Dogs romantic.
  23. I just went and looked at all of the vids on that website. I did not see a single accident. Everyone of them was someone showboating. Especially #14 where the driver is doing a wheelie with his girl on the back and she is not dressed for the occasion and gets dumped off the back. How stupid can people get? Yea yea I know, just keep watching the vids and I'm sure it will get even stupider.
  24. That looked like the perfect example of you will go where you look. The turn did not look real severe, it almost looked like the bike intentionally swerved into the car, especially on the following cam. Could it be that he panicked and just stared at the front of the car so that is where the bike went? Or maybe a case of an inexperienced rider that in the heat of the moment turned the bars in the direction that he wanted to go which we all know will make you go the other way? Just thinking out loud and trying to learn from his misfortune.
  25. Cold is a relative thing ya know.... At 65 degrees, Arizonans turn on the heat. People in Minnesota plant gardens. At 60, Californians shiver uncontrollably. People in Minnesota sunbathe. At 50, Italian & English cars won't start. People in Minnesota drive with the windows down.. At 40, Georgians don coats, thermal underwear, gloves, wool hats. People in Minnesota throw on a flannel shirt. At 35, New York landlords finally turn up the heat. People in Minnesota have the last cookout before it gets cold. At 20, People in Miami all die. Minnesotans close their windows. At 0, Californians fly away to Mexico . People in Minnesota get out their winter coats. At 10 below zero, Hollywood disintegrates. The Girl Scouts in Minnesota are selling cookies door to door. At 20 below, Washington DC runs out of hot air. (Ya think? Nah.). People in Minnesota let their dogs sleep indoors. At 30 below, Santa Claus abandons the North Pole. Minnesotans get upset because they can't start the snowmobile. At 40 below, ALL atomic motion stops. People in Minnesota start saying..."Cold enough for ya, eh?" At 50 below, hell gets snow flurries. Minnesota public schools will open 2 hours late. At 60 below, hell freezes over. Minnesota wins the Super Bowl.
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