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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. To heck with aerodynamics, Ifin ya gots enough power anything can fly.
  2. SHOULD being the key word. Should did not work for me, the magnets did.
  3. Do you have the stock seat? My Venture line backrest does not touch the seat. I do not use the pins to hold mine on. It aint going anywhere on its own.
  4. It is quite amazing what a helicopter can legally do as far as where they can land and takeoff. Even if within the controlled airspace of a major airport, they just have to radio in for clearance.
  5. Just hook up a generator to the treadmill so that you have to be walking to generate the power to play computer. As a bonus it will save on the electric bill.
  6. While we are just coming up on 5 years together, this weekend I am going to hide us away in a friends cabin buried deep in the woods of the UP where there is no phone, no cell service, no TV signals, no computers, No cable. But at least there is water, electric and indoor plumbing including a hot tub. Yes there will be some hot dogs served due to it having been a rough year. That is how I plan to make the Hot Dogs romantic.
  7. I just went and looked at all of the vids on that website. I did not see a single accident. Everyone of them was someone showboating. Especially #14 where the driver is doing a wheelie with his girl on the back and she is not dressed for the occasion and gets dumped off the back. How stupid can people get? Yea yea I know, just keep watching the vids and I'm sure it will get even stupider.
  8. That looked like the perfect example of you will go where you look. The turn did not look real severe, it almost looked like the bike intentionally swerved into the car, especially on the following cam. Could it be that he panicked and just stared at the front of the car so that is where the bike went? Or maybe a case of an inexperienced rider that in the heat of the moment turned the bars in the direction that he wanted to go which we all know will make you go the other way? Just thinking out loud and trying to learn from his misfortune.
  9. Cold is a relative thing ya know.... At 65 degrees, Arizonans turn on the heat. People in Minnesota plant gardens. At 60, Californians shiver uncontrollably. People in Minnesota sunbathe. At 50, Italian & English cars won't start. People in Minnesota drive with the windows down.. At 40, Georgians don coats, thermal underwear, gloves, wool hats. People in Minnesota throw on a flannel shirt. At 35, New York landlords finally turn up the heat. People in Minnesota have the last cookout before it gets cold. At 20, People in Miami all die. Minnesotans close their windows. At 0, Californians fly away to Mexico . People in Minnesota get out their winter coats. At 10 below zero, Hollywood disintegrates. The Girl Scouts in Minnesota are selling cookies door to door. At 20 below, Washington DC runs out of hot air. (Ya think? Nah.). People in Minnesota let their dogs sleep indoors. At 30 below, Santa Claus abandons the North Pole. Minnesotans get upset because they can't start the snowmobile. At 40 below, ALL atomic motion stops. People in Minnesota start saying..."Cold enough for ya, eh?" At 50 below, hell gets snow flurries. Minnesota public schools will open 2 hours late. At 60 below, hell freezes over. Minnesota wins the Super Bowl.
  10. You need a more powerful leaf blower. Watch the bushes behind the fence. I think he was running this one at part throttle The "blower" in these two vids can output a little over 500 CFM at about 840 MPH. This will move some leaves. The type in both of these vids is a P70. Data sheet in the attached spreadsheet.
  11. I think it is along the lines of, If you can afford the gun and permits, you would concider the ammo as cheap. I didn't say I was getting one, I just want one........
  12. Dropping the air pressure in both the front and back will lower the bike a lot. But watch out for bumps. It will bottom out easy and can drag going in or out of driveways. There is a minimum amount of air that I need to keep in the shocks to get in and out of my parking area without high centering the bike. The other thing you will have to watch for is the side stand length, If you lower the bike you may need to shorten the side stand, and it will be harder to get up on the center stand. Lowering the seat and also taking some off of the sides to make the seat narrower should also help get your legs to the ground. I'm not saying you should not do the lowering if it makes the bike better for you, just pointing out some things to watch for.
  13. Look at that 90° plastic elbow real close. the caes guard can go up and smack it and spring back to look like it was never there. I did a bunch of grinding on my case guard so that if the bike ever falls to that side there will be more clearance before it gets into the plastic elbow AGAIN. I spent 4 years looking for that hairline intermittent coolant leak in that elbow.
  14. Is the choke stuck full on or hooked up wrong? That is about the RPM I get with full choke.
  15. Nope He says I'm way to old, but most of my grand kids are right in that age group. I guess I'll just have to go buy my own. And a good automatic reloader.
  16. Its not gutsy when it is born of necessity. Some times you just do what you have to do and no I have not dropped it.......YET! The only time it has been down since I owned it was when it was parked and the side stand sunk into the ground even though it was on a 4" Dia Stainless steel plate, The whole plate was driven into the ground.
  17. Not in Wisconsin. One to many wheels for a cycle and not enough protection to be a car. Now if you made this out of your VR / Vmax and kept the single rear wheel...........
  18. Mine has weather stripping between the halves from the factory. It does get old and needs to be replaced occasionally.
  19. i want one.............
  20. What kind of welding equipment do you have available? It is a LONG ride and I doubt I can make it, but one never knows.
  21. Been there, done that, still have the bruises.
  22. Most construction companies are not open on weekends I would expect a voice mail during non business hours. Geeeeezzzzzzzz These retired folks that forget what a weekend means to us working slobs......
  23. I sure hope the "I dropped it" fund is getting a workout with all of the drops I am reading about.
  24. Yup, like Fuzzy said the wiring part is really simple. The controller box is about the size of 2 packs of cancer sticks side by side. You will have to find a place to hide it. If you get a five wire trailer, then you do not "need" a box on the bike but one is still recommended, for isolation. If you get a 4 wire trailer it is real easy to convert it to a 5 wire trailer. Just ask us some questions when you are ready to make the plunge. Well give you all kinds of grief,,,,,,,,,I mean help.
  25. Bob We did, at MD back in June, you mean you didn't clean up enough yet to find it.............? The most effective control mechanism for me was dinner. No dinner till after ALL chores are done, this happened daily. It worked well on my kids to.
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