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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. I have the sign that says "NEVER MIND THE DOG, BEWARE OF THE OWNER" with a pic of the business end of a revolver. And my dog is not an ankle biter.
  2. Can I send you my tax bill?
  3. But do you remember how to use it?
  4. Don't need slippers, I have a foot warmer. She is real cute.
  5. Not me! No one ever accused me of being polite.
  6. SNOW???? I seem to have forgotten what that is here in Wisconsin. Still waiting........... Its 8 deg here now, I'll be sure to send some of this on to the east, I have no problem sharing....
  7. I just went there, empty again. Not even any nudes........
  8. In my younger days I was a life guard at a county pool. I've had one refresher course about 12 years ago. I guess I'm about due for another refresher. Fortunately the worst I have had to deal with was putting in a few stitches while hunting. I have had to stitch hunting buddies, the dog, and even myself.
  9. Flyinfool


    Yup If it don't go, chrome it.
  10. Where's my popcorn........
  11. Also make sure that when you do the running test, that you have everything powered up that would be powered up while riding. It is possible to have so much stuff turned on that the charger can not keep up with the load and the battery will run down while riding. Heated gear, driving and or fog lights,etc all take a lot of power. They can over power the charging system. These bikes do not have a lot of spare power for accessories.
  12. Dohhhh!!!! Here we go again............ Another one bites the dust......... http://www.google.com/imgres?hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=81a&sa=X&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&biw=1421&bih=997&tbm=isch&tbnid=En10Nv4qPI-l7M:&imgrefurl=http://www.sherv.net/popcorn-emoticon-1164.html&docid=bdANH_cx5spwNM&imgurl=http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/eating/popcorn.gif&w=41&h=46&ei=COwyT8S5KcKL0QHnk5HNBw&zoom=1
  13. If you double the volts, you cut the amps in half. Lower amps are easier to deal with.
  14. I still have that old scratched up stock 1st gen OEM windshield that I offered to you to help you design something for us poor 1st geners. In the meantime I had to get a shield from one of your competitors. I would sure like a vented F4 shield on my 1st gen.
  15. You should have never stopped....
  16. That takes all of the challenge out of it. Sometimes it is not the destination but the trip getting there that is the fun part.......
  17. I was explicitly order to not help him eat, they are counting his calorie intake to see if they can stop the feeding tube. There was not much of that pork chop left to share.
  18. we'll let you write the check.............
  19. Well the prayers and well wishes are helping. The nursing home has said that the insurance wants to send dad home on the 16th. The home also said that if they did not think he is ready they can override the insurance and keep him there till he is ready. But on the other side of the coin. In the last 2 weeks he has made great progress. He is able to walk forward backwards and sideways even with obstacles and not holding on to anything for balance. they have him going up and down steps. He is just starting with real food this week, He had a whole pork chop, a definite upgrade from the minced diet he was on. There will be 2 therapists that will bring dad home for a visit tomorrow to see how he interacts with his house and to let us know what changes and modifications we have to do to the house for his return. We are hoping that this all works out.
  20. You can still use an AC motor with a variable frequency drive, and have the ability to change speed with the twist of a knob or push of a button. If you go DC, then you have carbon brushes to contend with. Unless of course you go with a brushless DC motor and controller. If you do go with a brushless DC motor, make sure that you get a sensored motor and not a sensorless type.
  21. You should also be getting NEW valves put in with every tire change.
  22. OOPS!!!
  23. There was the old Honda 400 and 750 automatics. The 750 had about the same performance as a manual 400. I don't know about triking one of them.
  24. NOT THE PIG!!! I hate the PIG. The Doritos dog was good. The Chevy was good. I laughed out loud at the M&M party commercial.
  25. I didn't think there even was a 1901 Dodge Ram, Wouldn't that qualify for antique plates or something.
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