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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. That takes all of the challenge out of it. Sometimes it is not the destination but the trip getting there that is the fun part.......
  2. I was explicitly order to not help him eat, they are counting his calorie intake to see if they can stop the feeding tube. There was not much of that pork chop left to share.
  3. we'll let you write the check.............
  4. Well the prayers and well wishes are helping. The nursing home has said that the insurance wants to send dad home on the 16th. The home also said that if they did not think he is ready they can override the insurance and keep him there till he is ready. But on the other side of the coin. In the last 2 weeks he has made great progress. He is able to walk forward backwards and sideways even with obstacles and not holding on to anything for balance. they have him going up and down steps. He is just starting with real food this week, He had a whole pork chop, a definite upgrade from the minced diet he was on. There will be 2 therapists that will bring dad home for a visit tomorrow to see how he interacts with his house and to let us know what changes and modifications we have to do to the house for his return. We are hoping that this all works out.
  5. You can still use an AC motor with a variable frequency drive, and have the ability to change speed with the twist of a knob or push of a button. If you go DC, then you have carbon brushes to contend with. Unless of course you go with a brushless DC motor and controller. If you do go with a brushless DC motor, make sure that you get a sensored motor and not a sensorless type.
  6. You should also be getting NEW valves put in with every tire change.
  7. OOPS!!!
  8. There was the old Honda 400 and 750 automatics. The 750 had about the same performance as a manual 400. I don't know about triking one of them.
  9. NOT THE PIG!!! I hate the PIG. The Doritos dog was good. The Chevy was good. I laughed out loud at the M&M party commercial.
  10. I didn't think there even was a 1901 Dodge Ram, Wouldn't that qualify for antique plates or something.
  11. I guess I have been extra paranoid since a co worker lost a leg just above the knee when a car ran a stop sign and hit him broadside. In his case ATGATT did not matter much. I watch everything very close and will not hesitate to use my dual BadBoys and/or flip the Hi-beams on and off to make sure they are looking at me. I also now run one gear lower in the city than I used to, for the option of instant acceleration. I need a louder horn(s)..........
  12. My registrations are 2000 Mountaineer - 84 1996 GMC P/U - 100 1988 Venture - free from now on (collector plates) MC trailer - free RV trailer - $12
  13. Nitroplanes is well known for not having great quality. and even worse parts support.
  14. It also seem that he likes Edge blades.......
  15. Sounds like you need to start riding to some of the various MDs. When I replaced my leaking valve cover gaskets I also replaced all 16 of those grommets, they were around $3 each from a stealer that was a nice 50 mile ride away. None of the local stealer's had them. Mine were 24 years old and not leaking.
  16. Hmmmmmm......... I guess you really do have a screw loose............
  17. From the pics it looks like a decent trailer, Maybe not the prettiest, but certainly functional. I already stole some of their good ideas to add to my trailer.
  18. Yup, been there done that. Had those days, weeks, months, years. That's not quite as bad as taking out the plug and not hearing the "crack" of the insulator. Then as you are pulling away from the engine with the plug in the socket, the nut fall out of the socket followed by the ceramic. Yup the ceramic following a straight line, following its removal path and swish, right down the spark plug hole and into the cylinder.....
  19. Nothing to worry about. Heck, you will probably sleep right thru it.
  20. And that folks is why we have choices.. If either method of making the propeller spin was vastly superior in all cases. then the other would be off the market in no time. We have club members that fly both electric and fuel, some are all electric and some are all fuel. We ALL have a blast. The discussions at the flying field are always comparable to 1st vs 2nd gen discussions.
  21. :sign yeah that::sign yeah that: And if you did want to clean then up, I don't think turning would be the answer, you would probably want to grind them. But as thin as they are to begin with, just get new ones to be safe. Going is optional, stopping is not.
  22. I have one electric aircraft left to sell and then everything I have will be back to burning some kind of fuel, either glow, gas or JetA1. Electric is too much work.
  23. Semi auto and revolver each have advantages and disadvantages. I guess that is why you can still buy both. I don't shoot near as much as I used to, I'm down to around 5-600 rounds a year. I used to shoot around 15K rounds a year. That's still good shooting to hit a moving target with a gun that you haven't fired in a long time. Last year deer hunting there was a doe staggering around with an obviously broken leg. The MI DNR would not allow us to put it down. Oh well, I'm sure the wolves or coyotes will find her tasty.
  24. Yes those are all car engines. Being car engines an designed to run thru a gear reduction (transmission) they have very low torque and run at very high RPMs. The cylinder head is also very massive to be able to keep cool under a car body with minimal airflow. The front of an airplane has pretty good airflow and the engines may never get up to a good operating temp. They can be modified for use on an airplane but it would not be efficient to do so. I have a heli that I mounted a car engine in and had to change gearing to get into the correct power band of the motor. The motor had plenty of horsepower but there was no torque available. Net result, it did not work well. But it does look really cool.......
  25. With airplanes balance is everything.
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